GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

is set at 214.20 Thats the only GJ order I have left the rest sold.
I wish I had got more at 211.20 and when it hit 211.01 my order was at 211.00. I didn’t buy DOH. Nor did I hold my long from 211.20 for very long.
I sold it off long ago for a small profit. By my LL will be a bit in the making before it hits but it will.

Not yet but if you can get short into 170 that would be sweet, this is not a recommendation do the analysis if you plan on risking it. But it seems certaon to fall here quick.

From now on I will pay more attention to Sunday open … I can see there is some significant action & with the help of M2P’s charts, it is not that difficult to figure out where price may be going. :wink:

Missed the Euro … unless it retraces, should have checked it when I first checked GY and GC 2 hours ago.

M2P, you might want to try adding a 20,2 Bollinger Band to your chart … I see some extra good information that helps confirm your ma’s. I can give specifics if you like.

I closed my euro shorts and went back to g/c longs. E/J did look good too. Between e/j and g/c both looked about the same but at least I will get +swap with g/c.

I haven’t looked at bollinger bands in a while. I’m am always open to new information that someone would share.

I guess you can say I invented my strat. I didn’t invent ma’s, mt4, forex, etc. But the way I read my charts is something I picked up “invented” on my own.

The only bad thing about IBFX is that you can’t take advantage of Sunday gaps like other brokers because they open an hour later than all the other major brokers. Besides that, they are great.

Go back and look at my g/c chart from when we first began talking about taking that short. Don’t you wish we would have held them?:):):slight_smile:

That’s my biggest problem right now. I have a hard time holding until the official exit back across the 200. Each time I was patient with guppy and didn’t scalp, I made some major bank.

Tag! I got some Daddy duties. I will be back laters.

On my chart I eliminated the 5 and 10 (I only use one chart) and added the BB. Now when the 50/200 position is looking good, I look for two other things … one that the BB’s are not tight (indicating a trading range) and the other, I want price to start “walking” the upper band for a short or the lower one for a long. If you go back and see when G-Y did that, those trades seem to have very high probability of good resolution.
I’m still experimenting, but you’re a genius :slight_smile: :cool:

I think the answer to that is to have multiple positions and let at least one ride to completion. That is how bunnygirl did it, she always opened 4 positions, took profits at +10, +20, +30 and let the last one ride, trailing it with a stop.

As to how long to ride, through retracements and all, I came across something a couple of weeks ago that seems to work like a charm. The explanation is at this blog-site:
4xsystem.blogspot dot com/2007/08/icwr-phenomenon-example-part-1.html

But the key is multiple positions, every time :wink:

I always find myself with a bunch of them all at different prices and have a hard time holding them because often I can scalp them and then buy back at the same price when it retraces down.

Many times I see I could have made major pips on trades, but never was patient enough. Often my shorts were 100% right on, but I couldnt bear holding them and waiting for her to come down.

One of these days I will be able to ‘just wait’, but for now I cant get the hang of that and sell them off quickly for small profits.

I just closed three g/c longs well into profit.:slight_smile:

Price came up and just missed kissing the 200 ema. So that was good enough for me considering I never took any off the top.

As of right now I don’t see any trades worth taking so I will go to sleep and check in the morning.

Now just a few minute later it crossed the top.

Luckily I am at the top of a large hill and will not need an ark but others in the neighborhood may if this keeps up.

Anyways She left me waiting at 211.01 I guess I should have moved that up. to 211.15, I had one to buy at 211.35 I cancelled before bed.

So I am flay GJ, looking to get long again down into 211.20 but I am not sure we will see that again this morning.

The kiwis are at 81.20 so they have all but paid in interest their drawndown.

She is heading north again ATM

i missed the boat i had one at 211.30 but sclaped that at 211.55…waiting for her to come back down now…tempted to go short on her to bring her down…though i been told patience is a key. Hope she doesnt take off without me

we could do with some off that rain over here…damms are at about 17% and water restricitions in place…and it is middle of winter…
where am i?

But she may fool you and dip down only slightly before she takes off.

Now that the feds have stepped up to save the MACS
we are in line for that break out up, but may not see it for a day or two.

I am going to have a hard tiem getting off this hill!

I think if you go short GJ, you cause her to go up!
Thats what happens when I short her, she stops and changes directions!

If only Andrew was here to go short!

I would try to get long again around 211.55 211.35 211.15 210.95 and so on or something like that.

A short is risky here and may leave you whipsawed. I am concerned she may not come down to get me too, my low order is 211.01, not much chance of getting that filled this morning or afternoon it looks like.

Pateince is the key. I scalped my 211.70 for only 10 pips and got flat overnight. Since I am flat I can get in anywhere with a loss leader,
but 212 may be toppy for now and there could be a dip down into 211.55
which is where I would like to get long on my LL.

For all those that have been following me a while, I am going to be giving away, no strings attached 5,000 USD before thanksgiving.
I am not giving this money to anyone who asks me for it. The reason for this gift is simple to help someone in need, and the energizng force encourageing this gift is the generosity of others towards me.

I really don’t need any donations, I need a bigger credit limit, like freddie and fannie! But someone called me the other day and asked if I accepted donations, I said yes I suppose, I dont want to insult someone who wants to give. But I sure don’t solicit donations. The 5K I am giving is for someone who joined p2p. And if I email you, ignoring me obviously will disqualify you.
I am not going to chase someone to give them 5K heh. I will find someone easier to give it to. But I am doing a m2m (member to member) tranfsfer from my p2p acct to theirs, so they can invest it for 60 days and get 13K back. I am also going to require the receiver to promise to give 5K to someone else in need, that is not related.

GJ is jumping up ATM!

Yep, I also got my GC profits around the 200 & went to bed … 15 minutes later she took off like a rocket, but the operative word here is “profits” so I am still pleased. Even more pleased that now I look at those 15’ charts and they are starting to tell me a real story :slight_smile:

And look at our girl guppy go … I agree a test of 212.50 is in sight & should fail, so the next time could be golden.

Rain all night in Annapolis too, didn’t need to water the plants last night, but who knew? It was not predicted.