GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I expect 211.72 to hold as support now. I think anywhere down lower like 211.55 would be a great place to get a LL.

If you are already in, 211.55 is going to be very bottomish if it is able to slide below 211.72.

But for now things are looking pretty bullish on LT MT and ST charts.

It is building I expect GC to retrace down, it cant keep going like that.

But I am not taking any shorts ATM. BUT GJ is heading north for the week leaving me at home!

It took so long I forgot what I was going to say here :slight_smile:
I am flat again I had to sell my 211.75 and am trying to get long at 211.49 now.

I just put a small short on cable. The macs and bank runs are scary right now.

I shorted it earlier and managed to collect some pips, now I am hedging, both long and short at .44 in case it wants to make another break for the 2.00 level (which I don’t think it will reach) before dropping. From what I can see it is really over-extended at the moment.

Mike, email me & I can send you the MT4 template I made for your chart, I added something called the T3 which is a sort of smoothed 8ma, it is an interesting indicator & seems to fit well on the chart instead of the 5 & 10.
4xstar at

my email if anyone needs it:


On their way.

I went long the GC this morning, chicked out and bailed at b/e then watched it shoot up another 30 pips, had a “feeling” I should short it & now it is back down 30 pips. Oh well :smiley:
It did not fit M2P’s criteria so I was not that convinced of its next move, and like our guppy, the GC also has a mind of her own!

Hi 4xStar,

i sent you an email a few days a go - i was wondering if you received it?
Also, you mentioned a lve chat area, where is this please?
thanks, vincent
my email is …muadibwhiting at hotmail dot com:)

do you think this 211.oo is a bottom, she has picked up to of my longs, but my bloody gft live platform just averages my positions…doesnt keep them seperate. ie. i had a long at 211.50 and another at 211.00 so now i just have the one order with two lots at 211.25 which is ****e…going to have to transfer the money to another broker i think

please all stand and hail the junior memeber…trav72…well that was an effort!
still bowing to my superior and senior memebers of course. oh you wise pipologists

gee i went short the aussie dollar about an hour ago and it was sitting at a world record all time high…and just thought thats it for now, people will send her back down…she only enter .97 for the first time ever in her lifetime last firday…and she has blown the sevens and me out of the water…punching on .98…please come down…come US do something,…you guys are crumbling…surely your not that bad…
the number one sport here in australia is austrlian rules football, and all the best athlete play it and are now professional, and their combined wage/contracts of all the footballers annual salary is not even equal or as much as the one man Aussie basketballer in the US Andrew Bogut who recently signed a new contract for some team in the NBA for $76 million…and 1 aussie dollar is nearly equal to one US dollar…come on whats going on over there?..we cant even afford one stealth fighter jet, we still use the ones they mde in the eighties or seventies or something the f18 or something

What is going on with the cable??? Next stop the moon? Good for our guppy though.

The cable is kicking my a$$ right now. I have faith this $hi will retrace.:eek:

Anybody see my thread?

YeeeeeeHaaaaawwwww! Forex is back. Get rich or go broke trying!:smiley:

Oh good, I’m not the only lunatic here :D:D

There was a nice spike at 8.31 GMT where I was able to sell some longs. :slight_smile: It was very short lived. Looked like a program trade from one of the big guys. The same spike that we saw on cable. It was certainly reflected in the dbFX platform and my local broker here in Japan FXonline.

i have seen your thread m2p. looks good. i have been looking forawrd to it. fair bit of info already there…think it is going to be pretty popular… i need a chance to catch up…anyway goodluck

Thank you. It is open now for all. I will not be around until later because I am tired now.

One last post for Elijah before I hit the sack.

[B][I][U]GO GUPPY GO!!![/U][/I][/B]