GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I hope for your sake you are not still short cable. I was thinking short cable yesterday too but didnt dare as I knew she was going to run up like a wild woman.

It looks like it is time to short EU now holy cow!

Not a recommendation! Take your own risks with shorts,
I would much rather buy it at the bottom for the ride back up.

I got missed overnight at 211.01 it hit 211.02 She is really teasing me lately.
I got some good pips overnight.

I am buying all the way down and scalping left and right…I will try to hold some for the move back up into 212.00

Don’t let this small run down fool you. This is good for us! I say buy now
as we are at the bottom. I have one at 210.70 trying to grab one at 210.50 but she wont come pick me up.

I can tell you, if she keeps treating me like this. I am going to have to punch some holes in her tires and gas tank, so when she tries to pull away from me,
spinning her wheels covering me with dirt, she will come to a rest soon after:)
and I will catch her and fix her flats and plug her gas tank.

I am dead set on holding some of these longs. I keep scalping the one off the bottom and banking pips building equity.

Now that I am trading GJ again my account is going up way more per day that sitting holding those NJ.

I guess my savings sitting in p2p are much better off that NJ. NJ moves far too slow but is good interest if you can run it AT 10%-20% of used margin so you can make over 100% interest per year on your WHOLE accountbalance.

Anyways keep grabbing GJ at a better and better value, she will come up
as sure as I am sitting in this chair at this laptop.

Yep we are both short the cable … my average is now 2.0021. When M2P wakes up again we’ll figure out what to do next :smiley:

Now … how did YOU know she was going to run up like a wild woman??

Fantastic call on the EUR/JPY … next time I will listen!

Made very few pips on Guppy … but now she is wayyyy down, so maybe buying some here will pay … I hope!

Getting one at 209.70 if we get there.

As you can imagine I would say GJ will be retracing 100% of this move down.

The time to focus on is now. I will keep buying all the way down into 189’s if I have too :slight_smile: But dont worry it doesnt look like we will even get below 210.00
she seems to be on her way up. And you know the dollar will come back.

We have zillions of jet fighters. And once Obama is in our economy will boom like we have not seen in a dozen years or more.

Don’t be fooled by the news fudd aint got a chance. And if and when Obama picks Hillary for VP, the election will be pretty much over.

In case I havent stated it before I am more of a republican than a democrat.
Ron Paul would have been my first pick for President.

[B]“Always listen to the experts. They’ll tell you what can’t be done and why. Then do it.”[/B]

Robert Heinlein

I guess not … looks like she is finally headed towards Jeb’s short target, the first one, at 207.81. I am the wrong way … now … can I afford to hold??
Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment… :eek:

IKH shows the sun (Guupie) is now below the cloud, so it’s going to rain, and it may rain heavily leaving all longs soaked in red. Question is how wild is this movement going to be.

Jeb predicts a down movement to 207.81, then a retracement to 209.40 then another vall to 206.54. I am hedged now, both long and short, it was the only thing I could think of to do to protect the account.

[/QUOTE]I am hedged now, both long and short, it was the only thing I could think of to do to protect the account.[QUOTE]

I’m also sitting in the bushes :eek: So to say I’m stuck and unable to open any new orders. She has changed her mind for a time being and it’s gonna pull some calls :eek: for now.

There she goes, proving Jeb wrong again…

pakiestra, click on the quote button at bottom right to put previous comments in quotes when you reply … less confusing :wink:

Oh, sorry that’s me being newbie here. Need to learn a lot of bits and bobs here.

Hey my fellow pipsters,
Here I am on vacation, stealing a quick moment while we’re in back at the pad to check in. I haven’t had an opportunity to take in all the posts since Saturday - hope all is well. Some nice volatility on our beloved yen crosses, finally, since the week got underway. Hope some of you caught the dark cloud cover and bearish engulfing patterns (1100 ET, 2000 ET, and 0500 ET this morning) on the Guppy.

Well, gotta run, apparently. I’ll try to check in later on.

Be careful out there. As for me, if I don’t come back: I did not skillfully evade the grizzlies. :smiley:

:eek: Evade!

Stay safe out there … sounds like you may be in Alaska…

Yeah I held my shorts and woke up the wonderful sound of cha ching cha ching.:smiley:

It was my best single day performance to date.:slight_smile:

I rode that spike hump all the way up and back down.

The real killer bears are on the floor, not in the woods.:slight_smile:

I just bought a guppy leader. I wish I could have caught that spike down but I missed it and had my margin tied up in cable.

I think you are missing the concept here. Without faith you could not sit in that chair and have it support you.

Unfortunately we look at the present through the eyes of the past.

Did I buy it all the way down into 209.00? You bet cha Many times I bought at 209.10 :slight_smile: and bagged so many pips it is hard to estimate, but at least a hundred probably.

I am literally overjoyed with my drawn down! Considering how many pips I made already. I am buying next at 210.20 then 209.70 (again for sure I bought several times at this level as well).

Drawndown is like money in the bank. IF you can foreclose my rental houses you got me, if the people dont pay the rent and I have to pay the mortage myself, I will, you dont got me. So be assured, as sure as she rose up from 209 to 210.20’s she will rise back to 211.50’s then 212.15/20 212.50

Mark my words, the sun may go down but it always comes back up the next day. And when the sun is blocked by overcast clouds do not think for a minute that the sun is NOT there :slight_smile: