GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

A little retrace coming now but 209.50 is wishful thinking.
I doub it gets anywhere near there. If you arent already on the bus, you missed it.

I donā€™t know if we will get another retrace either. That is why I already picked up my leader.

I am on the bus.:smiley:

got one at 210.20, I havent had this much excitment in a while!

now 209.70 then she can go shopping in toronto

Yeah but I have to keep my camel tied since I only have one little camel (account) and no way of replacing it if it blows :smiley:
Between long and short I managed to stay at b/e maybe made a few pips.
In the meantime, in demo account where I have tons of cash, I just kept buying every dip, selling every move up, even 8 pipsā€¦ cashed out another $25k in that account. I never short there, just follow the rules. When my real account is big enough (in proportion it would have to be $5k trading micros to match the $500k trading full lots in the demo account) then maybe I can trade that way without fear of messing up and being knocked out of the game.

I have failth but have been knocked down enough in life that I just have to stay practical as well :wink: At least until account is built to a better level.
Soon :slight_smile:

Here I am at 209.70 come get me!!!

I guess that depends, but no sense playing if you cant get all the way in.
I put in another $100 and am playing both NJ and GJ.

NJ does nothing I just hold my 20 1K lots.
GJ though wow I made some pips today. Yes I have drawdown of 900 or so pips, but at this rate my drawndown will be banked pips before the month is over even if it goes sideways from here.

Yes I hit 13% once today with 9 1k GJ and 20 1kNJ
when we were down at 209.00ish. The GJ really is king.

Iā€™m still following every reply on this threadā€¦ I havenā€™t had the heart to comment too much cause Iā€™ve been held out from buying anything since the end of last month due to marginā€¦ Iā€™m still waiting for it to get back to 213 so I can sell mine to be able to buy more. I always heard ā€œstick to the rules of your systemā€ so Iā€™m testing that till Iā€™m blue in the face by not buying more and scalping. Interest is piling up but itā€™s not near caught up with how much sheā€™s moved down. Just keep holding? Or hedge like 4xstar and short as well?

$5k for a micro acct not enough even at 400:1? Ok that explains a lot of things ā€¦ now I see why you can do what you doā€¦ the same reason I can do it in my demo account.

Well if I stop making stupid mistakes I may have $5k by Christmas ā€¦ we shall see :smiley: In the meantime I will have to do a ā€˜modified guppyā€™ strategy & probably best not to trade her at all while she is bouncing in this TR ā€¦ it is magnificent for scalping but ya gotta have the reserves.
Iā€™m having pretty good luck with the G-C, especially going short ā€¦ and once I get the hang of M2Pā€™s strategy, that should help build the pip pipeline.

Haught007, just saw your post via email: maybe short the G-C, thatā€™s what I am doing & getting pretty good results ā€¦ check out M2Pā€™s thread for a terrific chart setup to identify these shorts & longs.

But if you are tied up at 213 how coudl that be?
Your Loos leader should have been at one price even 213 and the rest should be spaced going down generously especially at the top.

This is why demo first is critical. With a good run down like we had today
you can make a fortune. I never had more than 10 GJ 1klots spread from
211.75 down to 209.10 I didnt get one below that as I ran out of orders and my next one down after that may have been like 208.60/70ish.

You shouldnt have a few large orders up around 213 or you missed the whole idea to this.

Go back and read andrews summary it pretty much sums it up, then if you are unlcear ask questions we are here.

I have maybe 1000 pips in GJ drawdown, but this is like money in the bank.
She is obligated to come back up to 213 and complete the cycle.

The market runs in cycles despite what anyone cares to admit or define exactly how. In any even it for me is indisputable that the market runs in cyclesā€¦everything doesā€¦the Sunā€¦the moonā€¦the starsā€¦the plantsā€¦the animalsā€¦the humansā€¦everything. GJ will come back up and she is going to come back up so fast it will surely spin some heads.

In any event you should NOT have blown all your margin on the first firgure (100 pips). Multiple positions are a key but they must be spaced out wider if you have very limited margin. Maybe you are playing with too big lot sizes.

with a 5K account at 400:1 I would use 5K lots NOT 10K and would be careful to closely watch my margin useage.


Well, sorry for being a nuisance. If we talk abouit cycles. I know ellioticians are not very smart people cause they change their minds if the proce doesnā€™t match the wave count. But still, I have just browsed this on analyst arena and just wander whether this can be true-we have to wait and see, tomorrow for the price action. Whatā€™s your views ???


Canā€™t see your picture, it doesnā€™t blow up. But it is probably like what Jeb is saying in the G-Y technical analysis thread ā€¦ he has been calling for weeks for a run down to the 207ā€™s, another analyst I know says if she breaks 207 she will head for the 190ā€™s.
Opposing all that we have our Rrram ā€¦ who BELIEVES in her!
And so far, he has been right ā€¦ the others keep re-drawing their lines :smiley:

213.40 - was the top of the corrective wave 4 and we are going down at least below 200 if its true.
Yep, Iā€™ve noticed the problem with pictures here. One can try one trick, put the cursor on the picture, right mouse click on it and select the option open in separate Tab or window- it works with all pictures which donā€™t blow up.
I would love to see others re-drawing their lines any myself being wrong again.
I need more faith in her.:smiley:

But I agree with the concept. And I do a similar thing in my mind when I look at charts.

I can tell you oil took a beating today didnt it?

And bernake running his mouth has bleesed us with a run down.
My money is betting by week end we will be back up into 212.

You are no nuisance at all. A woman changes her mind all the time.
You would do well to listen to a wise woman EVEN if she changes her mind frequently, BY being able to change ones mind which is typically easier for a woman than a man, a woman is ā€˜smarterā€™ or ā€˜quickerā€™ or more advanced intellectually because of this trait.

Being able to contantly reevaluate and reaffirm your judgement system on the fly is an invaluable tool. I have finally mastered this ā€“ changing my mind
ā€“ when it needs to be changed. I more think of it as a transformation.

The elliots, today made record pips. I had a below average day due to margin restrictions, but considering I never went over 10 lots that is
a good small amount. Normally over 2-3 hundred pip run down I will have way more than 10 lots.

I hate to say it as a natural dollar bear, that that SOB is coming back.
You can count on EUR/USD falling much further. UJ will go up for certain in the ST. A restest of trendline support down there failed and is not in order.

We appreciate your contributions to the threadā€¦thanks!

I dont think of it that way. I bank pips thats what I do. I dont care if it is 1 pip or 100 pips. Thing with ellioot is you have the same thing with andrews pitchfork, it can be this or that.

Forget about trying to identify what it is. or tag it. I donā€™t.
I sort of box her in see. I get in on some drawdown, buy her all the way down. I had bought at 209.10 every time price hit that point I replaced my order that I just scalped. Thanks for the image click trick.

I see your image and it COULD go either way :slight_smile:
But I am telling you which way it is going. it is recovering from 209.00 which is a solid base. I am sorry I didnt buy more lots at that price but my rules dont allow that. It is also recovering from 192 from 3/17. She could go down. But she has already gone down. she is on the way back up now,
however indirectly. At this price GBP is a good value :slight_smile:
the NJ is much more stable than anything out there so it is turning out to be boring and cluttering my trading platform.

I always draw more long lines than short ones. Since she likes to follow my lines to see where I am going, I like to boost her up a little sometimes.
goosing her every now and then always helps.

[B]ā€œWe learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.ā€[/B]

Samuel Smiles

If I were an American there is only one person I would vote for who can really see whats going on and that is Michael Moore! He is a guy who would make some changes for the better.:wink:

Came in from the backcountry after laying down a few miles mountaineering to some remote waterfalls that are very swollen because of the heavy rains and probably still some late-season snowpack. We also had a chance to break our newer 4x4 in on some trails. Tomorrow we may head out before daybreak to summit a smaller peak; but thatā€™s about as rigorous as itā€™s going to get for this trip, unfortunately. :frowning:

Iā€™m going to side with Elijah on tonight and put my money on long. Reversed my last 1/2 on the Guppy @ 209.58, adding 1/2 back on to go along. The 1800 ET candle is forming a piercing pattern against the 1500 ET candle that looks forward to more upside on the Guppy. EUR/JPY is setting up a bullish engulfing pattern, with the 1800 candle consuming 1200 ET, as well as 1500 if we get a close above 166.87. The other Yen crosses I watch (CAD, AUD, CHF, USD) all tightly correlated to the move, though the follow-through volatility will vary on each. GBP/CHF is along for the ride, as well @ +66. :wink:

Time for supper. Maybe Iā€™ll have some of the Guppy I caught earlier today. I like the fishes because theyā€™re so delicious!

Iā€™ve still got some drawdown but am still making good pips in this 210.00 range. It is about time the EJ turned around. I just dont have time to follow too much. Well thats not it. I really only have an interest in trading GJ.
I dont want something that is neg swap. AJ looks like it moves much more than NJ I have overlayed them and several others.

The 4 hour on the GJ looks like it has headed up from its bottom and should continue up overnight. I am still waiting to get my 4x4. The truck 4x4 calls onstar and deploys service airbag when I go down the hill from my house :slight_smile:
so I have to go slowly. Iā€™ve still only paid for half of the little 400 4x4 I got, so I dont have it yet. I requested 1420.00 from p2p and expect to recieve it my bank account in 3 weeks or so. and I got my second loan from the loan club so I am ahead of them as well :). But GJ still has me on several thousands from 3/17. The way I figure it she owes me. She will pay me back. And now that I think of it she owes me from some shorts on the run up to 251 where she constantly defyed me like a wicked stepchild.
Until things open up here I dont have alot of funds to tie up in forex.
And NJ has me sitting still with 20 1K lots making good interest but meaningless really. NJ moves slower than my dads 2 legged dog.
So I only have 9 GJ 1k lots to play with and that is going over my acceptable margin level useage but NJ doesnā€™t want to sink down for nothing. All day it was rock solid while Ben jacked his jaw.

Anyways relax and enjoy your time away.

Did she come to Mama ā€¦or what??