GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Hi rrram2. I have no idea if I am “on the bus” or even near the terminal, but I have several trades on a demo account. I am having such a good time with this I can’t believe my “good fortune”(I hope). I do have a question though. What would be a minimum amount to open an account for starting off trading micros? Thank you for all your efforts here.


Well I had a trading plan, but then cancelled the plan because even Andrew seemed to have a bias towards long. So I closed my shorts last night at 209.90, took a slight loss … and … voila’ … she went right down to what was my original exit target at 209!!
I guess that’s what they mean by ‘always have a trading plan and stick to it’, newbies bounce around changing horses mid-stream :smiley:

She is definitely weak now, there will be another bounce, but I now think that Jeb’s predictions may finally come true… of course all that means is she will eventually be at a point where the boat can be loaded up and many pips to be made as she comes roaring back. But she could see the 205’s before that happens. We shall see.

My plan now, since I went long last night and am underwater once again, is to get out flat on any bounce and then I will not trade her again until she has either hit a bottom or done one of her infamous reversals and is well past 212.50. She can handle a 500 pip trading range, but I cannot :eek:


IKH daily analysis doesn’t look very promising. As for now the upper margin of the cloud (Senoku Span A) serves as a last line of defence but is getting thinner. The first trench (Senoku Span A) at 208.37 (not much left then) until bottom of the cloud 206.28. If this fails -then she plungs into abyss. Lets hope that the cloud (which is up) will provide some support.
I don’t have that amount of money available to feed fat cats at broker’s office :frowning: One will need a cover for at least another 300-400 pips.
Besides on cnadlestick two black crows are waiting for a third long mate.
Probably must get worse before it gets better. Gosh, I’ve lost my hope for now.

She should bounce one more time, even Jeb sees a bounce back to 209.40ish before the Big Fall. I would say longs get out on any bounce, unless you have enough account to weather the downside. In my demo account, I should be ok, this will be an interesting experiment…

All yen crosses are looking the same … but … Intel has good news and the market may jump on any excuse to rally so that may provide at least a short term pop in the yen pairs.

pakiestra, could you also paste your IKH comments in the IKH thread? Under Swing Trading. Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve just posted it. Thank you. I also hope for some spin in stocks today -only to get out of the longs with badly bruised knees as in current situation (low volumes, stocks now in official bear market, no good news fro financial markets, low risk apetite) I can’t see Her flying high for a time being.

Looks like your worst fears are being realized …
I just closed my longs and am now short … too late, but at least have stopped the bleeding.

i am sinking like a stone. i think i have got to many to high …TMTH!!! arrgghhh… i am batoning down the hatches…where is the bottome of the ocean…kind of fun…what goes down…what goes downnngoes down dddooowwwnn…yeeehaw

actually not TMTH… just many many nicely spaced all the way down

and i thought all the big chiefs were on holiday

All on 4 HRS chart (quite handy for medium term analysis with IKH) Well, it’s not a prophecy it’s just power of Japanese clouds. The medium selling signal (Tenkan sen line crossing Kijun sen) was generated
within descending cloud -it’s sort of medium strenght but the cloud was descending so it adds an extra boost I’m afraid. The second !!! most important STRONG selling signal has been generated under the cloud, then price has broken uptrend line.
On the daily chart we need third black/crow. As long as the prcie stays under the cloud direction is south I’m afraid. The question is how many trial and real accounts gonna implode before then. :eek:
Time for future as She likes crazy rides, resistance now comes first as Tenkan line at 210.00 then bottom of the cloud 211.20 (the cloud is thin anyway) see what happens.

I didn’t mention fundamentals on top of it. Hope my hands are not gonna be smacked hard by rrram’s when he comes back.
All umbrellas open ? :eek:

That UK employment number really hurt us. That is the worst claimany change in over 10 years I think, going all the way back to june of 92 or something when it was worse.

Needless to say, I kept buying and my last 3 orders are at 208.20 209.08 and 210.20, still sclaped one arund 430. Considering I have 20 1K NJ lots, these 10GJ 1k LOTS are testing me at 16.41% used margin.

See this is how it goes before a fall. YOu go from 4 to 8 then to 16%. I really need to stop buying or put more money in in case we really have a run down and I lose all my whole acoount or 80% of it, which is all profit.

But that pofit thing doesnt matter. My brother says it all your money and if you win it in the mrket or at poker it is your money and it is the same thing as losing ANY of your money he says. MY dad feels that losing profits isnt as bad as losing 'his" money. FOr me losing profits is the same or worse than losing your money. As I worked hard for my profits and in this case I earned all those dollars one pip at a time sometimes in a micro account.

I feel asleep after the 430 news, and SHE DROVE THE CAR SOUTH instead of going to toronto. Now I am stuck with her and will have to ride with her.
I am glad she hates going to mexico, so that shouldn’t happen. I think her sister is in Nashville of soemthing and she ran down there because she KNEW she could do whatever she wanted after I fell asleep in her hummer. I think she slipped me a mickey as I would not have been awake and allowed this detour down to 208 @&#!@&$^&!@!

using micro lots .10 cents per pip. I started this last account with 250.00
and my old balance of $40 then I added 300.000 to brong me up higher as I couldnt trade as ,many lots as I wanted.

250 will work but you have to space down in bigger spaces from the top say 50 pips or even 100 down from your loss leader for the next order.

My ratio is screded up, as I she was going to 209.50 again possibly,
so my last 3 are 100 pips arart which would point too TMTH above even if there is 7 more spread of 200 pips.

This is what we talked about before, how after you think you are at the bottom she pulls the rug out, again and again.

Let EVERY man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I am confident she will come back up by week end, but if the news keeps coming for GB worse than its been in many years it may be another detour.

But I will go down with the ship if need be, and collect interest. Those 20 1K NJ LOTS, are using less margin and drawdown than my 10 1k GJ lots.

We are in for a good learning here ont his run down. It would be interesting to see if 4xstar got tmth in his demo acct./

man i am worried she is coming down here to pick me up…if she does…then by the time she gets here then i wont be…doesnt matter how long or quick she takes…hey you can leave me at the bus stop!!! thats ok…this time…
i got some friends further on back uo the road who would love getting close with you

i fear for pipsquito!..he may of sunk…he had some longs up at 213…from way before

After rubbing my eyes and sucking on some coffee
I see SHE has pushed hoards of folks UNDER the bus.
So Sometimes it can be good to stay away from the terminal as in this case many who tried to catch the bus ended up under the bus.

830 I expect to be better than expected but not by much,
keep in mind this core cpi number is manipulated and often is meaningless,
where it gets meaning is from all those who believe in that BS report, becuase as they react it makes the report valid even if it is pure BS.

Depsite what the circus show (ben and hen) aka B&H
showed up and said.

humans are the most adaptive beings in existance, some think the rat and the roach are ahead of us.

It is time for me to get some R&R HERE soon. But I wanted to go to toronto this morning not tenessee, she is wearing her ipod and bluetooth and is ignoring me until she has had 4 pots of coffee. She gave me a mean look this morning when I first woke up and she KEPT driving south. Once that coffee hits her, we may get back to toronto today after all, But I think for now she may be a little punch drunk after driving all night. So for a bit here it looks like we will be bouncing off stop signs. Make sure your belts are on, keeps your hands and feet inside the bus, and dont try to buy anything WHILE the bus is moving.

I sold my 208.20 for 14 pips ARG just now. MY charting software is messed us. It is like driving blind (@&E(#@^&#@&*$ I need to figure out where to place my next order, either at 208.40 (NOW) or wait for a retrace down to 208.00 or in there. I CNAT SEE MY CHARTS ()#&R@)(#$&#$

UJ has fallen below critical support at 104. But it looks like we are back above it now and GJ is speeding, the coffee is kicking in!

good morning all… so i decided to wait and see what she did overnight before i hedged my tmth… wow. i’m at 50% drawdown in unrealized. i’m gonna risk it and buy some here at 208 to try to gain some back scalping. hope and pray she’s done roadtripping at 208. if not, i’ll close the new ones for what profit i can get and then flip and hedge. trying not to slip into the revenge trading mode!

As each day is a new day, the Sun rises and sets.

I guess the battlefield is in our minds, I have already won the battle.
I have sent telepathic messages saturating her brain this morning, that I cannot be bothered by her shinanigans, next time she wants to go to tennessee I need to know about it, not this wait until I fall asleep int he truck and take off.

When we get back home, I may need to take her behind the wood shed and give her a good spanking LOL!

Exactly…and thats why volatility is high and the indians can manipulate the market…I love it like this.

It is like this. Within the seed is contained the entrie DNA and the completed tree. If you dont see the tree, no matter, it is in there.

This drawndown is like money in the bank. You NEED to big drawndown to make the big pips on the way back up.

I left an order to get long at 208.08 instead of rebuying at 208.20

So I have notified her to see if she will come get me, but she is a little crabby today, so she may head north to spite me…I hate to trick her like this, but as you know she has her own mind and she changes it often.

Make a note when the cheifs are on holiday often the market makes wide swings as volatility is at peak highs sometimes.


Whats the general consensus?

Its suppassed the daily trend up, I make the weekly trend up to be around the 208 mark.

With the next 23.60% weekly resistance around the 206.40.

Do you thing thats probable?