GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I think she did this to make Andrew mad (wrong). But she bounced again off the bottom. I didnt get filled at 208.08 I cancelled it :slight_smile:
I just am not feeling good about sitting at 15.25% margin. I bouhgt a NJ at 80.25 instead. I know I can scalp that later today for maybe 70 pips.

I am eager to collect triple interest today, then I need to scalp some of these GJ’s.

[B]It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer."[/B]

Albert Einstein

That resistance matches bottom of the cloud (Senoku Span B) which usually provides decent support and should stop the bus somewhere at the south texas border. That would match the 3 rd black crow from there on she may decide to go north and then we’ll soon know what is her plan.:confused:

YOU are the one who made her go south! You sold your shorts so she went south to make you look silly. I can imagine what Andrew is going to tell you :slight_smile:

She isn’t weak she has renewed steength, better get in at 208.50 while you have the chance.

You know I am going to get to the point soon where I am just going to give money away to people who she embarrases and tries to run over with her hummer that I like to call a bus. Often when she heads north people jump on and grab her bumbers and she drags them doesnt even boother to stop.

Is she inconsiderate? I refuse to answer that as she is already bucking
but seems to be on the highway headed north again, more coffee and a little patience.

WHen this is all over you can look back on it and you will wonder why you bailed. Hind site is 20/20 but foresight can be 20/20 too if you allow it and dont allow your mind to insert those so inconvienient ‘BUTS’!

And look at all the fools she is dragging on her bumPer, you cannot hold onto the bumPer all the way back to 212.00!

She is a wild driver and she just went 80 pipsin 15 minutes?
I cant see my charts (&#$)(#@$&*!!!

the bottom is over for now. And even if it isnt this is the scalping time.
If you exclude yoruself from scalping in range while holding higher longs you are missing your best pips.

We will not see a run down to 205 or 204, but if we do I will be buying all the way there. Just as it came from 204 before and topped at 213 she WILL be back I gaurantee it.

Like Scotty used to say I know where she is going I just dont know when.
She is going north to 212.60 is the fib level but with the new overnight lows I may need to draw some new fibs once I get the bloody charts working again

If you can hold on, you will make it through, it is going back up.
What is key now is not to sell yourself out too short on selling on the way up.
I often sell for too cheap when she is going up fast.
I need to learn more patience when trading myself.

I know there is hope somwhere there in the cloud. So far she has bounced from upper cloud margin 208.01 quite nicely, she may take us for a ride to toronto who knows. I will wait for her bus at the stop somewhere in Oklahoma :wink:

I dont think she will even get back to 208.00 at this point.

Good call HAUGHT if you got some at 208.00 ish you could have made some good pips on that one. I did. But now my low one is at 209.08 and GJ is like
208.66 now.

The cpi was good for USD and crosses eh?

And Trav she may be going down there to drop you off!
Please tell her you DONT want to be dropped off below 208 you want to go to 213.

Pipsquito should be OK he knows better than to get TMTH.
He knows the fury of her fast downward fury. If everyone made it past 208 I think you are safe now, but it is critical to be able to have one lot to scalp with.

And if you are going to hedge isnt it better to just reverse? Close out the long and go south? But then you rsk being whipsawwed. That is how she works. She whipsaws the masses on a regular basis.

…she is giving everyone who was too far under with longs a chance to get out … but I do not think she is headed to Toronto just yet. There will be one final trip to Florida, probably Tampa Bay and then she will head up the 95, probably non stop.

That is my reading of the situation … and it is based mostly on Jeb’s analysis and a bit on what a couple of other analysts have said. I can’t wait to find out who is right … the ANALysts or her boyfriend, Elijah :wink:

Since I cannot top up my account when I need to, I cannot just buy down to the 205’s if she goes there, I have to ride her both ways and grab what pips are offered until I get to a place where I can set aside an account only for her & just buy, buy, buy & sell sell sell into profit :-)) I get now how it works, but you have to have enough funding, at the moment I am trying to put together an Excel spreadsheet where you can input values and see just how much drawdown an account of different sizes can take. When I get it right, I will post it to help those who want to trade this way & need to know how much funding is required.

I’ve just been holding out waiting on her to get back to 213 instead of scalping the whole while. I’ve decided I’m gonna have to bend the rules on my margin limit and use one more lot if I’m going to come out alive. I DID catch about 50 pips of that big jump from 208. Probably dumb but I used about 10% of my account and jumped in cause I was pretty sure of the bottom. Live to fight another day! The 1 hr TF is looking bullish so today should be a good day for us! I’m expecting stocks to be up and so we’ll gain some strength off that.

[B]“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”[/B]

Thomas Edison

But in reality you are not in trouble until it hits 100 then its game over.
Once you get past 50% margin useage that is still ONLY half way there.

I am overly cuatious on GJ because of the big run down she did to me on 3/17, I am farmiliar with her downward fury. Things are looking good for the upsaid for GJ. Lots of positive facotrs should pull UJ and GJ and yen crosses up. The 830 news was good for GJ, So I am still very bullish.
It looks like we are staying above the cloud. I think we have good support at 208.00 and resistance on the wayy up will become support each leg she jumps back up.

She rarely runs back up as fast as she runs down. She drops like a rock when she drops. I expect a slow meandering back up the res tof the week.
Ben could knock us for a loop later when he opens his mouth in the senate or whereever he is going to tell us lies.

Well, you can’t be right all the time; and I shouldn’t have gone to bed quite as early as I did last night. I was reasonably sure 208.94-209.34 would hold (there was a lively discussion surrounding that level in late May, probably 100 pages back now), but it turns out not. Not so bad, though; I never added a second 1/2, and the stop was just below 208.94.

The top-down Tenkan-Kijun cross from yesterday in the low 211s (on 3H) had me wondering if there might not be more extended downside. The 1D also had this cross on yesterday’s candle, a price-Kijun top-down cross, and a move of price below the Chikou’s level: all bearish. The shaft of light piercing the gathering clouds there is that price remains above a relatively thick kumo, the bottom of which lies just below 206 until the end of the month. That said, not a bad idea to be short at this point, and I admit I should’ve held my short swing trade into today rather than taking profit on the second half where I did - not because it’s bad to take profit; but because two charts I analyze contradicted that decision, while one supported it. Anyway, I’d go into more of this here, but we could carry on the discussion further in the IKH thread (I’ll be posting more there when we get back).

It’s good to see those new to practicing this method going through a more substantial drawdown. Drops of several hundreds pips over a few days is relatively calm for the Guppy when it’s in season. If this drop evolved into a return sub-200, would you be ready, both psychologically and in terms of margin management?

Off to a late start this morning, as it turns out; but now we’re off.

My used margin is below 12.5 now…which is nice… I scalaped a NJ,
and am just waiting it out now.

She is coming on strong I think but havent been able to get my charts working :frowning:

She is not going to mexico and if she tries I will blow out her hummer tires with my shotgun :slight_smile:

She cannot get to mexico with flat tires!

The dollar is coming back like I said.

I would not be short USD now.

You can count on EU continueing to fall and GU will fall and UJ will soar back up.

Good morning to all. I was up into the wee hours this morning and scalped 226 pips on my demo. Only micro but until now most of trades would have been s/l not t/p. I just wish I knew what I was doing.:smiley: I am almost afraid of that possibility however, because when I think I have a clue I am often proven wrong.:smiley: Anyway, sign me up for the trip. I am too new to provide any insight but I would love to go along for the ride.


209.60 is the fib 76.4% on the move down from the last good high at 211.90

I suspect hard support at the fib 100.0% from the old low of 208.89.

I have an order to get long at 208.50 I need to raise up to 209.00 I think.
I doubt we can get back to 208.50 there is tremendous upward pressure.

My dad made a killing literally scalping yesterday. Nothing like scalping for 2 to 5 hundred at a pop, when you have hundreds of thousands in your account.

Maybe I will get there at some point in my life but I have so many other things going on that are more important, my wife, kids, & animals. But I have to feed them so trading is all good :slight_smile: But they dont eat that much so no point in taking more than I need or am able to share with others.

Take a look, I think we are strongly heading back up LT so some dips are good for scalping.

You should be able to see the image if you use that trick.