GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I am buying down here around 209.20, it was a good level before.
209.00 is even better. If it breaks below 208.89 we could retest the 208

207.74 is fib 138.2% on the move down from 211.90. 210.04 is 61.8%

I finally got around to checking my pip count from last month. I made 3911 banked pips, with 2 negative trades both caused by finger problems. You asked Rrram to rate the system and I must say once you have grasped the concept, I would rate it at 90/100. The whole secret is good sound margin management. My spreadsheet worked out that I could go down to 188 on this recent drop so I think I am doing something right!!!. What an awesome ride down and I really loaded up in the 209 area and bagged pips.

Ok, over the past hour I have T/P about 245 pips and as it turned down again for a time, I have been buying once again. Is this right or wrong?

[B]ā€œLittle strokes fell big oaks.ā€[/B]

Benjamin Franklin

Scalped that one from 209.23, trying to get another at 209.05
margin is better now at 10.4% used margin. I did put $100 mor ein my account a few days ago when I started trading GJ to help hold those NJā€™s.

I should have got a separate sub account for GJ and kept NJ on its own account!

Thatā€™s what I do in my demo account where I have plenty of money. I started with $500k and have done nothing but buy the dips, no matter where she is trading. I have 4 loss leaders at 213+, each one so far has collected over $2k in interest.
My $500 k account, after 6 weeks is at $780,633.00.
I only trade the guppy and only go long.
I still need to figure out how to calculate how much drawdown I would be able to endure in that account ā€¦ the way they calculate margin is very confusing. they say my margin level now is 373%, I have NO idea what that means! I am using $159k in margin and have $434k free margin ā€¦ those numbers are meaningless to me. In my FX Solutions account, it is very clear just how much margin is being used.

Anyway ā€¦ the key to this system is having enough money so you can ā€¦ casually ā€¦ just keep buying dips and taking profits after 10-100 pips, over & over. If you happen to buy too high and she starts back down (like the ones I got over 213) you just let them ride and collect the interest. Each trade I open is set for 5 full lots so 4 positions = 20 lots at 213+
My next highest are a couple at 211.50, the rest have been closed out and now I just buy & scalp down in these 208=209 levels.
Easiest thing Iā€™ve ever done.
But I calculate one needs $10k in a micro account ā€¦ I think you could easily double it every 3 months. And that is conservative.

Donā€™t worry about being confused ā€¦ Iā€™ve been here on this thread for just under 2 months and I think it was only today that I fully ā€˜gotā€™ it ā€¦ like a veil lifted and I ā€œseeā€ how to play it.
Not enough funds in the real acct yet ā€¦ so I will have to use other strategies to build that acct first.

[B]ā€œLittle strokes fell big oaks.ā€[/B]

Benjamin Franklin

Scalped that one from 209.23, trying to get another at 209.05
margin is better now at 10.4% used margin. I did put $100 mor ein my account a few days ago when I started trading GJ to help hold those NJā€™s.

I should have got a separate sub account for GJ and kept NJ on its own account!

Nothing like taking the leap of faith in your mind or imagination first
(demo account). At least you are doing it. I was going to say one day you will become enlightened and suddenly it will be like someone turned on a 100 billion canlde power spotlight ON.

Once you realize that it works the same weather it is a demo account or live account as you are doing the same thing trading the same market.
Where things change is between your ears, but in reality nothing chnages.
Why do we fear making mega bucks in forex? Well for one I would be floored with what to do with all that money. I have been having a heck of a time spending the money I am spending.

And if I didnt have to struggle and take leaps of faith, I would never be able to be renewed by literally transforming my mind.

Maybe you have been using it too much? I wonder if you may have worn it out? Can you train any other fingers to click the mouse?

You have gotten better at it than meā€¦now you have to start teaching the class LOL!~

You may need an accountant too, they are very good at counting, it is what they do. :slight_smile:

I for one hate having to count pips.

Now take it one further. 3911 pips in one month is great!!!

Isnt it exciting falling asleep in the front seat of the hummer only to wake up and SHE has driven you half way to mexico? Only to tell her to turn around because we are going to toronto CANADA! [U]not[/U] toronto mexico!

Now the next key for you gradder is too realize the system works the same weather you are playing 10 cents a pip, $1 a pip $10 a pip, $100 a pip.
$100 a pip for you last month was 391,100.00 USD.

And obviously very important it would pay to always be thankful and appreciative to everyone and everything :slight_smile: Becuase if you are not it will be like getting a hole in your pip bucket causing pips to be spent on unexpected expenses. And of course get rid of the poison. Only way to make poison good is to give it away to someone else, then it becomes pure.

See how I have her pinned in? I try to keep her on a tight leash, she is like a dragon. To the top I am waiting for her at 210.20 just above the fib 61.8
she will get there, to the bottom I am waiting for her AT 209.05 just above the fib 100% @ 208.89.

then there is 209.60 76.4% fib in the middle. Normally I would box her in
between 2 fib levels without a fib level inbetween and I use all fib level from minusā€™s to over 100%'s.

She is sticking to my fibs on this one so far the chart many posts ago didnt appear too large but it was readable, you should get the idea.

[B]ā€œGive a man a fish and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.ā€[/B]

Chinese Proverb

When he gets back I guess he is going to be looking at taillights.

good day for stocks and the dow and GJ. I expect a strong finish today.

I expect her to surprise us, and break hard north long before the close.

She could bounce but I bet she tricks everyone and blows thru that level.

[B]ā€œImagination is more important than knowledgeā€[/B]

Albert Einstein

Imagination is that great thing that takes place when you stop your thoughts and create from within without the mind. Imagination really doesnā€™t come from the mindā€¦it comes from the Divine Providence

4XSTAR, thank you for your response to my questions. I must say that the accumulated knowledge of all of you on this thread is rather intimidating to me. I am still working my way through all the information and am afraid of asking a question that, with a little more effort on my part, could be answered in this thread. Again, thank you.

But if she breaks above 209.60 say hello 210ā€™s


See how that bullish divergence played out slowly and sneakily up up up HEH.
Like she can be sneaky!

Should get a good dip here havent set on a price still waiting at 209.05 and trying to one here at the st bottom right now

Next one down 208.80 pinning her in and placing my last order going down,
as my margin is back at 11.3%

Well sometimes it doesnā€™t hurt to ask again as some things have changed since the begginning and it is a load of stuff to read.

Andrew did the best summation of the system in not that many threads ago.

You are welcome to ask anything here
"which way is she going?" as the answer will ALWAYS be the same she is going up it IS what she does. She has to go down sometimes so she can go back up :slight_smile: If she went up all the time there would be no dips to buy in!
and she would leave me at the bus stop 6 days a week prolly.