GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I know it is amazing to think , but I will soon be able to play $1 a pip which will make it all worthwhile !!!. I have taken your advice and I have given to someone needy. Thanks for all the info. About taking the class I don’t think so as I am still learning charts etc.

Why does the guppy move opposite to the GBP/USD? I’ve noticed these past few days that when one goes up, the other comes down?
Looks like the cable has no life of its own … just yanked around by whichever pair it is with ??

[B]“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”[/B]

Maya Angelou

She is acting as expected, predectable?..sometimes!

On any indicators they use. The market is acting very stangely, magnetically even.

GU compared to GJ is the difference of G against U and G against J so it is like
U against J as G is the same in both equations. Understand?
Thats why GU x UJ = GJ where U is the common demoninator.

[B]“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.”[/B]

Henry Ford

So I guess price has answered a bunch of questions for today.
If I missed anyones question/post please let me know. This thread still loads prettyy slow for me.

Was anyone able to see the last 12M chart?

Or is everyone tried of me as I have been overactive today?

[B]“Laziness is a secret ingredient that goes into failure. But it’s only kept a secret from the person who fails.”[/B]

Robert Half

But be advised she is unmistankenly heading back north right? :slight_smile:

Looks like a nice bear trap here.


This is NOT a fake breakout, Why is she going north?
Ask her! :slight_smile:

I got 0 pips on that one. I could see a bounce coming and looked like a reverse at first. But now I think she can continue up.

In any event I am conserving margin even going into triple interest wednesday, but I am not going to hold positions in excess of safest margin level useage. so now I am down to 8.29% used margin, NJ has been moving up too lowering my drawdown. Big interest today in NJ. 26 cents per 1K lot!

If I can get in cheaper before rollover it would be good to get one there.
As I got rid of that 210.20 for no gain. Getting in lower in a dip couldnt hurt.
The broker made 9 pips on that one anyways :slight_smile:

She seems to be looking for the ST bottom already!

She has that date with you in Toronto :smiley:

this is nice…weathered the storm…now making huge pips as she zooms up past me,…she forgets i am even siiting down the back of the bus i have been there that long…unloading a bit of me laggage as we go…she speed her up up up…mmmmaybe

I got in at .10 but .05 is better! :slight_smile:

if you sold them on the way up for 21-31 pips you did good. If you sold them for 5-10 pips each OK. 1-5 pips still good. But if you had lots at the bottom and all the way going down and HELD them all until we peaked at 209.20 you would eb HUGE pips.

And even now if you hold longer she is going to break north harder overnight I think.

[B]“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open.”[/B]

Arnold Glasgow

Because I dont think even driving as fast as she is I dont think she can get to toronto by nightfall.

Isn’t this the truth if I had been patient today I could have made over 1000 pips by swing trading all my scaped down longs that I sold out for 1-25 pips.

Sometimes if you dont sell them she retraces down, so I figure sell and buy back on the retrace and be up 2 times.

I got another one at 209.99 :slight_smile:

she is sinking due to no makets open and lack of interest until Asia opens I guess we wont get much vloumne so she should continue to consolidate until Asia gets here then frankfurt & london should set us sailing :slight_smile:

The charts are still nothing spectactular or I am just not smart enough to figure it out but it is only going as 55K which is small.

i DONT KNOW why it takes so long to uplaod and is only uploaded with a file size of 55K.

SOrry I had to cheer her on a lot today.

I am taking a break for an hour. She is jumping now :slight_smile: