GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

It’s because I did a spiritual mind treatment last night on the guppy…visualizing 214 214 214 214 214…

Too bad I didn’t have the faith to leave all my trades in!!! I closed them as they all reached breakeven getting about $700 a piece in swap. What an idiot!! Ha!!

Oh well…

Gotta trust your own intentions!


Geez, the yen is disappearing…

Anyway I have the spreadsheet working ok for a first draft … I will post it soon, but this is for experimentation only … it needs work, do NOT trade off it yet!!!

And maybe someone can explain my missing link … how does leverage fit in?
If I have 10 positions open at 100:1 leverage and I am 200 pips under, what difference does that make to my margin as opposed to 200:1 leverage or 400:1 leverage. I am still down the same amount in proportion to account size? Where does the greater leverage fit in??

Me too, all my TMTH just cashed out, acct balaance is now $823k and I am flat. The 20 TMTH positions collected a total of $10k in interest :smiley:

I’m not interested in auto-trading, do not like it … but I do want a spreadsheet that can tell me the relations between account size, position # and drawdown … going to post it soon now.
Maybe you can take it & perfect it, I will leave leverage out for now since I just don’t get how it factors in…

She’s a DIVA! 207.90 to 213.60 in 24 hours.:smiley:

Can’t wait to see what Jeb has to say about this … and where he draws his new lines. He really needs to find a different pair to analyze … she thinks Elliott waves are some kind of new perm.

I tell ya guys, its because of me, you can thank me. My affirmations are very powerful…I moved the yen!!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Leverage… Let’s say that you have a $10k account w/ 10 positions open. At 100:1, your margin requirement is $1000. (mini lots) For them to start calling your positions, you have to have an unrealized profit loss of $9001. A margin call means you don’t have enough to cover the positions you have open.
Now, with 400:1 leverage, your lots only cost $25 a piece instead of $100. So you have $250 in margin requirement. SOOOO your unrealized profit losses can go down to $9751 before they start calling your account and closing positions for you.

The advantage is that you have a little bit more cushion before your trades get called.


With 100:1, let’s say you have the same 10 lots…
$1000 margin of lots divided by $10,000 account balance = 10% of your account is held on margin.

At 400:1, same 10 lots…
$250 margin of lots divided by $10,000 account balance = 2.5% of your account held in margin.

Let’s say that you’re at 10% margin on a 100:1 leverage account… you can withstand a $9000 drop in unrealized profit aka 900 pips…
(10 lots * $100/lot = $1000 = 10% margin aka 10% of account balance)
(10 lots * $100/lot * 900 pips = $9000 draw down before lots start closing)

Let’s say you’re at 10% margin on a 400:1 leverage account… you can withstand a $9750 drop in unrealized profits BUT… at 10% on a 400:1 leverage account you would have 40 lots instead of 10 like on the 100:1 so you can only withstand a 243 pip drop.
(40 lots * $25/lot = $1000 = 10% margin aka 10% of account balance )
(40 lots * $25/lot * 243 pips = $9000 draw down before lots start closing)

High leverage sounds great when talking about your margin requirements but when it comes to actual drawdown, you can drawdown a whole lot farther at 10% on 100:1 than you can on 10% at 400:1.

Hope this makes sense.

Account leverage is variable on leverage but fixed on margin. Meaning your margin will always be the same to reflect your account leverage but you are not obligated but have the right to trade with the full leverage that your broker gave you.

True leverage is how you place your orders. True leverage is your mm choices.

Take profit time for longs.

Could this be oil’s inverse relation to dow and dow’s direct relation to guppy?

Is oil the cause for the guppy’s move the past day?

Yes! Finally, I think I am getting it!! Thanks for that detailed explanation :slight_smile:
I’ll see now how it will integrate into the spreadsheet…

G-Y’s last high was 213.90, I think she will try to tag that … and if so, she will have to touch the 214 just because she can.
I think she has outdone herself in past 24 hours … I came “this” close to buying at the bottom … but didn’t and paid a big price. That’s ok, I learn more when I lose than when I win … and I am excited about the future :D:D

I think if you go looking for causes, you will just get confused the next time the market rallies, oil drops … and G-Y ignores them both :smiley:
She just does what she wants when she wants … Elijah is right, she does have consciousness :cool::eek:

Thanks again 007, now I think I have it working!! Will post soon.

OK, the spreadsheet is ready … hopefully some others can improve on it, I think it is OK, but am not 100% sure. Do not take it as gospel just yet, but it’s a start.

Should be self-explanatory … click on any cell with a blue header and you can input your own variables. The ones with green headers have forumlas, don’t change those, unless you are improving the spreadsheet :slight_smile:

It is here:
traderstar dot com/excel-link.htm

I will bet you there were all sorts of folks who missed the bus to toronto!
I know I had to go to work today, so cashed out my LL early before 212.

Of course she got lost and missed toronto by 150 MILES too far nnorth LOL.
She is on her way back to tornto now!

Where are the bears now? Hiding in their closets!?!

Did I mention a bear trap? A few days ago? HEH.

next stop on next leg up is looking at 214.50 But first we have to get through 213.60 but it hit my -50% fib level at 213.39, sO this obviusly changes everything. I need to draw new lines and new fibs.

I am getting another trading acct at fxsol a sub account JUST for trading GJ and the NJ can sit in my main account forever and collect interest.

As to what she is doing now I dont know, I just got in, but she has impressed me and it figures when she got to toronto she kept going
north, thanks to whoever stopped her and told her toronto was in canada NOT really near the north pole!

And she speeded right by didnt even bother to wave or honk!()!@&$(&!@$(&! so she has been joy riding without me all day teasing big boys with her mysterious ways!

wHEN SHE IS FALLING like to 208 after she passes 209 put in an order to buy long. It wont get filled until she is on the way UP!

ingenius in a way, and similar to buying on the way up, but it could work rather well , that way she has to retrace up of reverse up for your order to be executed becuase you palce it behind her as she goes down so if she is at 208.90 you put in order to buy at 209.00 if she keeps falling you wont get filled until she is on the way up and it hits 209 again.

But this could work really well. And grader has learned VERY well and I am inclined to test anything he suggests as a result of what he learned through all this GJ trading I taught him.

But see the drawdown doesnt bother me, but if I can eliminate it and assure just as many pips I am all in!

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I am careful though… and think that as long as the focus of the thread is helping others learn to trade GJ for a profit consistantly, we will be ok.

and those who approve I would appreciate votes for the thread.

And I am not new to babypisp forum, no matter what that little button says, but I guess I havent got much repuation points.

Its ok though I measure my success by the pips produced by others as a result of my influence.

And as long as I am doing this and revealing the concealed light of the creator that exists at EVERY point in the universe, then I am doing great all around.

Oh now I get it … yes that is rather ingenious :slight_smile:

My FX Sol account will also be a dedicated one now, just for her. I think she likes it better that way. I may open another as well for the NJ, but want to see her get as low as possilble first :smiley:

Thats the thing…you never want to stop buying.

Had you stopped buying at 209 you would have done good. Had you stopped buying at 208 you would have done PERFECTLY especially if you were ABLE to hold them longer and sell out like at 2PM today from 208. But we all know
this system works and can take some tweaks to maximize pips. But key here is taking pips steadily and not hogging them all I guess.

I deally you never know when 208 is coming, but also you want to be able to buy all the way down to the bottom to maximize pips. stopping at 209 is hard.
I think I stopped around there. But because I also have 20 1k NJ LOTS sitting in the same account as an additional varibale and drawdown factor.
I never got over 16% that I saw but 16% in my mind is riskier than I like to be. 4% ok 8% even but 16 yikes! I experientially know the ferver of her donward fury.