GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

You explained just as I wanted to explain. Remember to allow for your broker’s spread and you don’t want any overlaps as this adds to your margin drawdown ( I know it has happened to me already!!!) I don’t like having NO drawdown as I think this makes you manage your margin which is important to keep you aware of just far this lady can DROP!!!. It is also effectively adding more pips to youre total.

Just loaded up behind her at 212.99 and 212.69 both with 21 tp and I will follow her down, in the mean time my lower orders will get filled as she drops, then we just need a retrace and PIPS in the bank.

Had a look at youre spreadsheet 4xstar, it is great , alot more technical than mine, however mine is very simple and based on my way of trading. I will be done with fixing her tomorrow and then will share it. I will need some help on uploading it !!!

Ar 213.59 everyone should have been able to get out and sell thier loss leader for a loss if they wanted they would still be up pips.
I havent had a chance to review much by way of charts for today while I was away but I think she is going to just kleep going up here and always we should be ready for the big fall. I normally have my orders in ready.

Now I am waiting for my new live account for just trading gj. And I am short funds too, but will withdraw some profits and leave enough in my NJ account to secure it. NJ hardly moves much compared to GJ but they go together, but gj has like a 5x wider range.

NO! this is so wrong! ON 10% on 100:1 vs 10% on 400:1 I can draw down FOUR (4) TIMES further at 400:1 !!

m2p explain it to them :slight_smile:

at 400:1 my broker is loaning me MORE money! so I have more to trade with!
It is like a down payment on a house. 400:1 is the lowest donpayment possible as it represents yoiur equity position.

at 100:1 it is 1% at 400:1 it is .25%
if you are using 100:1 and @ 100% of used margin and you CHANGE your leverage on the fly to 400:1 NOW your used margin will go DOWN to 25%!!!


Incredibly brilliant idea … to buy after her as she falls, with, as you say, a few limit orders waiting at a presumed bottom :slight_smile:

Sure helps deal with the TMTH problem :wink:

Between us we are rockin’ now and developing a methodology/strategy that could soon dazzle us with results … in our real accounts!!

When your spreadsheet is ready you can email it to me & I can upload to my site, where mine is.

[B]“Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.”[/B]

Phyllis Theroux

Todd you are wise now, stop defeating yourself in your own mind.
You paid the price she owes you 10X more than she is currently giving you.
After going what you went though experientially and emotionally,
You can do this. There is a reason why EVERYTHING else is NOT working.
Remember way back when Eve offered the fruit from the forbidden tree to Adam? You recall what happened AFTER they ate the fruit? Their eyes were opened? As if they had been asleep before? Am I still hurting from her seriously wounding me before? YES Did I come back all the way? NO
but I am making a boatload of pips, sad fact is I been playing it safe LOL!
at 10 cents a pip. Safely making 1K a dime at a time is tedious, but see the process I went through to get those 10,000 pips? You know it, manual trading of countless GJ lots, countless times spent with her (not my family).
As a result now I know her even better than before! Study her movements know her ways. So far my wife is not jealous of her, as long as she (GJ) keeps buying us groceries. I am sure she is still sore about going down with the ship on that big one. I am sure it was way more emotionally for her. It was her account I blew. And she WAS here watching it while I was at work! She put her faith in me for over 10 years, she has a nice little collection of rental houses I bought, but she earned everything she has. She put up with me! HAHAHA! I wasn’t always this reasonable and kind (EG). But it is your WIFE who determines how much of the abundance from the upper worlds you are able to drawn down to malchut, she is like the VALVE. Let me know if I can help you in any way/.

“[B]Our greatest joy is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall.”[/B]


erm I mean…Confucius

I’m not sure it works that way … haught explained it earlier and I put it into the spreadsheet with formulas … it is not like you get twice as much puchase power with more leverage … you can play with the spreadsheet and see how it works … if my formulas are correct, haught or someone will have to check them.

So you are doing both?
Might as well buy it on the way up too and triple your profits.
But then you have triple chance of her whipsawwing you and catching you
’not ready’.

I guess I do the spread sheet in my mind after what my FXSOL GTS PRO platform shows all that, as far as I can go down I know that in my mind after a few moments of figuring, I am always refiguring this on the fly. And after trading GJ for tens of thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of RT trades. You get a feel for how low you can go easily with some quick figuring.
and you space your orders to match the wild dragon you are trading. 400 pips is nothing, you really need to be ready for at least 600 or 800 or ideally 2000 or more.

heck you can trade fxsol and do 100:1 then max out your margin useage at 90% and immediately with yoru trades open change your margin to 200:1 suddenly you will ONLY have 45% margin useage. 300:1 400:1 all borrowing more of the borkers money putting up less of yours that is all this is.

I dont know why this is so confusing for so many people. 400:1 is a no brainer. I am selling you this 500,000 house do you want to give me 50,000 down and move in or would you rather give me 250 and move in. Of course if I give you 250 my payments will be higher as I have less down, but it is far better for me to pocket the 49,750.00 and keep it for improvements or house warming party.

I am sure it works that way :slight_smile: I can tell you one thing I understand very well in life and that IS leverage.


you cannot suppose that at a different leverage ratio that you would have ‘MORE’ lots! You have to compare apples to apples not apples to oranges.

where is m2p? Is he still rubbing his eyes seeing GJ has driven so far north he cannot even see her tailights anymore because his eyes are full of dirt as he has been draggin on her bumper the whole way.

Ha ha ha.:smiley:

I actually came out a little ahead on that short. Look where it was at when I called it and where it was when I unloaded.

Remember I bought all the way up from where I called it.

Even though it yielded a tiny profit, it was a stupid move to begin with. I hate shorting her.

Leverage, leverage, leverage. Hmmm… how else can I explain it that I have not done before? Give me some time and I will try again.

I think people try to make leverage more complicated than it is. That is why it is so hard to get. Just get that complicated stuff out of your head and look at the basic math.

Old fib 0 is 211.90. She looks to be making another run up right NOW.

I am flat waiting for my new account to be set up.
212.00 is a good place to get a loss leader :slight_smile:
but from here you may be chasing her…wait for her to retreat agin she should hit 212.00 + or - 10 pips several TIMES.

Set up a troll on this bridge for sure!

[B]“Money isn’t everything but its in front of whatever is in second place”[/B]

Robert Marks (my dad)

It goes down to the move down to 208 I hope you can see it.
It looks small BAH!

And I have returned home. :slight_smile: That was quite a rebound off of the ascending trendline on the 1D, eh? Back to the previous range, with 214 still hanging overhead. Bagged ~150 pips - not bad, but I’m smacking my forehead with a blunt instrument because of how apparent the reversal from 208 as low as 208.55, and especially after the close above 209.60!

I’m having issues with the Chikou Span line on my IKH overlay with Oanda. The line plots correctly on the chart when it initially comes up, but after 10-15 seconds, it becomes a horizontal line, at which point the browser (all browsers) freezes. I’ve tried all the typical troubleshooting remedies, to no avail. Live chat suggested deinstalling/reinstalling Java entirely. I’m not sure how that will remedy a situation begun in the last couple of days - during which no Java software update has occurred… Happily, I consult IKH, but do not typically trade from or take signals off of it.

THis bmp is too big. Maybe I need to zip it then upload it :slight_smile:

Maybe this will work it uploaded qucik and looks good. (102 KB)

mine are .NET problems but they did not occur untilI removed and reinstalled .net after fxsol tech support suggest it. perhaps my charts are fixed but now by trading client has 3 .net exceptions which I can trade without but I cannot view reports (count pips and interest) or news.

I am current on all windows updates and have .net to 3.0 with sp1 installed.
I am a hardware engineer are rarely get too involved with software. Software fixing is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.
I guess I got about 150 pips or so too but cannot count them.

I will happy when I have a separate sub account for GJ, looks like I am starting over again! and those NJ can just sit.

I wish someone could explain leverage so as everyone can understand it. This is critical. m2p surely understands it. As he exteds it to his true leverage he calls it. maximum leverage just makes it easier for one to lose more money. It enables them but it is NOT the cause. The cause is improper margin useage management. I need to go back and find your summary and post it every 10 posts :slight_smile:


YEAH! finally!!!

I hope nobody thought I was serious…I made a funny…??

I DID do affirmations last night on the GJ going to 214…who knows!!

Thanks Elijah for the comments. I am glad to be back in the swing of things. I think one of my “problems” is that maybe I don’t take all this seriously enough. I watched my wife die of cancer for four years…that was serious. I’m just having fun now. You know you can see the good in things when you can lose $50,000 and not jump out a window. I love this market! Lot of “trickster” in the old Guppy…and I love the trickster…you never know what’s next.

I set up a new demo tonight. 100k account, 200:1 leverage. Trading .5 standard lot, which I think is too much, right? So far made $350. Not bad for one day with little movement.

Got the spreadsheet but my feeble brain has no idea how to use it. Hmmm…

I have two master’s degrees and working on a Ph.D. and some of this stuff just whizzes by me like I have no brain at all. I admire all you guys that seem so adept at all this charting stuff etc. etc. I just believe I am going to succeed and let everyone else do all the work…ha!
