GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

Please be noted that the alt count in yellow is already invalid. Therefore, market is either in progress for bullish reversal trend (white) or bearish continuation trend (magenta). A valid triple bottom pattern would bolster the bullish reversal trend while a further breakout to the downside would bolster the bearish continuation trend scenario. Please be careful. Good luck and happy weekends.

At this moment, preferably I’m looking for an opportunity towards a bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in yellow to perform subwave 1,2,3,4 and 5. But please be careful for any bearish continuation trend either to perform a bearish trap of corrective wave b in white or wave 5 in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m still waiting for any true breakout to determine which alt counts that is more favourable. Therefore, please watch closely all critical lines and trendlines for any strong breakout. Overall, I’m still looking for an opportunity for a bullish reversal trend as long the white critical line is remain intact. Good luck.

At this moment, price already made a weak breakout to the upper green diagonal triangle trendline, and therefore I’m looking forward for a further upside trend to bolster the bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in yellow. But, please be careful for any bearish trend either to perform corrective wave b in white (bearish trap) or wave 5 in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, advisable to wait for any breakout from the teal triangle to determine which alt counts that is more in favour. Please watch closely all critical lines and wait for any good bullish reversal entry signal from BSTS later before making any entry. Good luck and I would like to wish a happy merry christmas.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a valid reversal diagonal triangle pattern to perform corrective a, b and c once wave 5 is completed (yellow or white or magenta). Advisable to look for any bullish reversal trend entry from BSTS later. But please be extra careful for any breakout to the bearish critical line. Good luck.

I believed market in progress to complete wave 5 (yellow or white) and I’m looking forward for a possibility towards the bullish reversal trend to perform corrective a, b and c. But please be careful for any breakout to the major bearish continuation critical line which would favour to the alt count in magenta. Good luck and I would like to wish to all a Happy New Year - 2009.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a further upside trend to bolster the bullish reversal trend scenario either to complete corrective subwave a in yellow or white. But please be careful for either a bearish retracement trend to perform subwave 2 in a or major wave 5 in magenta. Good luck and Happy New Year.

At this moment, price already made a breakout to the upper green diagonal triangle trendline but is it a true or only a false breakout ? A further breakout to the bullish continuation critical line 1 would bolster the bullish reversal trend scenario (yellow or white). Otherwise please be careful for any breakout to the major bearish continuation critical line (magenta). Good luck.

No news on today market conditions as it remains closed for the day.

At this moment, favourably either I’m expecting a bearish retracement to perform corrective subwave b in yellow or we shall see a further bullish continuation to perform corrective subwave b in white. A breakout to the bullish continuation critical line 1 would bolster towards the alt count in white. Otherwise, please be careful for any bearish continuation trend referring to the alt count in magenta. Good luck and happy weekends.

At this moment, I believed market in progress either to complete corrective subwave b in yellow or white before expecting for another bullish continuation trend to complete corrective subwave c in a as long the white/yellow critical line is remain intact. But, please be careful for any breakout to the major bearish continuation critical line (magenta). Good luck.

I believed market in progress to perform a bullish reversal trend either referring to the alt count in yellow or white. But please be careful for any breakout towards the white critical line which would favour to the alt count in magenta. Advisable to look for any bullish reversal entry signal from BSTS later. Good luck.

At this moment, price already break the bullish continuation critical line 1 and still moving inside the bullish channel trendlines. Preferably, I believed market in bullish reversal trend and I’m looking forward for a bullish continuation trend referring to the alt counts in yellow. But please be careful for any breakout to the lower red trendline (white or magenta). Good luck.

At this moment, the magenta critical line still intact and favourably, I’m looking forward for any retracement trend to perform a corrective wave b referring to the alt count in yellow. A further bullish continuation trend would bolster towards the alt count in white. But, please be careful for any bearish continuation trend referring to the alt count in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, I believed market in progress to complete corrective wave a (yellow or white) before expecting a bearish retracement to perform corrective wave b. But please be careful since the magenta critical line still intact and any breakout to the lower red trendline. Good luck.

At this moment, magenta critical line is already taken, but I’m looking forward for a further bullish continuation trend and a true breakout towards the major bullish continuation critical line 1 to bolster the bullish reversal trend scenario (yellow or magenta). Please be careful for any bearish retracement trend since I believed market have to perform a corrective wave b once the corrective a is completed (yellow or white). Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for an opportunity for a bearish retracement trend to perform a corrective wave b with condition a is already completed (yellow). But please be careful for any bullish continuation trend to complete an extension of corrective wave a. Good luck.

Preferebly, I’m looking for a completion of corrective wave a befoe expecting for a bearish retracement to perform the corrective wave b (yellow or white). Due to the breakout to the major bullish continuation critical line 1, therefore favourably the alt count in magenta is already invalid. But only a further true breakout would confirm the bullish reversal trend scenari. Therefore, please confirm from BSTS either corrective wave a is already completed (yellow) or still in progress (white). Also, please be extra careful since we may see another bullish continuation to perform an extension of corrective wave a scenario (white) before expecting for any retracement. Please be noted that there will be NFP announcement tomorrow. Good luck.

At this moment, please be noted that price just bounce from the lower red trendline and I believed market in bearosh retracement trend to perform the corrective wave b (white or yellow) before expecting for another bullish continuation trend to complete corrective wave c. A further breakout to the lower red trendline would bolster the retracement trend scenario but please be careful for any breakout further more then 133.95. Good luck.