GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, the neckline still remain intact. Preferably, I’m looking for a breakout to the upside to bolster towards the bullish reversal trend scenario referring to the alt count in white. Otherwise we may see another bearish continuation trend either to complete corrective subwave b in yellow or wave 5 in magenta. Please confirm any trend from BSTS later. Happy weekends and good luck.

Preferably, I’m looking forward for any upside trend referring either towards the alt count in white or yellow. But please be careful for any true breakout towards the major bearish continuation critical line 2. Good luck and Happy Chinese New Year.

Preferably, I believed market in progress to complete corrective wave a either in white or yellow. A further upside trend towards the green upper trendline would bolster this scenario before expecting for a bearish retracement trend to complete corrective wave b (white or yellow). But, always be careful for any bearish continuation trend scenario (magenta). Good luck.

I believed market in progress to complete corrective wave a (white or yellow) and I’m expecting for a bearish retracement trend later to perform corrective wave b once its completed. Otherwise, please be extra careful for any strong bearish continuation trend (magenta). Good luck

Preferably, I believed market in progress to perform corrective wave a either in white or yellow. Advisable to look for any bullish continuation entry signal from BSTS later either once corrective wave b in white is completed or for another bullish continuation trend to complete corrective wave a in yellow. Otherwise, please be careful for any bearish continuation trend either to perform a double bottom wave b or wave 5 in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for any bearish retracement trend to perform corrective wave b in white before expecting for a bullish continuation trend to perform corrective wave c. But please be careful for any extension of corrective wave a in yellow or any bearish continuation trend to complete wave 5 in magenta. Good luck.

Please be noted that due to the further bullish continuation trend, the alt count in white is already invalid. Therefore, I believed market in progress to complete the corrective wave a in yellow before expecting for a bearish retracement trend to perform the corrective wave b. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for any bearish retracement trend referring to the alt count in yellow to perform corrective wave b. But please be careful for any bullish continuation trend and a breakout towards FibR 61.8%. Good luck.

I believed market will perform a bearish retracement trend to perform corrective wave b referring to the alt count in yellow.But please be careful for any true breakout towards the major upper green trendline and later to the R3 level. Good luck.

Hi JebatFX! I just found this website and also your posting very recently, and I just want to say thanks alot for your chart! It is extremely hard to read at first. But, It is so extensive and detail. Keep on posting ^^

You are welcome. It takes a lots of time and effort to understand. I’m glad u did. Good luck and happy trading

Please analyse the latest possible alt counts available. Preferably, I’m looking forward for a breakout towards the lower red trendline to bolster the bearish retracement trend to perform corrective wave b in yellow. But please be careful for any triple bottom case scenario. Otherwise we may see a bullish continuation trend to perform an extension of corrective wave a in white. Good luck and happy weekends.

Due to the further upside trend, therefore I believed market still in progress to complete corrective wave a either in white or yellow before expecting for a bearish retracement to perform corrective wave b within this week. Therefore please confirm the completion of corrective wave a (white or yellow) from BSTS and advisable to look for any bearish retracement entry signal from BSTS later to perform correctie wave b. Good luck.

Jebatfx, what is bsts?

I believed market in progress to complete the corrective wave b either in white or yellow (triple bottom) before expecting a bullish continuation trend to perform corrective wave c in 5 wave structures. Therefore, please analyse all critical lines and look for any breakout to confirm. Good luck.

p/s : BSTS stand for “Bujang Senang Trading System”

Preferably, I’m looking forward for any opportunity market to perform a bullish continuation trend to perform corrective wave c once wave b is completed (white or yellow). Please be noted that market is possible to perform another bearish retracement trend in 3 waves structure to complete wave b in yellow. A breakout to the white critical line would bolster this scenario. Otherwise a further breakout to the yellow critical line would bolster the alt count in white. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a bearish retracement trend to perform corrective wave b in yellow before expecting for another bullish continuation trend to perform corrective wave c. Otherwise we may see a strong breakout toward the upper green trendline to perform the corrective wave c in white. Good luck.

At this moment, I believed there will be a bearish retracement trend either to perform the corrective wave b in yellow or wave 2 in white before expecting for another bullish continuation trend to complete the corrective wave c. Please monitor both yellow and white critical lines for any breakout. Please confirm for either alt counts from BSTS later. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m waiting for any breakout of the teal triangle to confirm market either in progress to complete subwave 3 in c (white) or market in progress to complete corrective wave b in yellow. Preferably, I believed market will perform a bearish retracement trend later referring towards the alt count in yellow. Good luck.

Please be noted that due to the breakout to the upper green trendline, favourably market is already in bullish continuation trend referring to the alt count in white. A further true breakout to the yellow critical line would bolster this scenario. But please be careful for any double top scenario. Good luck.

At this moment, market just performed a pullback scenario from the yellow critical line. Therefore, advisable to wait for 2nd breakout later to determine which alt counts that is more favourable. Preferably, I’m still looking for any opportunity towards the bearish retracement trend later to complete corrective wave b in yellow. But, otherwise a breakout to the yellow critical line later would bolster the bullish continuation trend referring to the alt count in white. Also, please be noted that there will be a NFP news announcement this Friday.