GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a possible “triple top” bearish reversal scenario refering to the alt count in white. Otherwise, I believed market will perform a “bull trap” scenario refering to the alt count in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a further bearish trend to perform subcorrective wave c in white. Otherwise, please be careful for a breakout towards the white critical line. Note - I’m looking forward for NFP data release tonight would push GbpJpy, GbpUsd, EurUsd and AudUsd to perform a bearish trend (UsdCad - bullish). Happy weekends and good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - Favourably, I’m looking forward for a breakout towards the lower red trendline to perform corrective wave c in white. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the upper green trendline.

[B]Eur vs Usd (4H)[/B] - I believed market just performed a “bull trap” scenario and therefore, I’m expecting towards a bearish reversal trend scenario either to perform wave 5 (yellow or white) or corrective wave b (magenta).

[B]Aud vs Usd (Daily)[/B] - Preferably, I believed the bullish trend is already exausted and therefore, I’m looking forward for a bearish reversal trend scenario to perform major corrective wave C in magenta. Otherwise, please be careful for any “bull trap” scenario. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, I believed market in progress to perform a bearish reversal trend scenario to complete the subcorrective wave c either in white or magenta. Please be careful towards any strong bullish retracement trend scenario perhaps to complete subwave b in magenta or 5 in yellow.

[B]Eur vs Usd (4H)[/B] - At this moment, I’m looking forward for a valid “H and S” bearish reversal pattern. Please be careful for any bullish trend either to perform subwave b or ii later. Happy ramadan to sll muslim and good luck.

At this moment, I believed market in progress to complete subwave iv either in white or magenta before expecting for another bearish continuation trend scenario. Otherwise, this scenario would invalid if market further break the magenta/white critical line. Good luck and “selamat berbuka puasa”.

At this moment, please be extra careful for any possibility towards a truncated and bullish reversal scenario refering to the alt count in yellow. Favourably, I’m looking forward for another bearish continuation trend scenario to complete subwave 5 either in white or magenta. Happy weekends and good luck.

Gbp vs Jpy (1H) - At this moment, I’m looking forward market to make further bearish continuation trend scenario to complete subwave 5 before expecting for any bullish trend. A breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster to this scneario. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the pivot critical line.

Eur vs Usd (4H) - At this moment, I’m looking forward for a bullish retracement trend scenario to complete wave b in white (right shoulder of the H & S pattern) before expecting for another strong bearish continuation trend scenario. Otherwise, we may see either an extension of wave a or a “double top” wave b scenario. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, I’m looking forward market to perform further bearish continuation trend scenario to complete subwave 5 either in magenta or white. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the upper green trendline.

[B]Eur vs Usd (4H)[/B] - At this moment, a breakout towards the upper yellow trendline would indicate that we may see a strong bullish retracement trend scenario perhaps to complete corrective wave b either in white or yellow (double top). Otherwise, if the bearish continuation critical line 1 is taken, then I believed market already in progress to complete subwave v in aqua.

[B]Aud vs Usd (Daily)[/B] - Preferably, I believed market in progress to perform a major bearish reversal trend scenario to complete the major corrective wave C either in white or magenta. Advisable to look for any opportunity to short again from BSTS once the market perform any bullish retracement trend scenario. Good luck.

Favourably, I believed market in progress to complete subwave 5 in white. Otherwise, please be careful for a truncated subwave 5 scenario refering to the alt count in magenta or any strong bounce scenario from the lower red trendline. Good luck.

At this moment, its better to wait for the market to unfold 1st before making any further decission. A valid “diagonal triangle” bullish reversal pattern would bolster towards the alt count in yellow scenario to perform corrective a, b and c. Otherwise, I’m looking forward for a valid “descending triangle” bearish continuation pattern which would bolster towards the alt count in white scenario. Good luck.

At this moment, a breakout to the yellow critical line would indicate that we may see another bearish continuation trend scenario to complete either subwave v in magenta or white. Otherwise, a breakout to the magenta/white critical line would indicate that market may already in bullish reversal trend scenario to perform subcorrective wave c in yellow. Happy weekends and good luck.

Gbp vs Jpy (4H) - At this moment, the subwave structures is already unfold and therefore I believed market in progress to complete subwave v either in white or magenta. Otherwise, please be careful for any possibility towards a bullish reversal trend scenario refering to the alt count in yellow.

Eur vs Usd (4H) - Favourably, I believed market in progress to complete either subwave v/a in aqua or major corrective wave C in white. Please always be careful for any bullish retracement trend scenario later. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, I believed market in progress to complete subwave 4 either in white or magenta before expecting for another bearish continuation trend scenario. A pullback from the fibo critical lines and follow by a breakout to the yellow critical line would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, we may looking for a bullish reversal trend scenario refering towards the truncated subwave 5 in yellow.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (4)[/B] - Favourably, I believed market only in bullish retracement trend scenario and once its completed, I’m looking forward for another bearish contiuation trend scenario either to perform a “double bottom” pattern of subwave 5 in white or in magenta. Good lucks.

At this moment, I believed market in progress to perform either subwave 4 (white or magenta) or subcorrective wave a (yellow), and once completed, I’m expecting for another bearish trend either to perform subwave 5 in white/magenta or subcorrective wave b in yellow. Therefore, as long the magenta/white critical line is still remain intact, advisable to look for short opportunity from BSTS later. Good luck.

At this moment, a breakout towards the S3 critical line and bearish contiuation critical line 3 would indicate that market in progress to complete subwave 5/v either in white or magenta. Please be extra careful since otherwise, we may see a bullish reversal trend scenario to perform corrective wave c in yellow. Happy weekends and good luck.

At this moment, a strong breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1 and 2 in important to bolster to the alt count in magenta. Otherwise, we may see a potential bullish reversal trend scenario either in white or yellow (double bottom). Good luck.

At this moment, a breakout either to the magenta or white/critical line is crucial to determine which alt counts that is more favourable. Good luck.

At this moment, a strong bounce from the yellow critical line and follow by a breakout towards the bullish continuation critical line 1 would bolster to the “bullish reversal” trend scenario refering to the alt count in yellow. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the yellow critical line. Also, please be extra careful for NFP announcement tonight. Happy weekends and good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, price just performed a strong falls back from the fibo 61.8% critical line, therefore, the bullish reversal trend scenario would still remain in doubt. Due to that scenario, I believed and looking forward for another bearish continuation trend scenario refering to the alt count in magenta.

[B]Eur vs Usd (4H)[/B] - Preferably, I’m looking for a major bearish reversal trend scenario to complete corrective wave c either refering to the alt count in white or aqua. A valid rising wedge pattern would bolster to this scenario. Please be careful for a possbile “bull trap” pattern later. Good luck.

[B][I]I also would like to take this opportunity to wish all muslims a very happy, prosperous and great meaningful Hari Raya Aidilfitri. “Maaf Zahir & Batin jika selama ini ada tersinggung or terkasar bahasa”. Careful driving and have a safe journey. See you all next week.[/I][/B]

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, I’m looking for an opportunity towards either a bearish retracement trend scenario to perform subwave 4 in white or a bearish reversal trend scenario in magenta (truncated). Otherwise, we may see a bullish continuation trend scenario to perform a “diagonal triangle” pattern or wave 5 in yellow.

[B]Eur vs Usd (4H)[/B] - I believed market in progress to complete a “bull trap” scenario refering to the alt count in white. Therefore, I’m looking towards a bearish reversal opportunity later to perform subwave c either in white or magenta. Otherwise, please be careful towards a “double top” corrective wave b scenario in yellow. Happy Hari Raya and good luck.