GBP/JPY: Winning Strategies

Who is rumpledone and why is he clogging this thread with 5 min charts?

BTW 4xstar/Jocelyn, I am enjoying your dialogue, hope you keep it up :smiley:

[B]GBP/JPY: Winning Strategies[/B] is the name of this thread, isnā€™t it?

I just showed a winning trade on the GBP/JPY.

I assumed this thread was about winning strategies. Am I mistaken?

Price is the same on all time frames.

I ā€œcloggedā€ the thread so people could follow along instead of it looking like a Monday morning quarterback.

I posted charts showing the entry, the stop or add to position, the bounce, and the exits. Isnā€™t that what is supposed to be done to show a winning strategy?

I think what heā€™s trying to say is that no ā€œscalpersā€ are welcome.

If that is the case, then shouldnā€™t that be part of the thread title or in [B]BIG BOLD LETTERS[/B] in post #1?

I came to share but if I am not welcomeā€¦

Well i am happy to say my short got filled at 202.20 and TPed at 201.00.

the guppy seems to be following the downward trend on the 4hr according to my shoddy drawn trend linesā€¦ haha. Not to mention 5 bear candles on the daily

I am expecting a retrace to 201.70, than another fall to somewhere around 199.7ish.

I tend to look at her in 200 pip increments, and I start with the 4 hr chart and than zoom in to the 1hr to the 30 and than to the 15 to try and pick my best entry point. I tend to use ignots Ranibow strategy to some extent, though modified to trade off the 1hr and 4hr.


Excuse me?

I have posted HUNDREDS of FREE indicators. Google my name and youā€™ll find them.

Did I ever mention ā€œmy indicatorsā€ or ā€œdonationā€? NO! But you did!!

My posts were focused on the trade not the indicator.

But for some reason that was lost on you.

OK got it, and this would be on the 4 h or 60 min, nothing smaller, right?

Did you re-short or add after that 10am ET candle on the 60 min?

TROlls slither in and TROlls leave again :smiley:

Excellent cdawg!

I am expecting a retrace to 201.70, than another fall to somewhere around 199.7ish.

Me too, but so far the retrace has not materialized, she is weakā€¦
but maybe between tonight & tomorrow.

Now it is :wink:

I must say you are persistent in building your business. ā€˜Donationsā€™ or whatever you want to call them for IRS purposes ā€¦ but it is obviously a business and you do work hard at it.

He sells indicators so posts all over the place hoping to attract new buyers. You pay him through ā€˜donationsā€™, probably for IRS reasons.

BTW 4xstar/Jocelyn, I am enjoying your dialogue, hope you keep it up :smiley:

Yes, isnā€™t she awesome??!

I am starting to see itā€¦ I love this perspective.

[B]4xStar: I have not yet found a good buy-sell pressure indicator for forex. There is an MT4 indicator called ā€œjuiceā€ that approximates volume strength. [/B]

Jo: You donļæ½t really need all that garbage to read the price activity. The only juice in my world comes packaged in cardboard wrapping with pictures of fruit on it.

[B]4xStar: :D[/B]

You can get all the info you need from the candles/bars, your immediate & mid-term price flows & plain old common sense.

By jove, Iā€™m starting to [I]get[/I] itā€¦ :cool:

Youā€™re a good and patient teacher, Jo.

You are mistaken.

If I wanted to SELL indicators, then I would do so. But I donā€™t. Itā€™s way too much work.

Itā€™s funny that you are trying to distract attention from the winning trade that I posted because of your fear of a chart containing an indicator that I wrote. The indicator was never mentioned in the discussion of the trade.

Itā€™s a simple support/resistance trade that you can do with just about any support/resistance indicator. Actually, you can do the trade without any indicators at all. Just plot your support / resistance lines by hand. But that fact was lost on you. You only see what you want to see.

There is no debate about the trade that was posted in REAL TIME. Instead of recognizing that fact you try to persuade people to think ill of me.

The post was ON TOPIC. It is a winning GBP/JPY strategy.

Thatā€™s very mature. Itā€™s obvious to the reader where the problem lies.

So this thread is about 200 - 1000 pips trades?

No problem.

The chart shows that the GJ has an average range of 546 pips over the last 24 weeks. Currently the range is 332. 20 of those weeks have had a range larger than 332 and 9 of the 24 weeks had a range above the average range.

GJ is heading back down to previous support ( blue dots ) and has exceeding the current 1.382 and 1.618 fib projections to the down side.

Look for a bounce at/near previous support and scale out at the fib retracement levels on any sign of resistance.

Looking at the weekly linear regression set at 2 and 3 std dev, you can see GJ has a negative slope and is below the middle LR.

If GJ touches the lower LR expect a reversal.

I donā€™t know TROā€™s motives for posting, though Iā€™ve read various reports; but I wonā€™t render an opinion either way.

Whether or not theyā€™re true (and Iā€™m not suggesting either way), this thread is about strategies that can be learned and used to exploit tradable opportunities on the full array of Yen crosses. It isnā€™t about metaphysics, or pissing contests about definitions or knowledge of specific trading styles, or a thread dedicated to idolization of any specific system: no BS or filler, just strategies. On that point, the small group of individuals who posted here with any regularity are fully agreed, Iā€™m sure.

If TRO wants to post content about a strategy that is scalable to larger trades and longer-term TFs more compatible with the explicit purpose of this thread, so much the better. That content can be judged based on its merit - all the more so if he posts accompanying language developing what is conveyed by the image. On the other hand, if he wants to acquire ā€œdonationsā€ through guileful, surreptitious means by making teaser posts showcasing proprietary indicators intended to elicit inquiries about how to get more, that will bear itself out and if appropriate, BP admin can be petitioned to prune his posts out, boot him, etc.

Iā€™m not an advocate of appeasement or a compromise that comes with ethical cost associated - nor am I suggesting what is right or wrong, or laying blame, etc. Let me make it clear that I am purposely refraining from developing and voicing an opinion on any of this because I feel it is tangential to our goal here. A middle way has to be found among those who post on this forum if itā€™s going to be an edifying place. If we can stick to what is upright and beyond reproach and relevant, thereā€™s no cause for argument. No games, no ā€œtrading strategies [I]andā€¦[/I]ā€. Garbage can always be thrown out where and when it presents itself.

If I were awake enough to pull an all-nighter tonight, I 'm sure there would be some pips to be made ā€¦ but Iā€™m not ā€¦ so will catch some zā€™s until on or after London open & see what our lady has decided to do at that point. So far I see a double bottom in the 200.40 area ā€¦ she does not want to leave the 200ā€™s and if she does ā€¦ it may be watch out below! But there would have to be some conviction behind it.

I have learned more on this latest downtrend in the GY than in all her previous moves I have watched/played since February ā€¦ thanks so much to Andrew, Jo, cadarkitek, cdawg and others for sharing your insights. I feel I (we) are getting close to learning how to ride those 1000+ pip moves whether up or down, and all the little waves inbetween.

There will be many more to come ā€¦ our skills will just get better :slight_smile:

Thank you for being reasonable.

Today, I posted my TRO DYNAMIC SUPPORT RESISTANCE FIBS indicator on another BabyPips thread and I will post it here for you. Itā€™s FREE. You can download it for FREE. You NEVER have to send me a donation. Itā€™s not a ā€œcrippledā€ version. Itā€™s the original, is in use on 6 continents and has been translated to other programming languages.

Use it on any time frame. TRO DYNAMIC SUPPORT RESISTANCE FIBS will show you in REAL TIME when an new S/R level is being established. Usually, if 3 or more bars pass and the new level is tested again, it is penetrated.

Note: to get the fib levels to display you have to set the inputs to TRUE.

TRO DYNAMIC SUPPORT RESISTANCE FIBS indicator including SOURCE CODE attached. (8.84 KB)

Thatļæ½s a very well presented post Andrew. I share your attitudes.
For the times being anyway, we live in a free & democratic society & long may we do so. Everyone should be able to express & share their views as long as they honor the main topic of the thread content.

If folks choose not to share an individuals view, or prefer not to peruse their content then they have a choice of either fast forwarding the specific post(s) or placing said member on ignore via the appropriate feature.

Avery (TheRumpledOne) has just as much right to post his views as I do or 4Xstar or anyone else. As long as he doesnļæ½t disrupt, abuse or drag the thread completely off topic, then cool.

Folks may not agree with his methods or share his strategies, but that doesnļæ½t necessarily render them ineffective.

Live & let live I say. The trading field is big & ugly enough to accommodate every style & discipline. What suits one, doesnļæ½t always suit another.

Good trading to everyone