GBP/JPY: Winning Strategies

Hmmm… I just don’t get it. It makes me sad.

Winning strategies can include position trading, trend trading, swing trading, inraday trading, “scalping” ( the common term used here, not the real one). As long as it is “winning”, I don’t see why it can’t be here. I trade all the styles mentioned above.

TRO gave a call backed by a calculated fact right before it happened. I also happened to be long on a guppy trade just opened right before he called it. I closed mine with +40 pips. He just gave everybody a nice setup and got $hitted on. WTF?

I am one for calling out scammers around here. I have done it before. I think TRO may be a different case. I think he loves coding. I think his whole life is about coding, coding, coding, trading, trading, trading. I think the small “donations” he might receive he may deserve. He doesn’t blatantly advertise or force a payment. You could argue that he is using a back door approach, but for some reason, I don’t think that’s the case. I hope not to be wrong.

And, the IRS is smart enough to figure out that money in is money in. Call it what you want, but just changing a data base record from “income” to “donation” isn’t going to fool them. I think they might have run across that one a few times before to figure it out.

He’s is guilty of being a little eccentric, but who isn’t in this field.

No offense Linda. I like you and respect you as a trader and a person (very much), and I am not trying to get under your skin. But maybe you should give the guy a chance. The call was spot on before it happened.

I appreciate you taking the time to post.

It looks like I have found some people who are reasonable.

Thank you very much.

Wow, it looks like I have hit the MOTHERLODE of people who can think for themselves!!

You’re right about the coding. I may have OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE CODING DISORDER…LOL! Actually, it’s one of the ways I learn a trading system. I can’t code what I don’t understand. If the system is rules based, then I should be able to code it.

So far this week I coded the James 40 system, one by forexgreenland and the one I posted here.

I never ever imagined how much flak I would get over donations. It’s unreal how many people have their noses out of joint over this. There are people selling ONE indicator for hundreds or thousands. That doesn’t seem to bother anyone. So why should someone sending me a donation and getting over 100 indicators bother them? It’s up to the individual if they want to send me a donation or not. I have posted HUNDREDS of FREE indicators over the years.

But I really appreciate people speaking out about this. It’s been a long time coming.

Thanks again for posting.

“Click my name to visit my website with info for new traders”

Wait just a dog gone minute!!

Has anyone clicked on 4XStar’s name to visit her website that I am sure she gets referral frees, click through fees, etc…

Perhaps she fears someone will like my indicators more than what she has to offer.

This is what they are afraid of:

Someone making money


TRO i’m not being negative but can you post smaller charts please, so that whosoever wants to view them will click, those big pics are annoying man.

You mean like that? I hate it when people post like that because then I have to toggle back and forth between chart and text.

Notice how price broke through support and hit both of the lower fib projections AND stopped at a previous lower fib projection.

I set a short order Sunday of this week base on the weekly chart and my projection, during the week I add additional lots on every retrace that gives me another valid entry.

Thanks. Do you have a thread for scalping system? If so post the link. I’m hoping it explain all those noise on your charts.

What “noise are you talking about”?

Cadarkitek may just mean the different annotations overlaid on the chart.

There’s a symmetrical triangle on USD/JPY (best viewed on D1, H3/H4) that with the exception of 08/21’s blip down (quickly corrected) is clear and uniform. The converging white lines show the narrowing range. The action since Sunday evening has yielded some fair ranging moves, but there’s a lackadaisicality about the pair’s lack of HHs and HLs after 08/15 that suggests an erosion of the upside momentum here and may foreshadow a more significant pullback. Or, this could be a basing point that will release a continuation in trend, however. That’s the ambiguity of this pattern. :smiley: Nevertheless: worthy of notice.

USD/JPY testing the lower ascending trendline of the symmetrical triangle there around 108.80 (also a horizontal support level), and the Guppy with another attempt on 200; both pushed back for the moment; but I do believe they’ll be back for another try.

Do you see how the dynamic support / resistance gives you a clue in REAL TIME?

It is not about being against a trading style. What I opject to is he uses these posts all over the forum as a ‘back door’, as M2P mentioned above. to entice people to ask for his more advanced indicators. When you do that, email him and say, how do I get those other ones, he replies that if you send him a ‘Thank You’ donantion from PayPal of [I]at least $50 to $100[/I], he will send you the indicators. $50 may be pocket change to many here, but for some, it is still a lot of money. I could even understand asking for a “donation”, whatever one can afford … but saying “at least $50” and you are running a business, you are selling indicators.

All I want is for him to be upfront about it. “Hello, I am TRO, I program hundreds of indicators. I will give away many for free but if you want even more & better ones, you have to send me $50, one time payment, and I send you indicators & updates for life. Please send payment marked as a ‘donation’ via PayPal”

Great, that’s a fair deal … a good deal even.

I just hate the subterfuge and since he has come into this or any thread, all you see are his huge charts everywhere. Why can’t he attach charts like everyone else does so people can choose rather or not to view them?
He does make some good calls, and also some bad ones. Overall his win-lose ratio is nothing special … compare to Andrew, cadarkitek (who once again nailed the GY moves yesterday almost to the pip) and of course Jo, Tess, James, and others … there is no comparison, and they are not selling, just sharing.

Anyone is free to post here as long as the majority are not bothered by it.

Great minds thnk alike :slight_smile: I was just writing that in my post.

Man and you did it [I]again! [/I] She went to 199.78 overnight! That is so cool…

Yes, much better. That way people can choose whether or not to view them, if they are following your methods. Thanks for your cooperation.

TRO, you still don’t get it … it is not about you making money. This is America, and I hope you become a millionaire selling your indicators if they help others succeed. And if I think they are truly useful, I will feature a link to you on my site as well. No kickbacks, or commission. Yes I get kickbacks from some of my site links, not all. I feature information there that I truly think willl help others as it has helped me. If the provider has an affiliate program, I would be stupid not to use it, especially with my limited income. But that is not the criteria, the value of what is offered is the criteria.

Why not put a link in your sig line like I do? BP allows that after 100 posts, people can go to a site, see what you do & what they need to do to get your indicators, and they can make their decision.

That is the upfront way to do it, IMHO.

Anyway, especially now that you have reduced those charts, you are welcome to post here, any input that helps us trade better is welcome.

199.95-200.15: another important zone of contention, mostly because of the psychological weight the 200 level carries. There are some other things going on, though:

Check :
a) the speed lines off the swing high @ 213.95 on 08/06 to
b) swing low @ 202.55 on 08/13.

…the .33 line is serving as upper descendline trendline resistance since last Friday.

Now, check the fib fan for:
c) the swing high on 08/15 @ 206.52 to
d) the most recent completed swing low @ 201.79 on 08/21.

The .382 line is acting as lower descending trendline support since last Friday.

Finally, see the fib retracement between:

e) the swing low @ 201.79 on 08/21; and
f) the latest completed swing high @ 204.60 on 08/22:

the 161.8% extension? 199.96.

There’s a lattice point here: confluence between the fib fan line and the extension at ~200 bolstering the psychological support. Whether that adds up to an indomitable point of bullish reinforcement remains to be seen.

Okay, okay: here it is on the chart. :smiley:

Question: when there are breaks in the current triangle, do you re-draw the triangle to include those? i.e. on UJ, a new triangle could be drawn taking into consideration the highs and lows that broke out of the previous triangle.
At what point does a triangle become invalid or supersceded by new price action?

What are speed lines, Andrew?