šŸ“¢ Giveaway Alert: How did you discover forex trading?

I discovered forex after being introduced to it by my sister who was already trading and doing fairly well last year 2019 in February. I thought it would be easy for me since I have a banking background and experience. I however discovered soon that the forex I thought I knew and the forex trading I was now doing were totally different different. This I learnt the hard way after blowing my account several times. A friend offered to mentor me but first gave me the Babypips book and told me to forget everything I thought I knew then read the book from first page to the last before starting to trade. I later discovered that i was still a novice in the trade because I had a lot of things that I diď not know. Babypips has become my pal.

My forex journey started in February 2019 when l was introduced to it by my husband.l had no idea about what forex trading was, l just needed something l could get an earning from.Unfortunately l had not heard about Babypips.I just opened an account and started trading using some savings which l blew off.Then my aunt who is also a trader introduced me to Babypips and l read a lot and researched,now am a better trader and am beginning to realise profit. lt was not easy before reading Babypips l struggled and blew accounts but now am a happy trader.Thanks to Babypips, a lifesaver!

Friendship goals is what i chearish in life. I was introduced to babypips by my primary school friend Mudau Ndamulelo Premier. I was very excited and amazed about his success as a trader, so i asked if he could help me to learn and trade like he does. Thatā€™s when he introduced me to babypips and Iā€™m still at it and loving. It gets better by the day.

I have always been fascinated about making money online. So in 2017 out of curiosity, I did a Google search on the subject matter. Of course I was flooded with a myriad of offers like blogging, web programming and development, affiliate marketing, working on get paid to do sites amongst others. I tried every opportunity that came my way but after a while I will give up as my passion was not really there except for working on get paid to do sites (Gpt) such as Ysense and Microworkers.

There were just two major setbacks to performing tasks on Gpt sites. One was that the pay per task was so low, just a couple of cents and I would often spend hours upon hours everyday just to earn some meagre 50 bucks every month. After a year and half or so, my earnings from this site started dwindling as there were fewer tasks available to perform.

It was at this time that it dawned on me that it was time for me to delve into more tangible ventures and that was how I came to know about forex. From seeing so many forex ads on Facebook and upon further research on the topic on Google, I discovered babypips.com only early last year.

Although I am relatively new to Forex, I have learnt a lot. I have completed over 111 lessons on babypips.com. I have recently found a mentor, a top financial analyst in my country and by the time I am through learning, I would have been well equipped for my journey into forex trading.

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Aaaaaand finally, Januaryā€™s over!

Weā€™re ready to give away some moolah ā€˜cause we now have our winners for this monthā€™s giveaway!

A huge thanks to everyone who participated. There were lots of interesting stories and it was pretty cool to know more about how you discovered forex! But then again, whether you found out about it through a friend, or just got curious after seeing some pop-up ads, weā€™re happy you gave it a go! And we wish you all the best in your trading journey!

So, without further ado, here are our lucky winners!

Starting with the BabyPips teamā€™s choice who just bagged $50 USD, we haveā€¦.


Congratulations, MOLO_FP. The members of the team really enjoyed reading through your discovery story!

Now, moving on to the random winner who will win $25 USD, we haveā€¦


But you know what? Since youā€™ve all been so generous in sharing your stories, weā€™ve decided to pick one more random winner who will also receive $25 USD.

Yup! You heard it right!

Our second random winner isā€¦


Congratulations again to all the winners! Iā€™ll be in touch with you guys shortly to ask for your PayPal accounts!

*Failure to respond with your email addresses within 7 days will result in disqualification and selection of new winners.

If you werenā€™t so lucky during this giveaway, donā€™t worry! We have more exciting things coming up! So watch out for that!


I am very excited to be the winner of this giveaway i donā€™t have words to describe how babypips has been good for me and has done for me thus far

thank you very much

Congratulations to all the winners! :clap::clap:

Cool to see you have promos like this here. Too bad I missed it though. Congratulations to all winners.

Congratulations to all the winners! :blush: Better luck next time for me, I guess! :smiley: Haha. :sweat_smile:

I looked for ways of earning fast money 6 years ago browsing on the Internet. I found about the Binary Options. Have been hooked since.

But 2 years ago made the switch to forex. Kinda hard, as I was very impatient. 1-2 seconds felt like an eternity. When Binary Options were banned by EMSA, then sort of I made the switch.

Didnā€™t have too much contact with Binary Options. Although they were almost all I knew about trading.

The ā€œintenseā€ activity started with forex, and I finally structured my strategy (4, in fact). Weā€™ll see how legit/ random this markets are. Also BabyPips school is finished 90%, I have a couple of lessons more but frankly this isnā€™t affecting me in the slightest but I will finish it anyway. It helped me a lot. Is more like just informative stuff tobthe end.

Lack money, but I could say Iā€™m skilled in this trading bussiness. Have proof on demo account and I will join on real soon.

I only need to add or study some information about volume. Again, I sort of "done"my research but if I can have an edge over the market, 1 more way to filter errors, why not?