šŸ“¢ Giveaway Alert: How did you discover forex trading?

I heard of Forex trading at my work when my colleagues were talking about it in August 2018. I started trading the very next month, September 2018. I made profits following a free signal group and I was happy. It was when I decided that following free signal was too slow in generating profits that I decided to learn the skillset of trading. I learnt from free YouTube videos, made some gains, lost again. I have been learning on babypips for the past 8 months and finetuning my strategy. Hopefully I should make Forex trading my major job soon. I just love trading and Iā€™m not gonna give up

I was invited for an empowerment seminar and on getting there I was formally introduced to Forex trading

Phew! I never regretted joining Forex trading. It started 2018. Whenever I surfed the net; i do get pop-up ads from etoro, InstaForex, Expert options, OlympTradeā€¦on and on.

But ā€œbabypipsā€ struck my heart. Why? Because, hearing the word, ā€œbabyā€ means Iā€™ll be taught Forex Trading like a little child i.e Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll comprehend the basics and fundamentals here.

As days went by, i opened a demo account with InstaForex, the $100,000(Demo) looked so real that i had to Trade it as though i were trading a real-dollar account. OMG!

To simplify my conscience, i had to blow the account $10,000 to make it look more genuine.
That was how i handled the $10,000, applied the little i learnt from Candlestick bible, Market wizards and on and onā€¦

Eureka! In 5 daysā€™ time, i scalped that $10,000 to $102K. I was damn excited and still sad, because it wasnā€™t a real account.

Since then, i told myself, ā€œJoe, if you can make this on Demo, you can as well make same or even more on real accountā€

Since then, i braced up.

Right now, my current real account balance isā€¦ :sunglasses:
Thanks for reading.

The best investment and business in the world - TRADING.


I started like any other new trader, without knowledge and little capital. I came across dozens of ads where brokers basically promised a rags to riches story if I opened and account with them. It made no sense to me, the math didnā€™t add up. I spend the next year educating myself as I believe that knowledge is key for success in any field.

I have actually seen a lot of social media messages on 'We sell Pips/ We sell signals.". I always wondered what people meant by this. My curiosity got the better of me and I Googled ā€˜PIPSā€™, the fast Google result was from babypips, I actually got interested in the name more than the definition. What was interesting was how simple babypips explanation was. This made me open an account with babypips when I discovered the online course.
Simple explanations in baby language, it was so easy to understand forex from the beginning. I loved the diagrams, they made sense. Pictures really speak louder than words.
I was taught forex wholly by babypips. Iā€™d honestly say that you give the best definitions and examples.
And yes, Iā€™d like to win the contest to get some trading capital.

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I know about forex since november 2019 I started looking for a way to learn it because it seems fun to me (I like numbers) and this was full of it :smiley:My friend introduced me to it with some huge profits he is trading since 2015 and now making like 20k+ a month soooo he is like my mentor. He told me to come here first at babypips.

First time I actually heard forex was like in the year 2007, then my uncle trades forexā€¦ I see him trade, but certainly do not have any idea what forex was then, buh I do know its very profitableā€¦ Till I finished high school, I had to go learn about forex to he more knowledgeable about it, BABYPIPS taught me a lot of things I knew the basics of forex through BABYPIPS did many researches and later got someone who was willing to teach me, though i paid a tokenā€¦ And now am pretty sure am good go, am just having problems funding my account yetā€¦ I hope I win this giveaway so I can fund and start making profits!!! :blush::blush:

I discovered Forex trading in April 2016 when i was in third year of my university. I will never forget that month when i got an advertisement from a broker and immediately got hooked to forex. I did wat every new forex trader does, get signals from a signal provider and scalp. On 12 April, i lost $500 to forex. That week my best friend also lost his mother to cancer. It was a very sad week for both of us. I had $1000 to spend the entire year in university and i lost half of it that day.
This is my story.

I discovered that in facebook everytime i visited it

I first came across Forex trading in a television feature highlighting alternative sources of income, the guy talking about Forex trading looked quite enthusiastic and positive on the opportunities available in the Forex market. As if by coincidence I again came across a feature in the papers within the same week. This got me interested and for a while now I have been surfing online trying to learn and gather all I can about Forex trading. Babypips to me is an all inclusive one stop for everything on Forex trading.

I discovered Forex trading this year early January 2020, I was at the pharmacy, and I met this beautiful young lady and had to collect her number, I called her severally later on, she started ignoring my calls, I just saw on her status, about the post she posted for her boyfriend. FOREX TRADING TRAINING fOR $50. I was battled and was like , thatā€™s too much, If he can be an expert on it, I can know it also, I started surfing the Internet for almost 13 hours straight, I then discovered this amazing platform BABYPIPS FORUMS that has Chaged my trading life.
Thank you!!

I got introduced to forex in August, 2019.
As a newbie, I didnā€™t know Jack about trading but wanted to learn so as to have financial freedom. I got enrolled in a signal and mentorship program worth $500 and funded my trading account with $18. My first mistake! Had I known I would have funded my account with the $500 instead. By October I was deep down in debt as I kept blowing my account from terrible trade calls. I joined several other signal providers who promised to teach and give signals but all ended in tears. Now I donā€™t even have $1 to trade in my live account. However Iā€™ve not given up. From lessons learned on babypips and YouTube Iā€™ve been trading on demo and I can confidently say if I win either the $25 or $50, it will help me recover all my loss and save me from the shame of not taking care of my responsibilities as a daughter to my ailing father.
Thank you so much.

I was still in high school when I heard about Forex trading m I was watching a South African TV programme where they were interviewing the youngest millionaire in the country. They asked him about how he made his money and about his life. He said that he sold muffins at first and then put the money he made into Forex trading, from there he went into it full time. That was the first time I heard about it. It immediately sparked interest with me that a 21 year old was the youngest millionaire by doing what I thought was easy at the time. A couple years down the line and I canā€™t imagine myself doing something else other than trading Forex.

Forex is my living. Forex made for me. Destiny takes me towards trading. Thanks. Bhupinder Kapoor

It all started in 2015 when I was playing a video game in my cellphone and an ad regarding trading appeared on the screen. I was intrigued about what that trading thing was and rushed to open an account with the advertised broker. I deposited $5.00 USD and opened my first position in USDJPY without really knowing what I was doingā€¦ and I profited from itā€¦ Lolā€¦ Since that day, trading has become my passion and my main source of income (obviously after crashing and burning and studying hard to become profitable). The rest is history.

Like every young person i was surfing the internet and boom there it was. Started learning in bit. And the rest is history.

My uncleā€™s wife introduced Forex to me. Since I havenā€™t gotten a job by then, she told me it will help keep me busy and also provide income for me. I then went for a training course on Forex, during the training the instructor ask us to visit babypips for comprehensive knowledge of forex.

Good. You are a smart role model.

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My Forex Journey.
I got to know about forex trading in 2012 by a friend who was into it at that time, but I never really showed much interest until 2019, in-between the years I was up and down, then February 2019, It occured to me that I need to be my own boss, that was the moment I made the decision to start trading forex, I picked up my phone and put a call to my friend indicating interest, he promised to teach me, and yes he did, that marked the beginning of my Trading life.

I was introduced to forex by a friend and he also gave me a material from baby pips that am still studying gradually.