GIVEAWAY: How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?

HEy I’m bo, absolutely a newbie to all this but treally enjoying learning and working on my demo.

I’m not sure how long it will take but I’m here to stay. I always enjoyed “numbers” and hope this becomes a good support in my life :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, my name is Gideon
I spend most of my free time learning how to code
But I realized I have the potential to be a great trader(or so I’d like to think😂) a few months ago
To answer the question… For me I’d say a year or a year and 6 months tops(just to be sure​:joy::joy:)

Thank you

Hi Traders ,
I am bimsy ,a techprenure j have a familr of 4.i am a go gether in otherwords a result oriented business owner…I started with demo trading about 2 years ago and i went live just around the same period,
I think the first thing to seek if you want to be a successful trader is knowlegde -you must be hungry for it ,it is the main ingredent to successful trading, and look for a team /community of learning community where you can get a mentor,Then the 2nd is experience. you learn from your mistake which is your best teacher all this cant take you less than 2-4years before you can really be independent and successful trader ,goodluck

My name is Alex and I’m from Southern California. Ever since I heard about Forex I became interested but never found the time or money to invest myself. So I researched and found babypips. I took the whole babypips university and gained knowledge. Since then I have practiced with fake accounts and have learned a bit more techniques. Only issue is that I still have not made actual profit. It’s been 1 1/2 years since I joined and I still need more knowledge and techniques to feel comfortable trading real money.

Hi my name is Sibu from South Africa. I’m a mother of a 3 months old handsome young man.
This is my 2nd week trading live, so far so good I’ve only had 2 losses so far.
I think it’ll take me a year to be a successful trader

Hey everyone, I’m Jamie from London, UK.

I’ve been investing for years and have been interested in forex for the past 2 years (including blowing a couple of accounts). I am currently going through the BabyPips education again whilst demo trading across different timeframes/strategies to get a feel of things. I am a fully qualified Architect which took 8+ years of study, and I expect to become a profitable trader in a similar time frame!

One of the methods I have found useful in my learning is asking myself why someone would take the opposite side of my trade, and trying to come up with a list of reasons to validate each side. I’ve also been trying to reverse engineer peoples analysis when they share it (forums, social media etc.) to see if I can figure out a) how they reached their conclusion, b) if my analysis would reach the same conlusion, or if not, why not and c) if there are any lessons I can apply to myself

Looking forward to becoming more active on the forum!

Hello, my name is Evans. Am currently pursuing my first degree in accounting. I started learning forex trading ending of last year around November, ever since i discovered forex trading I always use my free time to work on my strategy and I have really developed a strong passion for it, I trust the process of forex trading because it is the only profession with a 100% freedom financially and other aspects of life, and now I have gotten to a point where am able to earn something small every week. I want to master forex trading and build a life time career out of it and I strongly believe that I will be more profitable before this year end.

Hi! My name is Rachel and I’m a 19 year old from Bulgaria. I am a student studying computer science and business management and just started live trading this year. I was on a demo account for 6 months and believe it will take me by the end of the year to get down a solid trading strategy. I love trading because it’s a profitable skill that can pay the bills if risk management is taken account. I’m so glad I just found this platform there’s so much great advice for beginners. I would love to use my amazon gift card to buy a birthday gift for my little brother. Thank you!!!

Hi I am a noob and want to understand ForEx trading. I use babypips to understand the fundamentals and listen to the research that is posted by various users. I plan to be able to trade in ForEx as a part time income stream since. I started lurking and taking the tutorials but I havent started demo trading yet. I want to be sure of a few things before I do that.

Hello Pipo, my name is Hyginus Chika. I am from Ebonyi state, Nigeria.

I was looking for how to make money online and got hit by forex on December, now I am digging my way into becoming a professional trader. My aim is to become a profitable trader by the end of this year. Currently I am studying here at babypips and targeting graduation by Q2. I have tested trading on a demo account with a $100 initial deposit inorder to help train my patience and to work on my risk reward ratio. I believe that if I grow $100 to $1,000 then I am set to trade real account.

Hi, I’m Olalekan Ojo from Nigeria am a self employed guy. Well, you don’t know how greedy or disciplined you are until you start trading forex, it will take me at least three years to be a successful trader as a lot has to be done on emotions.

Hi everyone. My name is Mohamed. I am from Somalia. Currently, I live with my family and I enjoy being with them.

I have been studying about forex for about 4 months. I spend most of my day learning about the different aspects of how to trade currencies. I am now starting to build a strategy and to test it in the coming months. Hope I and everyone in here be successful.

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Hey i’m Emmy, currently a student in Nigeria studying basic med with dreams of studying medicine abroad regardless of the current financial crisis at home saying otherwise. Forex trading seems much of a way out.
I haven’t got much of a knowledge about Forex, baby-pips is all i got in my pursuit of being a successful professional Forex trader.
I think with consistent practice and right information i will get around the trade, but being a successful trader gonna take a gradual consistent process, i will give myself a couple of years in the trade, but don’t care how long it takes to be a successful Forex trader.

  1. My name is David… I’m here to learn about forex trading and trade with this platform

2 I don’t think the period can be measured through time but I think when one is able to complete the course outline on the website… then the person would be ready and have enough knowledge about trading

Hi everyone, I’m UBONG Yellow from Nigeria, nickname Sparkles, I’m 20 years old, I started learning forex when I was 17, I’ve lived my life around the internet, Infact, it raised me :grinning:. I’ve studied Forex Trading and I can confidently say that I’m very conversant with the strategies I’ve learnt so far. Babypips has really contributed immensely to my knowledge, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning forex from the scratch. I know I’ll be a very successful and consistent trader soonest. It’s my earnest desire to see any serious trader succeed. See you at the top. Love y’all. :heart:

Hi, my name is Sierra. I am from NY but I currently live in Sicily. I love to travel and I spend most of my time learning anything I can with resources I find online. I hope to one day be able to have my entire career based online so I can travel freely while working.

I have never live traded before, I am a bit anxious about it. I have been studying about how to analyze the forex market for about 6 months and I have been studying hard. I hope in the next year or 2 to feel confident enough in my knowledge to start trading profitably.

Hello traders. I am Shomeythemoney a retired IT guy and new forex trader living the dream on the Jersey shore (nothing like the tv series)… Been at it for about 4 months now. I have been and still am a stock options trader as well. I found a system that seems to be working for me. I am able to generate some good pips monthly and I am trading a small account ($1000) and I’m up about $85 so far. I’d like to see this trend continue and if it does I will increase my account equity and start trading bigger lots. I think this process could take to the end of this year. I want/need much more data to evaluate my system in all kinds of markets so I’m in for the full ride. Cheers y’all

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I’m Kizito from Nigeria, A newbie, Life hasn’t been easy for me but I got the chance to own a laptop with internet connection… that’s where I get to know about forex trading and babypips has been the best companion through this journey, I believe in 5-6 months, I could be a profitable trader because my family life depend on this. I have goals on becoming a better network marketer, and have a platform to educate people about opportunities that could alleviate them from poverty especially during this global recession.

Hi am new here but very eager to know more about forex which am convinced would just take me a little time to being a master

My name is Ejor. I am a doctor and am a total newbie to Forex trading. I am however excited to be starting out. I think it will take me 2 months onwards to trade profitably.