GIVEAWAY: How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?

Hi, am Chinonso from Lagos, Nigeria. Am 17 and I live with my mom. I’ve been a student in the school of pipsology for about 3 weeks and I just graduated kindergarten and am already Wrestling Fibonacci in elementary. Sincerely, I’ve been slower with the lessons cause my computer screen got broken and I can’t really change it now because my city is under lock down. To answer the question, I believe when am done with the school of pipsology and demo trading with my mobile for some weeks and getting a profitable strategy. And I also believe becoming a successful trader begins with believe you can, Developing confidence and embracing discipline. THANKS…

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Hi Im Mike from London. I am a business owner looking for diversification from the normal. This current global crisis has given me the opportunity to do this.
For me you need to define successful trader. It is not winning 100% of the time but more than 50% with consistent gains.
So when will i become a successful trader comes when that happens, however i will never stop learning so success comes with adapting to markets and overcoming my limiting beliefs, so when we have learnt to do that and make consistent gains we will be successful traders.

Hi! My name is Collins from Nigeria. I got to know of babypips when I told a friend of my passion to learn forex. He sent me the site and it has been a great one. I have learnt some much from babypips with it’s simplistic lessons.
I hope to be a good trader in the next six (6) months.

Hello, I am Ezejitu Chukwuka
To become a successful trader would actually take a very long time if you don’t have consistency and a good discipline.
But would take a shorter time when you have consistency and a perfect discipline.

Hi my name is Brian. I live in Willow Grove Pennsylvania. I run an advertising agency. I just got started with forex 2 weeks ago. I hope to be a very successful trader by the end of the year.

Hello. My name is Richard.

Well, with proven strategy, stable lot size and three months of consistent practice, I should be making little profit from the forex market

Hi, I am Armando from Mexico. I live with my sister and her dog. I just graduated college and became interest in fx trading. I think it is a nice hobby or side job, that could later turn into my main income and give me that financial freedom I wish to have some day in the future. Hopefully before I turn 40.

I think and hope I can be profitable in a year or two. I am just getting started, so I have a long road to get there, but I am looking forward to this challenge!

Hello. My name is Wycklif. I’m from Africa, Kenya to be specific. I’ve been learning how to trade for 5 months now. I have managed to gain basic skills on how to monitor the markets. I’ve also managed to practice on a specific strategy on the demo account which has turned out to be profitable. I’ve been using it on my real account lately after back testing it for 2 months in the demo account. I’m working on compounding my profits and hope to become successful in a 3 year time.

Hi. I’m Joe from Florida in the U.S.A. My fiance and I live out in a part of the Green Swamp. Out away from all the noise and trouble. I hope to become a profitable trader within the next 12-18 months, if not sooner. Any longer than that and I’ll have to go back out into the world to the grind I’m attempting to cut ties with. Anyway, I wish all of us the best of luck as we undertake this venture. May we fly high, never die and make it if we try…rock and roll forever, baby!

What up my pips! (Sorry, I know it was a stretch…)

Hailing from Vancouver Canada. I’ve wanted to invest the time to learn forex for a few years now, but have since really made it a priority.

Success starts in the mind. Therefore, I’ve already decided that I AM A WILDLY SUCCESSFUL FOREX TRADER. Now, to practice patience and let the process materialize…

Persistence, consistency and focus are paramount here.

Happy trading!

Hi Everyone
My name is Ruan and I live in Pretoria South Africa. With our Currency the way it is, I have been learning about trading and playing on demo accounts for quite a while. but the high cost of living and raising a family has kept my kickoff with a real trade account out of reach. It’s basically 18 time more difficult just to save up the minimum starting deposit ie $200… Zar18:USD1.
I hope to start with real trading soon and believe I would feel successful as soon I can sustainably earn enough from Trading to equal what I now earn from my day job. Realistically, with such a small starting capital and a good bit of luck form the strategy I believe to work for me I want to be there in 18months.
All the best to every one out there.
May your trades be like the African Sunrise.
For it will alway bring with it a new hope.
And May your dreams of financial success become your reality.

Hi, I am Chukwuebuka from Nigeria. I have demo-traded for 3 months now having graduated from babypips school of pipsology.
Due to the nature of my job, swing trading appears to be suitable for me and so far has worked out on a streak of profitable trades with a very few stop outs, though l have to give it time to work out.
Trading on the observation of three time frames I try to identify important weekly or daily support and resistance lines, wait for price to hit these lines and either long or short as the case may be; then place stop loss and take profits accordingly. This strategy has worked so far and any moment from now, I am looking to fund my account and start real trading on a 1 or 2% risk plan but the truth is that i don’t know how this is going to happen.
In addition I am looking forward to planning on a way to effectively trade the news and to connect a trading mentor because I believe that skills are not enough at my stage of learning but mental strength and emotional stability will be key. Nevertheless, I have taken to list dates of major economic releases, followed Bloomberg live broadcast on Facebook and other related news forum such that in one month time I will have mastered the fundamentals required to be even more successful in forex trading.
Thanks babypips, thanks to the forum. I appreciate this wonderful learning opportunity. At least I now know how to trade.

Hello everyone my names are Ummulkhair Rukaya, I am from Nigeria, a university undergraduate, a newbie to forex trading. Was introduced to forex last December 2019. I’ve been practicing on demo since then. I hope to become a successful forex trader within 10-12months IJN.

Hi babypips community!
I’m Victor from Nigeria, currently a banking and finance student and residing with my family who obviously mean everything to me.

I used to spend most of my free time studying and doing what I love the most - MUSIC. This was until I discovered a way not only to broaden my knowledge base as it pertains to my field (finance) but to also gain substantial financial independence - FOREX TRADING!!!
Ever since, I kept searching for an opportunity to acquire this newly found skill until about a week ago, I met babypips (the love of my life).:smiley:
I guess this makes me one of, if not the newest member of this forum, right?
I must say I’m most pleased to be part of this great community as my search for RICH, SELF-EXPLANATORY AND UP TO DATE forex lessons have finally come to an end; or maybe a PAUSE!

I just got enrolled in the school of pipsology some few days back and I’m currently in the elementary level. At this learning pace, I think I’m going to complete my lessons and become a profitable trader in not less than a year and a half.

To achieve this, I plan to put in even more efforts to first master the nitty-gritty of forex trading before demo trading and thereafter, getting into the real deal. I’m sure I’d be able to achieve this within the time frame I set for myself, with this community by my side.

Hello guys, my name is Natasha from Nigeria, I majored in Economics so financials intrigue me, I’ve always wanted to learn how to trade but I never set the time aside to do so, however, the recent lock down due to the spread of the pandemic and the uncertain financial future that lies ahead of me has given me the the push I finally need. I searched for days online for a site that could provide a step by step guide for a new trader like myself and I am so glad I stumbled on baby pips, I am currently enrolled in the School of Pipsology. With the motivation I have at the moment and the hours I intend to put in, I hope to become really great at trading by this time next year. Cheers to every trader out there. :slight_smile:

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Hi all! I’m Daniel from Nigeria, I’m a graduate Geologist, yet to secure a job. I spend a lot of time thinking of how best to position myself for the future. I like football, I play also and video games. :joy:
How long it take to trade profitably is relative as we posses different capabilities and unequally disposed. But, one thing that is common is that before you can trade profitably you must understand your analytical tools and their limitations: from technical tools i.e getting comfortable with the indicators, spoting patterns and trends on your charts to fundamentals(political, social and economic forces), the ability to correctly guage market sentiments, and understanding your broker. And finally how they all relate and differ. As long as it takes to understand the above, that’s how long it will take to be profitable in trading.
I’m on the verge of graduating from the School of Pipsology😁, I’m excited about it. I can’t wait to put all the learning into practice and bag some pips like pipcrawler and cyclopip. I intend to get a customized jet and car with matching colors but I’m calm and I understand that it takes time, patience, good judgment, and discipline. I’m in no rush.
I will demo trade until I develop a strategy that is comfortable and profitable.

Hi I’m olumide from Nigeria,currently a student studying sociology I’m not the lousy type so I keep few friends.
I’m new on this forum started leading about forex trade like a month ago and I create special interest in it but to know more about it I took a step further to ask some expert ,fortunately I was directed here and I have been learning and practicing forex trade and everything related to it and I hope to become a successful trader in a year or two .cause to be successful you don’t have to start big you sometimes have to start small and as a student that doesn’t have much capital I’m starting small and I’m hoping the future with forex is bright ,withing a year or two I know I’ll become a successful trader thank you.

It’s a great opportunity for me to be here right now, learning forex trading with babypips has been a blessing to my soul and intellectual property. Babypips simplify forex in a language a baby can understand and it has really bring light to the orientation I have about forex. I can bet it with anyone that babypips is the best asset a forex trader can have.

Hi I’m Clement from the UAE. I’ve been trading live since the beginning of the year after demo trading for awhile. Though the live trades have proven to be a world different from demo trading emotions wise. I believe it will take months(if not years) of consistency, learning and relearning to become a successful and profitable trader.
Main stategy is to keep reinvesting the profits, building a solid base not a one off. By use of the age old MACD, RSA and the candlestick patterns, not forgetting to keep an eye on the news regularly. To also keep learning and relearning from others on the forum and trying out ideas on demo trading.

hey hey, i live in atlanta with my pug ellie!

ill consider myself a successful trader once i make back my original investment, haha.

i do not know how long that will take, but hopefully i can get the basics down in the mean time.