GIVEAWAY: How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?

Wah Gwaan BabyPips!
(That’s what’s up in Jamaican)

I believe that the path to becoming a profitable trader is mostly dependent on self control, making a plan and sticking to it. This self control and understanding of the market can take you anywhere from a couple of months to over a year. Don’t get discouraged, get focused. The journey of a thousand miles begins with that very first step.

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Hi, I am Sukhvir from Punjab (India). I am 21 years old. First thanks to baby pips. M started learning from baby pips from 2 years even m still learning from baby pips because m demo trader.

How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?

after completing baby pips schooling seriously, make your strategy according your personality , n at least complete 100 trades with that strategy , no manual close only T/P hits trades, n only 10 S/l allowed, then u will able to trading in live accounts.

Hi guys my name is Edwin from South Africa, I am a beginner trader been learning Forex for roughly 2 years now.

I believe it will take me another year or two to become a successful trader.

Hi everyone to be successful in forex exchange requires commitment, persistent and perseverace, to be successful will not due to a period ie months or years… You are successful when you see forex as what linked the world finance together and when you see loss as a normal emotional state. Also see forex as not a get rich quick scheme. Have a trading strategies too and also differ forex from gambling.

Hi, I am Nosa from Nigeria. I like to mind my business and these days my business is learning about the forex market. I started learning voraciously 3 months ago and so far I am beginning to get the drill.

Call me a risk taker… Yeh😉…a month into the process of learning I went in to the real markets… It was an up down ride and eventually blew my account😆. Through that process I have been able to learn alot of about emotional trading. Until you start trading with real money… You ain’t gonna get that. Baby pips has being a major part of my learning process. Kudos guys.

Presently, I can say I have come to a level where I can begin to make steady profits, but getting to where I want to be would take about 6 months of consistency. (haven’t been consistent cos forex was a part-time thingy. This is changing soon).

Hi my name’s Afeez I’m from Nigeria have been practising demo trading for 10 months now and getting the hang of it, I’m looking to get good enough where I can trade Forex and commodities full time but still haven’t reached the level where I’m fully happy with a strategy. I’m hoping to become profitable within the next 6 months to a year. Reason for this is to leave my job and have a little freedom in life to do the things I want as I have a young family and want them to experience things I never could, I see trading as a tool to do that and I’m always learning.

Hi everyone,
My name is Manuela, but you can call me ManuCiao. I’m Italian living abroad. I started trading last year, using different platforms. A friend of a friend mentioned to me BaByPips and since then I am deeply grateful to this person, because I am learning every day something new in a fun way which is the best for me!
I think in my case, since I am still working in a full time job, it will take me between 2 years to get to the point that I am fully aware what I am doing and 1 more year to become a successful trader. The secret here is to set goals every years, such as getting a mentor, establish your daily routine, learn with people or friends, participate in forums, share strategies and welcoming any type of feedback. Least but not latst… thank you Babypips and thank you everyone that is part of the babypips forum.

Hi everyone, my name is Ugbusco, I live in Nigeria.
I love taking calculative risk and doing things that are realistic and feasible.
Becoming a successful trader depends on an individual and how much training acquired, and as such I see myself as a successful trader in 3 months time.

Hello everyone,

My name is Fernando and I’m from Portugal. I’ve been “watching” forex for the last year, and I’m really interested in learning Forex. But the reality it’s that I tryied the get rich fast scheme. I’ve entered I Markets Live and was promised to win big fast, only by following signals. But this wasn’t the case, only blew some small accounts. From that moment I started to see youtube traders, and trying to leanr from them, and the result were the same, some small accounts blown. Then I just stepped aside for several months…

Then came CoronaVirus… and with this quarentine I’ve decided to go to the start, so learn and demo test. Now my plan is to define what kind of trader i’m I, and what kind of strategy I want to follow ( I like breaks and retests).

I think i can become a Live trader in one year, but successful in 3/4 years. ( I hope).

Good morning Jamie, fantastic point about learning through advocating points for the opposite side of the trade you’re planning to take and analyzing prognostications from various FX news sources. I thought it would be a good exercise to track projections and match up with actual price movements for various sites to measure accuracy

Hi Nosa - starting the first live account is like a bucket of ice water being thrown in your face waking me to the realization that one of the primary responsibilities is risk management! Another thing was like hover parenting- where the parents hover around the kids constantly, and often annoyingly,- i’m learning to set good take profit/stop loss and not be a hover-trader!

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Good luck Carolina in Portugal - what FX related podcasts do you like?

Hi Brian, thanks a lot!
I’ve heard about babypips in a podcast called Forex Q&A with VP. Apparently VP learned how to trade trough the School and now is making quite a living out of it.

If anyone knows any other good podcast, I would love some recommendations :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone! I’m dopipmine pronounced like dopamine (doh-puh-meen). I live in Canada. Currently, working from home on salary as an architectural technologist and learning forex as side hustle.

I’ve been studying forex on and off for the past year, still very newbie. I opened my demo account about 3 weeks ago. Little side story, I graduated from post-secondary 7 years ago but I didn’t get a job in my field until 2 years ago and after learning a lot about my job, including going through my own ride of emotions such as anxiety. With that in mind, I aim to be a profitable trader in 2 years. To get there, I’m aiming to continue studying each day little by little at a nice and easy going pace. Good luck to everyone on their journey!

Hi my name is Zsofi! I’m 19 and started trading 3 months ago. I’ve actually been interested for 2-3 years now, and it started with an interest in stocks that ultimately led to forex instead😅 I have 3 sisters and 2 pregnant cats so things are a little chaotic. I finished high school and decided to have a gap year so I can save up for uni, but most of my funds had to go to bills instead, and that’s what motivated me to finally take the plunge and start trading. I hope to be profitable by the end of this year so I won’t have to take a 3rd gap year!

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Hello, I’m Joshua a university student and a forex trader.
First of all,to become a successful forex trader, I’ll need trade using the demo and move to my live account where real emotions lies.
To be a successful trader, I’ll need to learn from my mistakes and move forward making sure I don’t make same mistakes, constant practise and paying attention to the process instead of the profit.
Knowledge comes first!!!

Hi , I’m Prasan from Sri Lanka ( A tropical island located in indian ocean) I’m a Demo trader for about 4 months now. I’m in a phase of testing my strategy and I think it will take about year for me to become a successful trader.I hope to have forex as my side hustle as I’m currently engage in a full time profession.

Hello all! I’m Quinton from the US. I’m currently in the US military, and looking forward to retiring in 4 years. I’ve lived all over the world all of my life, and am looking forward to the next phase of my life, and looking to add the FOREX skillset to my investment knowledge.

I’ve been trading in US markets for years, with great return percentages, but have never had a lot of capital to invest in the first place, so the overall ROI is low. I’d to learn how to trade in the foreign exchange and begin seeing positive returns within the next 18 months. I’m a fast learner and am looking forward to getting started!

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Hi all! I’m Stephan from Canada I live with my wife and dog, Oreo.

I have not started Live trading yet, but hope to soon. I am going through the Babips school, and programming some ideas in MT4 with a demo account. As many people think, I thought Forex could be something I can learn.

I am hoping to trade successfully for fun and profit by the end of the year.

Hi! Hope everyone is safe and protected. I think it’ll take about a 6 months with consistent practice. I plan on jumping into the demo today and doing it for about 3 months while referring back to the pre-school and the forum.