Global and US Market Strong Weak Rankings

Three up days, some may see the worst is over, I see a bear flag

Probably temporary but also probably will go further and last longer than most expect. Then just as everyone begins to feel the worst is over…

Gold Minders are above the 7-year resistance level of 31.50, If we can get a Friday close above this level and some follow-through next week the Miners have a lot of upside potential

Gold miners continue to soar, I would not be chancing here but buying on the next pullback is a no brainer

Small pinbar on the weekly should signal a down week ahead but will the Fed allow this market to drop

The Bulls and Bears are at each other’s necks right now, the majority opinion is we have not seen the lows, I was of this opinion too but in trading, the majority is usually wrong

Gold has been stuck in this triangle for 5 weeks, I would expect a breakout before months end

After a 40% selloff Biotech is on a roll, now up 9% for the Year and by far the best performing sector

We have our breakout in gold

We see gold heading for its all-time high, Silver on the other hand even after a really good week is still barely above its bottom, a break above 20 is what we are waiting for but by then gold could already be at all-time highs, this is a historic imbalance and will need to correct, either gold needs to come down or Silver needs to trade higher, much higher. I am betting on Silver but it has been a long wait



Because of the imbalance with Gold?

For guys learning - the 50 ma with SLV.

Couple that with good numbers re the world virus threat and the fact that CRB will rise in anticipation - likely too that Gold will fall - the difference between precious metal and commodities.


Edit: forgot to mention - volume on an ETF is not tick volume, it’s traded volume.

Edit again… forgot to give credit:

The federal reserve is devaluing our currency, Gold is a great measure of the actual worth of the currency, Silver is playing catch up, and gaped up again today, still need to see it above 20 and things could get interesting


We see the Nasdaq nearing its pre corona virus levels, breaking to new highs could spark a huge rally just as America gets back to work.

In the novel 1984, the government would sensor all bad news, leaving people to believe things were getting better. In this alternate version of that novel, it is the news media that is only reporting the bad news leaving people to believe it is worse than it really is, clearly the Stock Market is not buying into this propaganda, I hope you are not either

Forgive me if this is a foolish question/assumption.

Silver typically follows trends from gold (almost as a lagging indicator?) correct?

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Is the Bull Market back on, QQQ at all-time high, May unemployment down, all while the media is acting like Chicken Little.

After two months of consolidation we had a breakout move in Gold, looking at the long term chart we seem to be headed to a test of the all-time high

any dip is a buy signal



With gold prices surging today above 1,800 we could be just weeks away from all-time highs at 1,920

With the Fed money printing machine working overtime gold is all most certain to continue this uptrend

If today’s candle holds above the 50 dma it may be time to buy Walmart

Biotech and QQQ’s are leading the market higher, both up over 20% YTD,

If you are no good at picking stocks just pick the top-performing ETF’s it is that simple


FANG, TANG and MAGA stocks continue to dominate