Global and US Market Strong Weak Rankings

Tesla’s move up has similarities to Bitcoins 2017 run, No indication this move is finished, I just hope we get a pullback so I can add to my position

If you are not making big $$$$ in this market you need to find a new hobby

Our Trading Strategy , Making money has never been easier

Did you buy the Tesla dip, if not Broccoli Man in my previous post has a few words for you

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On a day that is seeing the DOW down over 600 points, your portfolio is weathering the storm if you have these most own stocks in your portfolio

All these are up today


Nasdaq ends its three-week losing streak, S&P and DOW down but finished week near their highs, Could this be another buy the dip opportunity.

The market breaks its 4-week losing streak but ends on a sour note Friday over concerns for President Trump’s health, this could indicate who the Markets want to see in the White House for the next 4 years, Markets hate change, News about the Presidents health will likely lead to some large swings in the coming week


Down day for everyone except Tesla, any rally in stocks could see Tesla at new all-time highs

Tech rally continues and here is one you should own


Possible W breakout in SPY, DOW and NASDAQ have the same pattern

is this real or a post-election fake out


Tesla after a 2-month consolidation hits a new all-time high today

Tesla, Bitcoin, Square, BioTech, Amazon, would make for an awsome growth portfolio


while the FANG stocks are consolidating Tesla breaks out, Sky is the limit from here as there is no overhead resistance. Square is another one breaking out to new highs


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When Tesla will fall?

No body can know, but when it happens I will be a buyer

Great year for the 22 ETF’s I follow, only 5 had losses

Look for Semi’s, Biotech and QQQ’s to continue to lead the way in 2021

Happy 2021 Everyone


My top stock picks all had another great year, only real disappointment has been Alibaba but I am sure of a recovery in 2021


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Early year trading has Energy Sector posting double-digit gains, this was the worst-performing sector of 2020 so a one-year recovery might be in the cards but for the long term, I see tough times ahead for anyone connected with fossil fuels


I have added Crispr to my list of Top Stock picks as move towards new disruptive innovation

Interesting how the stocks offering the best hope for the future are all down this week ( CRSP, TSLA and SQ)

While the FAANG stocks ( FB, AAPL,AMZN,NFLX and GOOGL) are all up big this week.

This just shows you who is really running the country


If you want above-average returns then you need to follow someone with above-average returns and Cathie Wood is that person

one month into the year and this portfolio is up over 6%, that is double the S&P, a 50% gain by year-end looks like a reasonable target


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