Global warming caused by sun getting closer to earth

Hello the government would have you believe the sun is getting further away from eArth , this is incorrect ( you are being lied to with advanced technology and a giant global warming money making agenda.

Einstein was a climate denier for such hypothesis as the sun must come closer to earth to create a supernova , eventually engulfing all planets
, including mars which is a waste of time.

To save the human species we must leave the solar system

Possibly by freezing humans for the trip and rockets powered by electrolysis

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Yea have done the calculations by my calculations we have 200 million years left

Crap. I knew I shouldn’t have bought the extended warranty on my washer and dryer.


The sun is swelling rather than coming closer and that process is far too slow to be noticeable in a short span of less than a century. It takes a billion years for the sun to swell to a size that will swallow the earth.
Global warming is actually caused by increased carbon dioxide levels in the earth’s atmosphere causing a ‘greenhouse’ effect, meaning, carbon dioxide absorbs heat from the sun, and therefore, more concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air means absorbing more heat which is what is warming up the earth. Other gases like methane also cause global warming by heat absorption.
The planet Venus has a very thick atmosphere which is almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide, so the planet is very hot like an oven on the surface (about 400C / 752F).
It may still be possible to stop, and maybe reverse the effects of Global Warming, but concerning about the sun swelling, it is highly likely the human species will be long gone by then.

You are incorrect there was more carbon dioxide during the dinasour era.

You are forgetting about the sun flares which are reaching greater and greater as the sun comes closer

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I never said that carbon dioxide today is at its highest level. I said that carbon dioxide causes global warming. There have been higher carbon dioxide levels some hundred million years ago, the cause of that was mostly volcanic activity, volcanic eruptions released CO2 and sulphur dioxide and the process to reach those levels took millions of years, not a century which is happening today, from the start of the industrial revolution. because of the industrial processes and power plants releasing very large volumes of carbon dioxide by burning coal and oil, as well as millions of cars, airplanes and cargo ships burning hydrocarbon fuels that release carbon dioxide into the air, and to a lesser extent, millions of cattle that release methane gas.
Forests absorb some of the CO2, but the forests are being cut down reducing the available number of trees which reduces the absorbtion ability of CO2.

Ahhh , your not thinking

The planet survived the carbon dioxide life still flourished , so that can’t be the answer that being said

The sun coming closer is what is causing the planet problems now

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It’s happening faster now because of the sun

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You are answering your own question your right carbon dioxide takes millions of years to cause global warming

It’s caused by then sun - there your answer

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Your being lied to by a global warming money making machine

The suns getting closer and those in power know it

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Your ignorant comments make me laugh, :laughing:
You like to argue with the experts, or maybe you are just doing it for fun to see how people react. You give no explanation to the statements you give which seem to have no logic , or maybe you are one of these rare wierdos, conspiracy theorists. I am hoping more experts come into this discussion to give some more wisdom and enlightenment. :blush:

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You turn to anger when logic is raced at you

I’m not the only one saying it

Einstein was a climate denier

Yeah sure send them in
Are they smarter than Einstein

Albert said the sun will come closer too

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While it’s true that Earth’s climate has experienced higher CO₂ levels in the distant past, the rapid increase we’ve observed since the industrial revolution is unprecedented. This swift rise doesn’t allow ecosystems the necessary time to adapt, leading to significant environmental stress. Could you provide scientific evidence supporting the claim that the sun is moving closer to Earth within a timeframe that would impact current global warming trends?

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Can you share your thoughts on how these emissions can be effectively reduced on a global level?

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The interplay between solar activity and Earth’s climate is indeed complex. While long-term solar changes occur over millennia, short-term variations like sunspots and solar irradiance can influence climate patterns. However, the consensus in the scientific community attributes the recent rapid global warming primarily to human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

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I heard there is some sort of technology that absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere and at the same time it also creates energy, The inventors did not give specifics on how exactly it works, another method is to simply plant more trees, reforestation, the human species will have to stop destroying the forests though. Either way it will be quite a big challenge removing all that excess CO2, even if we somehow stop emissions down to zero.

That is the current paradym - it is wrong ;
(Link is green writing)


Be my guest - here is the truth about the sun and it’s influence - including it’s 11 year sunspot cycle (really 22 years) and the proven and conclusive FACT that the sun is moving closer to the Earth. This is the realk driver of Global warming - but the cynical little twist is that we shall have Global cooling for teh next 30 years - just when we are abandoning real energy sources :smiley:

Linkis green writing ;


Are you sure there is really a “Problem” ? - refer “Holocene Climatic Optimum” - temperatures higher than now and life thrived.

Why do you think we are called “The naked ape” ? - because we evolved in a climate where we had no need of fur - to keep us warm ! Humans die of hypothermia if the temperature is below 20 degrees C.

Link is green writing;


Did humans originate from the Ape family? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :point_left: