Going offshore to escape the CFTC

They may have access to deeper liquidity. But good luck getting information on that. When Coinexx acquired Finpro, Finpro traders were promised better spreads and deeper liquidity as a result. But, I’ve no way to attest to any improvements since I never traded with Finpro. Whether or not the market volatility is actually the reasoning for the worsening spreads, we may never know. Likewise, the spreads could stay this way for some time, and we would never know if it was even necessary. It is a good idea to publish our findings across multiple brokers and keep brokers honest by putting pressure on them when we see other brokers providing tighter spreads and better offerings, altogether.


you gonna be waiting longer than 24hrs i never got my withdrawals from coinexx within 24hrs

Mine are always within 48 at most

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one of my withdrawals took 7 days


found some new info on cryptorocket and eaglefx

EDIT: i done some research on some of the brokers on the list and it’s not good


Interesting CR & Eagle are listed but not coinexx…

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Damn… yeah I’ve heard the stories about payments taking that long for some people, but have never had it happen to me personally. I only have a dozen or so withdraws though so very small sample size compared to you all lol

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What did ya find out?

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Looks more like a paid endorsement type sight to me…but I could be wrong.
On another note, currently have my funds split between:

Was wondering where everyone else currently is, as I like to follow the trend…
Have to be honest, if EagleFX starts offering a stable coin option, they may become my primary. Actually thinking of replacing FXChoice, although very trused and been around awhile, their spreads aren’t even close to competitive on any instruments.


Let them know that. We should take all opportunities to put pressure on our brokers so that they remain competitive. If they become complacent and stop valuing their customers, then they do not deserve our business. Likewise, if we, as traders, choose not to speak up, then we deserve whatever poor terms that are offered to us and should not expect for things to improve.

Brokers can acquire more/better LP’s, offer better spreads, commissions and withdrawal options etc.; these things are not impossible, especially as brokers establish themselves and take on more traders.


Great point, it’s why we are offshore in the first place. I know some traders still trading with US brokers and I cannot even believe the ■■■■ they get away with. It’s 100% you’re stuck with us and we don’t give a crap about our conditions. Really is amazing, especially with such tough “regulation”.

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most likely paid endorsement not so much a bad thing at least they spending money to get their name out there

i have my funds with cryptorocket, eaglefx and coinexx. im very happy

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some info on Forex White Label brokers

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hello there gentlemen & ladies, i am long time lurker at this awesome forum thread…i am total newb in forex and would greatly appreciate some help and pointers in the right direction.

So i told myself that i will jump in forex in 2020 as a new years resolution, so far its been a rocky start to the year with all the virus outbreak and ongoin recession and all.
i had been practicing forex for the past 3 years papertrading and put together a system, and before that i was trading stock and options and still on robinhood.

i am planning to open an account with one of the trusted brokers listed above, only problem is they only take BTC deposits as im US resident and i have 0 knowledge about doing transfer using crypto.
i have already scrolled through this topic and some folks wrote about how to go through deposit to and from brokers but i am still hella confused how this whole crypto works in relation with volatility and ups and down in the price of crypto.
i have already made a coinbase account (not pro) still have not pulled the trigger and bought any crypto as of yet.

my question if i decide to fund my broker account with BTC and the time it takes for btc to reach in my account, the process of btc tanks and i recieve lets say 80% of my initial deposit, how to avoid this? is there certain time of the day i should buy btc and send it to broker?
Also i see there are other cryptos that brokers work with like LTC, ETH, XRP etc, are any of these is better alternative to BTC as to avoid price fluctuations while depositing?

I just got familiarized with stable coins like USDC, which eliminates any risk of price fluctuations unlike btc. The only broker I came across that accept usdc is coinexx, i have to say i am bit hesitant to deal with coinexx , because as i was doing my due diligence, i came across an open fraud case against them on Forexpeacearmy. In addition to that they dont list contact information or a phone number or even a physical addres. seems like their whole business function in thin air without any paper trail, what if one day they go caput with everyone’s money? no way to track them or get back at them? i know you are not suppose to deposit money into broker that you are afraid of loosing but still i would say no one here likes to doante money to brokers from goodness of their heart as they are not afraid of loosing that money.

Maybe i am being very paranoid, i have also heard few horror storeies that some brokers will not let you withdraw profits and boot you, while some will delete all your profits when the time comes to withdraw quoting excuses such as LP misquote, arbitrage and what not. i would really like to avoid these brokers :grin:

other than that, this is all the questions and concerns i had, thank you guys for your time and appreciate any assistance.

what you guys think about Samsung 49 inch curved super ultra wide monitor


my question if i decide to fund my broker account with BTC and the time it takes for btc to reach in my account, the process of btc tanks and i recieve lets say 80% of my initial deposit, how to avoid this?

Unfortunately there’s no way around this if that’s all the option they offer.


Those are great monitors.

I would say get two and stack them or get the Omen 65" :rofl:



there will be the border line in between the screens

I know, so best to get the 65" then eh?

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