Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Is anyone using the Free VPS service offered by the brokers on our list…
What is the feed back for them compared to our third party paid VPS

Yes if you have an existing account with them, you can still trade with them.
They are just not accepting New US traders at the moment.

I had an account but did not trade it for a long time.
Got this email:

"Your trading account #xxxxxx has been automatically archived.

If you had any funds remaining in the account, they have been transferred into your wallet in the same currency. You can access it in Backoffice.

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Completely normal…Tradersway does this as well. Just send FXChoice an email or contact live chat requesting that they unarchive the specified account.


could someone try visiting or logging into FXChoice right now? I can’t reach their site and my live MT4 won’t connect

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same with me, all live accounts along with website are offline. demo appears to be working

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i just login with no problem, but i don’t have active account with them

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I can’t reach their website on 3 different laptop browsers, 2 phone browsers

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FX Choice live MT4 appears to be back, and their site just came back for me. Guess I’ll be withdrawing any remaining money from them today

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EDIT: never mind you answer the question above

everything is back online it appears, slowly though. there were some other hiccups from other sites: zoom, etc. hopefully it was just a blip but that was a bad outage


Ricardo:Hello. Welcome to FXChoice. How can I help?

:I couldn’t reach your website and my live MT4 wasn’t connecting. What was the issue?

Ricardo:We are trully sorry we are having servers issues, this problem might take a couple of hours to get fixed

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Funny how their servers go out right during that Pfizer announcement and the markets go crazy. :thinking:


That had always been my experience with them, more so then any other broker.

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the FXChoice backoffice equity and balance appears to be stuck or not synced to MT4 servers, the equity and balance are frozen to values prior to the outage


their chat said it could take “several hours” to fix, so I’m not taking any chances with them today, I’ll just trade with my other brokers. just a little frightening when you have money inside an offshore broker and the site is down

It seems to me it is just a server outage on their website that is preventing a sync with mt4 accounts with their website
Since the mt4 seems to working fine…This definitely could take some time to be fixed

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“If you are a U.S. citizen or resident, please transfer your assets out of your account within 90 days. You may consider using Binance U.S. or other U.S. platforms,”

i’m already using Binance U.S. so i’m good

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