Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I like TurnkeyForex. Their spreads are the best I’ve seen and I get my withdrawals the same day…everytime within 12 hours

you can have the spreads, prosperityfx spreads are good and competitive enough and i get 90% my withdrawals within 45mins same day including weekends

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None in the UK

Bit of a random comment, also why are nearly all your comments about how good turnkey forex are? Do you work for them or something?


Since TW and FXChoice stopped onboarding NEW US clients, I have more than half of my funds at Coinexx. Same exact spreads and conditions as Turnkey, but something in my gut trusts them more.

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Anybody ever heard of Portal Realm? hey are out of China

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I tried most of the brokers on the list. Prosperityfx Withdrawal is lighting fast. It’s One of a kind :+1:t2: I just withdrew $116 it took 29 min.


Last sunday i did a withdrawal from proserityfx, got the usual email from coinbase within 20min after requesting my withdrawal that i receive bitcoin, it took 3hrs for my transaction to leave the mempool and go into the confirmation stage on the blockchain network.

for those that are interested you can track your transaction on the mempool before it hit the bloackchain network for confirmation

What i love about prosperityfx they didn’t send me the withdrawal approval email until the transaction left the mempool and went into the confirmation stage but you are still able to track it on your own, the 3hr delay wasn’t their fault they did their part


I did a withdrawal from coinexx today, the fund was taken out of my coinexx account 1 hour later after my request, and reached my gemini account in another 2.5 hours.


Look like coinexx stepping their game up, i wish they would advertise same day withdrawals on their website if this gonna be their standard on withdrawals

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Eagle FX is just as fast


wasn’t there an issue with Coinexx a little while back about some trader made too much money too fast and they froze his account? Think it was from FPA then reposted in here. I guess that could pretty much happen with any broker. We’re at their mercy for the most part.


Coinexx and turnkeyforex had / have those issues with withdrawing money


Is it? I have always received my funds in 6-12 hours, which I don’t think is slow, but 3.5 hours sounds awesome. I hope they have not let their security measures down in order to achieve this speed.

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One of the reasons why I am with Turnkey Forex and Coinexx is that I have not faced any withdrawal issues with either of the two. It is always stressful to put your money with a broker that is not regulated, but I am glad these brokers have not participated in any malpractices.

To be fair, I think all the offshore brokers mentioned here in this list are here only because they have gained our trust over time.


EagleFX and Prosperity seem to be the fastest and most reliable then.
I have a few trades running in profit with CedarFX and once they are closed I will withdraw some and report back on their speed.


should be the same speed as Eaglefx maybe a little longer but very fast, please keep us posted


Must give props to coinexx withdrawal process at the same time i’m a little mad they don’t tell you on their website their exotic pairs are not 500:1 leverage like my other brokers.

i put some money with coinexx to trade exotic pairs my broker don’t have after taking a trade i realize the leverage wasn’t 500:1 so i contact chat and they confirm that, so i close my trade and ask for a withdrawal of the total amount and it was process within 45mins :+1:

I got duped :rofl:


Time to move my coins to coinexx . :+1:

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Great withdrawal speed though!

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