Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Pretty impressive that is

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on exotics, yes cedarfx and prosperityfx 500:1


Haha no. Just havenā€™t been live trading.

But Iā€™m now open to looking for a second broker (EagleFX is spoken highly of in this thread). Turnkey so far has been great to me, but I need to learn how to make these crypto transfers smaller. Using DASH and LTC so far works though DASH addresses change which can make deposits go missing, but Turnkey found and credited the lost deposit to me. Any other coins with low transfer fees?




Interest rates available to consumers that blow away the .25-.50% paid by banks on USD deposits due to >10 years of insane Fed QE money printingā€¦ which further entices more people to dump USD for cryptoā€¦ shut it down now!

The banks, SEC & Fed are clearly absolutely terrified of decentralized finance.


The SEC went on to request all names and contact information for customers that are on the waiting list for the Lend program, all without providing any information to clarify their position or reasoning.

Sounds about right.


Hugosway is a good one. Iā€™m located in the US and have an account with them with no issues receiving my withdrawals or anything else. I was bummed when I first decided to trade because two or three of the first brokers I looked at didnā€™t accept clients from the US, but itā€™s good to see that there is still a good variety to choose from.


CedarFX are good too. I have been using them a few months now.


That sounds like a nightmare. Discord is terrible for splintering into dozens of #groups and beeping at you constantly for things you donā€™t care about. Maybe (definitely) Iā€™m old fashioned and a single threaded forum is exactly what I want to read. If your post is boring I skip it. Simple. No beeping. No hidden chambers. Every post is on topic or should be. If you donā€™t see your topic you make it. Discord might make sense for a smaller group specifically trying to achieve a purpose but for trading rooms, and such, Iā€™ve hated it.

Discord has the option to create separate threads and you can customize notifications and disable ā€˜beepingā€™ however you like.

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Does anyone know why Renesource, despite being one of the oldest recommended brokers on this list only has a single review on FPA? The others on this list have many reviews.

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very strange but they tend to deal with bigger traders and most big traders donā€™t do the review thing, but who knows :thinking:

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Itā€™s been quite in here latelyā€¦ guess everyone is busy making their offshore money lol


lolā€¦I am :slight_smile:

quickest rise & fall Iā€™ve ever seen of a Prop firm. :raised_hands::100::kissing_heart:

Yes. I am dumbfounded.

The Funding Talent Edge program is a unique opportunity for you to earn real cash rewards as you develop your trading ā€œEdgeā€. This evaluation free program allows you to get started right away and earn cash daily as you build your simulated account balance.

Funding Talentā€™s unique business model allows you to earn cash while learning in a completely safe environment. This type of program will keep you motivated to keep developing your skills, without the risk of losing a large deposit or investment.

How it works:

  1. Sign Up ā€“ Choose from an account size of $25K or $100K in fictitious capital
  2. Get Started ā€“ No evaluation required! Start playing right away
  3. Follow the Rules and Get Paid ā€“ Build up simulated ā€œprofitsā€ on the demo account and cash them in when you meet the requirements

So, you ā€˜playā€™ on a ā€˜simulated accountā€™ with ā€˜fictitious capitalā€™ to earn ā€˜simulated profitsā€™ while you ā€˜learnā€™. How is this any different than an online casino where nothing is real? And where is the money coming from in order to hand out real cash to players that are not doing anything to generate real profits? Isnā€™t that how an actual ponzi scheme is structured? Hmmā€¦


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correct me if Iā€™m wrong but donā€™t most of these funded challenges say that you are trading on a simulated account and they copy your trades to real account and pay out the profit to escape the regulators?

Well, I am not sure if any firms admit to escaping regulators as their reasoning, but, yes, I believe that many of them state that you are trading on a demo account, and once funded, those trades get pushed to a live account with real funds.

That said, Funding Talent has admitted that NO TRADES are getting pushed to a live market, EVER. So no real trading is actually occurring at all, based on my understanding.


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:joy: MFF and FTMO servers and discords absolutely overwhelmed with refugees from @FundingTalent atm, just wowā€¦


Yes demo only, but other prop firms offset their risk by executing the trades on their own live accounts.

The problem with FT is that to gain market share on FTMO they charged less + payed out higher %. They also had a laggy feed, below institutional spreads, perfect fills, no commissions & no minimum stop sizeā€¦ so toxic flow arbitrage scalping systems or tiny stop w/ massive position size systems that would fail spectacularly in live market conditions, made a killing on demo.

They were also paying 35% of 100K challenge fees to affiliate influencers and has a CEO that loves the luxurious lifestyle, dipping around on private jets lighting money on fire.

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