Going offshore to escape the CFTC

i am not really sure from where did you detect sarcasm.

so, that is all fine and good, i am happy that you enjoy using an offshore broker.

we would appreciate if you would consider trading with BAD DOG 4X AT GMAIL DOT COM

we realize that people are racist against penguins, but please try not to be a bigot.


No Thanks. I have 4 brokerages that offer me great trading conditions and pay me weekly. Perhaps after your brokerage establishes some credibility and good payment history, I will consider. Thanks again.


good morning sir. I am not pleased to announce that we are already being sued.

as we have been advised by our legal counsel not to comment publicly while there is ongoing litigation, please do have a nice day.

we sure made a run at it all tho didnt we?

we were riding high on wall street for a moment there, and it was glorious.

[email protected]

Where do these people come from and how do they possibly not have anything better to do?


this is what happens when goverments and regulated brokers tells them- regulated brokers are better for you

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Looks like Paula has found babypips.


lol, I was just thinking the same thingā€¦
regulated brokersā€¦good
unregulated brokersā€¦bad
FTMO and MFFā€¦bad
elite prop firmā€¦good
I mean it must be, there canā€™t possibly be more than 1 person like this


the trouble with scams is that they look great until you figure out that it was a scam.

it is like that issue with relationship problems,

you dont have relationship problems in the beginning of the relationship.

the problems with a relationship ALWAYS happen at the end of a relationship.

kinda like bucket shopsā€¦ they look like legit brokers, until they close up shop and run off with all of your deposits.

that is the gospel truth.

and hey, i am still shaking my head over that ftmo/maverickfx bullsh*tā€¦ i cant believe that anybody was ever stupid enough to fall for that line of bs.

ftmo business model:

pay us $$ to play a demo account with additional impossible trading rules.

if you break any of our impossible rules, forfeit your $$ and try again.

absolutely mind boggling.

the problem with those people argument is that the biggest forex broker scams all came from regulated brokers


using that logic is like saying that all bank robbers used to work for banks.

that isnt a negative mark for banks, not at all.

it is a negative for the bank robber.

scam alert:

using my logic is saying the banks can also rob you

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Whatā€™s mind boggling is relative newbies like you, actually thinking you have wisdom to impart to others who have been at this for over a decade.


i suppose soā€¦ but if citibank robs me, i know who they are and they can be apprehended, because they are registered and regulated.

if prosperity4x.com robs me, i dont have a clue who those people are and when they run away with TWENTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF BITCOINS there is no recourse because we do not know who they areā€¦ they can just take the money and move to an islandā€¦

oh whoops, they already live on an island.

oh my, you are funny.

a) i have been programming metatrader since metatrader was released in 2005(16 years ago)

b) i have been programming computers since 1983(38 years ago)

yeah, mind boggling.

dude only one forex regulated broker ceo have been detain that rob customers and thatā€™s PFGBEST the rest got away with it and one was told to leave the USA and that was FXCM

when i study traders psychology, i find it much more interesting to study those that are less intelligent.

i appreciate your being my labrat.

and you are stuck on the word DUDE :v:

You canā€™t even keep your lies straight Paula. Youā€™re very first postā€¦

Been trading for a few months - Community / Introduce Yourself - BabyPips.com Forex Trading Forum

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anytime that you want to talk programming, just let me know.

i entered the forum and i chose not to walk in and identify myself as a veteran programmer.

do you have a problem with that, cryptosurf?

Right, because thatā€™s something only sane and rational people would do.

You outed your inexperience in your very first post. It was also glaringly obvious when you entered this thread with trading veterans.

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