Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Offshore… fxchoice, eagle fx, coinexx & trader’s way
Onshore… amp futures
Prop… ftmo, my forex funds, true forex funds & the funded trading program

i have so many mt4/5s running at a time it’s ridiculous.


Do you mind expanding on why you like these?

Not hard to please me when it comes to forex brokers.

  1. Honor my Withdrawal request.

  2. My withdrawals are processed within 24 hours.

  3. does not play games with my trades, can’t close winning or losing trades or fake spikes to knock me out of the market, etc.

  4. Reasonable spreads


Exactly this, minus the offshore brokers for me. I still have active accounts but way too much with 4 props and amp.

This happened to me back in May. I still cannot use Coinbase. I actually reported it here.


What happen?

Crypto has come a long way and has become a part of everyday life for many people and businesses. can it be banned at this stage of its lifecycle?

Charlie Munger Says US to Ban Crypto & Should Follow China’s Lead

  • According to Charlie Munger Cryptocurrencies should outlawed.
  • Munger stated “cryptocurrency is not a currency, not a commodity, and not a security”

In an opinion piece titled “Why America Should Ban Crypto,” which was published in the Wall Street Journal, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRKa) Charlie Munger urged the American government to ban cryptocurrency.

Murger stated:

Murger added that the US should implement policies that ban both the creation of new cryptocurrencies and the trading of existing ones, much like China, which notably outlawed them in 2021. Munger asserted that promoters and founders of new cryptocurrencies frequently obtain coins for “virtually nothing,” taking advantage of cryptocurrency investors.


They been strangling it for years now. Death by a thousand cuts.

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do you think it will survive all those cuts?

EDIT: Cryptocurrencies are only problematic now because of so many fraudsters making it easy for government to ban them

It’s already a mere shadow of what it was and what it could be. What governments can’t fully control they’ll strangle. Make on ramps and off ramps unnecessarily restrictive.

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Agree, these crypto exchanges are not making it any easier when they are using customers funds for other purposes like loans etc

They’re aren’t “problematic now because of fraudsters”. That’s the BS narrative they like to push. They been trying to restrict it since inception. The more popular it became, the more restrictive governments had become.

Thats only a recent revelation. That was never the norm. Policy makers and regulators have no appetite for working in this space to help it flourish. Their solution is to create their own CDBC’s so then it can be strictly controlled.

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Can’t forget El Salvador Adopts Bitcoin as Currency

In Global First, El Salvador Adopts Bitcoin as Currency

President Nayib Bukele has promoted the cryptocurrency as a path to financial freedom, but economic experts and many Salvadorans worry the move brings great risks.
MEXICO CITY — El Salvador on Tuesday became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, allowing the cryptocurrency to be used in any transaction, from buying a cup of coffee to paying taxes.

The bold move, largely celebrated by the international bitcoin community, has found a more skeptical reception at home and in the traditional financial world, amid concerns that it could bring instability and unnecessary risk to the Central American country’s fragile economy.


I’m rooting for them to succeed.

Bingo, you notice how these central banks are coming up with their own digital currency, to control of course.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

While the Federal Reserve has made no decisions on whether to pursue or implement a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, we have been exploring the potential benefits and risks of CBDCs from a variety of angles, including through technological research and experimentation. Our key focus is on whether and how a CBDC could improve on an already safe and efficient U.S. domestic payments system.

CBDC is generally defined as a digital liability of a central bank that is widely available to the general public. Today in the United States, Federal Reserve notes (i.e., physical currency) are the only type of central bank money available to the general public. Like existing forms of money, a CBDC would enable the general public to make digital payments. As a liability of the Federal Reserve, however, a CBDC would be the safest digital asset available to the general public, with no associated credit or liquidity risk.

The Federal Reserve Board has issued a discussion paper that examines the pros and cons of a potential U.S. CBDC. As part of this process, we sought public feedback on a range of topics related to CBDC. The Federal Reserve is committed to hearing a wide range of voices on these topics.

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lol, the threat is real

That is their endgame…

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notice how they calling it a liability of the Federal Reserve and the safest

in other words, it’s a liability because the world is moving on from us we are force to produce our own digital currency,

It has nothing to do with others moving on from us, its about more Central Banking control.

CBDCs: Digital Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing | ZeroHedge

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But that’s the threat to them, people and countries moving on to a currency they can’t control.

My time here for the rest of the month is coming to an end, six hours left and I’ll be in the Bahamas for a month. Please keep this thread active.:+1: