Going offshore to escape the CFTC

That’s not what they want total control over. You’re missing the point with CBDC’s. They want total control over what’s going on within our borders. Not outside. Don’t kid yourself, there are people in power (USA) that salivate over how CCP/China has put total control over its citizens via social credits and CBDC’s. When they act up they can limit and silence them. They are monitored at every level. We are not that far off.


I’m in agreement with you

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Does anyone here have any experience with Carbon Capital? I can’t find much on them, what i have found is very positive. Could be another choice for US Clients. They do accept US Clients but are they a good or trusted choice?

guys , from all these brokers which one has smallest spread on gold?!

Why is that paul?

I wrote that comment back on July of 2020, I can’t recall why, at that time I didn’t recommend them. sorry dude


anyone here from the US recommend any other methods of sending and recieving bitcoin to my broker other than cashapp? i read in a earlier post from2020 that coinbase gave issues to certain people and froze their accounts. thx

You can try robinhood they have crypto

I have always advocated for sending funds to your personal wallet as a go-between. It takes longer and costs more, but gives you peace of mind. Any company that is checking where you send money from your own, personal wallet is violating your privacy and does not deserve your business in my opinion.


New US Bill to Protect Self-Hosted Wallets from Federal Agencies

American Congressman Warren Davidson, recently introduced a new bill on the floor of congress to protect self-hosted crypto wallets from government tampering. The new legislation seeks to prevent Federal agencies from restricting a person’s use of convertible virtual money to carry out physical transactions.

The new bill seeks to address concerns over self-custody wallets, which were under fire around the end of 2020 and the start of 2021 in the US. The Treasury Department, led by then-Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, sought to impose constraints on crypto exchanges interacting with unknown parties. However, Janet Yellen’s leadership put the contentious wallet monitoring rule on hold.

Despite the Treasury Department sidelining the idea, concerns remain about the need for certain intermediaries to identify crypto users behind transactions. In light of this apprehension, a new bill is being proposed. Davidson expressed his wariness about a return to the initial treasury department proposal without some form of protection. He further went on to clarify that he supports crypto’s independence in general, noting,

“People should run their own nodes and have self-custody over some portion of their digital assets.”



My broker withdrawal has been sitting on the blockchain network since February 27th, probably because the broker used the smallest fee when sending it, which is fine since I typically get my withdrawal within an hour, but there have been times when it has taken longer.

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Drives me crazy when they do that. They put a ridiculously low fee and then it takes forever.

There’s estimators you can look at and see what time frame it could take.
Bitcoin Fee Estimator - Bitcoiner.live

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I am completely new at this, so sorry if this is basic to you all. When I am transferring funds from wallet to bank account, is there a daily limit? thanks for your help

or can you point me to where I can learn this myself?

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Yeah it does suck, but look at the change, wonder what happen here, it says most likely the sender change address, how is that possible? and could that be the problem here

Not uncommon, “Change Address” explained here: What are change addresses and how do they work? – Blockchain Support Center

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Thanks for that info, It would be nice if brokers allowed traders to set fees like a personal crypto wallet before sending the crypto

Yeah no kidding. Its one of the many issues that hinders wide scale adoption imo.

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The first broker to implement this idea would be legendary

Many brokers did not offer a crypto transfer method that was pegged to USD until we asked for it. Doesn’t hurt to try.

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I agree, also this happened to me a few years ago. It took 9 days to clear the blockchain network .Two factors came into play. Low fees and crowded mempools. I was just as irritated then as I am now.
