Going offshore to escape the CFTC

SmallPaul, if you had used a broker that accepts deposits and withdrawals in good old American dollars, you would not have had this problem of getting your money back out of them.

I don’t understand what you mean, there are plenty of brokers that accept good old American dollars that have ripped people off, what are you saying?

I’ve never heard of any of our trusted brokers stealing US dollars from traders, excluding the time when they just went out of business completely. My main point is that the high complexity of cryptocurrency transfers, which is very vulnerable to mistakes by either party, obviously contributed to the big delay, and possible total loss of your requested withdrawal. Hopefully you will get your money, eventually

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Thank you for your support, we had brokers offshore and onshore who were ripping off clients, not just taking their funds, but also doing other tricky things in order to steal their money. In regards to crypto, offshore brokers need more crypto options to deposit and withdraw, the offshore broker market has to rely on crypto, and I’m fine with using it at the moment, only problem here is that the broker set the fee too low.


I tried using my other citizenship to get an account with Roboforex, Pepperstone, IC and some others but no dice, since I’ve been in the US for decades and don’t have recent current proof of residence. That’s actually how I found this thread cause I was looking for options instead of going back to Oanda (ewww).

I’ll try in the future if they come for prop firms.


The finality of transfers has always been my worry. Slip of the finger and your funds are gone into the abyss. I have had success transferring XLM. Super quick, low fees. Should be go-to for brokers.

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i am looking for an “offshore broker” that manages the trading for the trader.

i am going offshore to escape “the man”…

What’s the number of multiple accounts you’re going to create on babypips?

Something fish is going on guys, after 1 month and 21 days my transaction was confirm today but the bitcoin is not in my wallet, coinbase is looking into the matter

The email from coinbase

Hello James,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We’re looking into this issue and working to fix it as soon as possible. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Kind regards,
Coinbase Support

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No, I haven’t dealt with them until I understand what’s going on with this transaction and how it will affect me in the future.

Cedarfx told me that the transaction hold up is not due to a low fee and that the problem may be with the wallet / coinbase. Prior to the confirmation, Coinbase had informed me that the bitcoin had not been spent and the sender still held it.

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At the moment, I don’t know what is going on with this transaction, all I know is the transaction was confirmed about 2 days ago, but the bitcoins haven’t reached my wallet, the bitcoins have disappeared.

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I don’t use Coinbase, but cannot help but wonder whether users actually control a wallet with them, or whether they act as a middleman.

In the current climate, it might be wise to keep a wallet that you own entirely and use it as an intermediary stop between any two parties. That way, at least you know you control at least one wallet. Of course, that means double the transactions and fees.

Thanks again for keeping us updated. I am interested to see what happens and root cause.

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You raise a great point here, which I cannot answer, but it feels like the wallet is not fully controlled by the user, as with a cold storage wallet.

Any company that requires you to identify yourself and upload documents makes me feel as though they have the upper hand instead of me having the upper hand.

Interesting, my transaction is still pending

This article is about transactions sent to or from your Coinbase primary balance

Incoming transactions show up in your account almost instantly but show as Pending until there have been enough network confirmations.

Once a transaction is confirmed, it will show Completed, indicating that the transaction can’t be reversed and the funds can be withdrawn.

Coinbase runs its own digital currency nodes that communicate with the rest of the network. When you initiate a transaction, we broadcast it to the rest of the network so it can be confirmed.

Our nodes may lose sync with the rest of the network for short periods of time, which can cause transactions to remain Pending longer than normal. Usually the delay is under an hour and the transaction will eventually go through normally.

Occasionally, transactions aren’t accepted by the rest of the network and therefore are never considered to be confirmed.


Here is the conversation I had with Coinbase chat before they disconnected me,Clearly the problem is on coinbase side.

Coinbase: As i have checked the information here the transaction has been completed now and i will request you to wait for some time then it will show in you wallet also, there is no issue in your account and your funds are also safe, so no worry about.

Me: so was the transaction complete

Coinbase: Yes.

Me: so why is it taking so long to show up in my account.

Coinbase: Let me check again here actually because from your side there is no issue let me check in the coinbase side , please bear with me.
Me: ok

Upon checking, they said they would send my case to another department. Like before, nothing came from it except a email asking me how was their support. what a fcking joke

Email: Coinbase Support 15300316 - Send/receive crypto - How did we do?

Broker maybe using an address associated with nefarious activity?
Either directly or through a tumbler?
No way to control that any more than you can control what last owner of your $20 bill did.
Always bothered me about BTC. “Tainted” money concept, even though it’s total BS.

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Got this email from coinbase today, Remember this transaction started on Feb 26 2023

Hello James,

We received your inquiries and, since you’ve previously contacted us about this same issue, we’re consolidating your inquiries into this email thread.

I understand that you have issue with a pending BTC receive transaction. Unfortunately, this issue is still unresolved. Rest assured, we are working hard to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued patience, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Coinbase Support

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This has always drove me crazy about CB. They supposedly are licensed as a “Money Transmitter” yet when problems arrive, everything processes at a snail’s pace. Would never happen at bank.

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I started the transaction on February 26 2023 with the broker, broker sent the bitcoins the same day Feb 26, it got confirmed April 19 2023 due to low fees or something, and for some reason it’s still pending in my coinbase account.