Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Is anything known about this Fyntura brokerage, especially prior to the Hanko partnership?

Has anyone tried signing up directly with them, in lieu of going through Hanko? Their website states the following:

I reached out to support:

Look at these new accounts pumping up fynterra.

ANOTHER reason that broker is not to be trusted…

Well, so far, I do not see any red flags, but I hope that others can relay their experience or provide more information about them.

Support seems fine so far. Spreads for NAS100 are comparable to Coinexx, which is good. Commission structure and account types look good. The only problem so far is that MT5 is not being offered yet. They say soon; we will see.


Two of them joined Babypips 6 days ago — just as the Hanko/Fyntura mess was coming to our attention.

What a coincidence, huh?

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i’ve signed up, with the idea of having a backup to Coinexx, a broker i use for trading styles that require lower spreads than otherwise ostensibly trustworthy brokers like Tradersway, Cedar, etc…

btw, i’m hardly a ‘new’ account (6 years now on BP, much longer on other sites), and i thought the point of the thread was to vet/share experiences with these brokers? not sure why there’s suspicion being blown around about trying this Fyntura thing, if their withdrawals are sticky or they mess with the execution i’ll stop using them and say so…and i don’t see any other brokers with spreads comparable to Coinexx’s, except Fyntura, so…?


-Agreed. People can use commonsense and their own judgment.

Doing some digging, there isn’t much that I can find about their website. It is very possible that they started just recently. In fact, I would not be surprised if it is really Hanko, and the partnership (and breakup) was just a guise to discretely migrate clients over to the new platform (and keep current clients). The domain was purchased a couple of years ago, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Either way, as you say, could be a good backup option, and if any red flags pop up, it will be quickly known.


FTMO has banned US citizens…


I use “Fast Copy MT4” from MQL5. Cost $55. Tested it out on my 2 live accounts at Eagle and Cedar and there was hardly any slippage. Knowing that and my funds were located at two different brokers gave me a little piece of mind. Will be testing it out on the main account at LQDFX here soon.

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I have been a prop trader mostly. I have only tried Fyntura recently. I am looking for another back up but still doing research on this thread. If I face any hiccups I will share here WITH evidence. Everyone should have the right to share, new or old on this forum. Btw @HATCH13 you seem to be quite anti Fyntura/Fynterra…you have anything against them?

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WHAT A SHAME!! I was actually waiting for this to happen…FTMO had been doing so well…it is not surprising at all. Although I found this intriguing ‘looking for ways to make FTMO available again’. Traders who must have worked so hard just now in clearing the challenge, must be so frustrated.

Trading for a prop firm in another country shouldn’t matter what broker the prop firm uses.

Metatrader, prop trading, anything popular with U.S. traders is now being targeted by U.S. regulators. a new strategy and a new low

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Yes. It seems that there are no limits to just how far the regulators in this country will go in order to protect their interests. They certainly aren’t protecting us.


The way the U.S. regulators are moving, they will soon force forums to ban threads that discuss or promote unregulated brokers

Let us hope that they do not go so far as to violate our constitutional rights. If it gets to that point, then not being able to trade may be the least of our concerns.

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E8 trading is taking advantage of FTMO’s position. There are special discounts for us, These prop firms do not even take client deposits technically, it is more like a fees of participation initially in a challenge and then getting profit splits as rewards. Why would the regulators be so bothered about this stream?

Here’s an email I received from Blockchain, since we also deal with cryptos, and some may not be aware of how we can control our cryptos.

Do you control your crypto?

Cryptocurrencies were designed to give you full control over your funds, letting you send, receive, and store value without relying on third party intermediaries.

But if you store your crypto on a centralized platform or exchange, technically who controls your crypto?

The answer is the centralized platform or exchange – much like a traditional bank – technically controls the funds held in your account.

Let’s say you keep your crypto on an exchange. The exchange stores your crypto at an address held by the exchange, not you. If the exchange has to disable withdrawals or has another serious issue, you may not have full access to your crypto. Throughout crypto’s history, there are even a few examples of centralized platforms getting hacked, putting customer funds at risk.

Put another way, when you custody your crypto with someone else, you are not in full control.

So, how do you gain full control over your crypto?

With a private key wallet.

Also referred to as a non-custodial or self-custody wallet, this technology puts you in control of your private keys, rather than entrusting them to a third party. Instead of relying on an exchange or brokerage, you hold it yourself.

These private keys are what give you control over your crypto. As the saying goes, “Not your keys, not your crypto.”

Are there any downsides?

With power comes responsibility. If you grant someone access to your private keys or your wallet’s secret recovery phrase falls into the wrong hands, you may risk losing your crypto.

With all the commotion with these off-shore brokers I wonder if you guys know the real difference between your “Bbook” regulated US broker vs these “ECN” brokers…

I’m not talking about the conditions you guys always like to tout…I’m referring to what happens once you click buy and sell between the two types of brokers.

This kind of stuff I don’t usually like to discuss on fx social media…I really don’t like it all together, but I have to wonder if you guys pay attention to how the market behaves with one over the other once you put on a trade.

Over the years I’ve come to find that the vast majority have no clue to what’s going and I’m not referring to people that are just starting out either.

Yeah, all day old accounts…sure.

Yes, Hanko is a dud of a broker now and was very short lived.

Your account is DAYs old too.

You’re a shill…

Huh…who would’a thought.

Wonder if my ftmo trader account is still available after not even using it…

Enlighten the thread, where everyone is watching