Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Regarding Prop firms, I had no idea Oanda offered this service. Have you guys looked into it?

Unfortunately it is not available for US traders as United States is not an option when creating an account.

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Americans just can’t catch a break, thanks for the Info

Land of the free…LOL

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Its also fun to pull up both web pages and compare OANDA trading conditions in the rest of the world versus the US.


Keep it real

I still have an ftmo trader account with them that I don’t really use and looks like they switched over to dxtrade…

Kinda unimpressed. It’s web based and I’m constantly resizing the windows panes each time I have to see another. The chart never stays the way you want. It is barely customizable in these departments.

Definitely not meant for speed and efficiency.

I don’t know how hankotrade is on the “trusted” list here when they still haven’t paid that guy his $20,000 back during their infamous migration.

He updated in the comments section of one of his recent videos.

Found this guy; he posted three weeks ago; you can decide for yourself, Also MT4 Have drop Fyntura Broker. Keep in mind, Hankotrade partner with Fyntura if their traders wanted to continue using MT4, they was sending their traders to Fyntura.

Hankotrade is NOT PAYING! (Get Out While You Can)

Hankotrade is a SCAM denying my withdrawals for No Reason. I have proof that they are withholding my funds and LIQUIDATED my account. They have No Money left guys. This is a friendly WARNING to Get Out Now If you can.
BEST broker with instant withdrawals (SWAY MARKETS)

What happened to FYNTURA? Hankotrade’s WEB TRADER Update!!

Hankotrade has said they dissolved the relationship between them and Fyntera.

Although I agree that hanko has some explaining to do and show they have blatant transparency issues, to me proves they shouldn’t be on the trusted list, but on one of caution.

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When metaquotes banned hankotrade, fyntura appeared out of nowhere. I believe hankotrade started fyntura to bypass the ban.



I just received a phone call from LQDFX to notify me that they are being acquired by PlexyTrade. The rep said this came about because clients were having trouble using MT4 on iPhones and Android devices.

I am simply passing on what she told me.

She said that PlexyTrade’s MetaQuotes license is secure. They offer MT5, in addition to MT4. They will effect the transition over the weekend of May 4–5, while markets are closed. Open trades will be carried over to the new company. Starting May 6, clients will need to log in with a new password. I believe she said account numbers will remain the same. She said that spreads with PlexyTrade will be lower and leverage will be higher: maximum leverage will increase from 1:1000 to 1:2000, and the account which currently has a maximum leverage of 1:300 will transition to an account with 1:500, with lower spreads.

Currently, PlexyTrade does not accept U.S. clients. The rep said the PlexyTrade website has a “disclaimer” to that effect, which “will go away” on May 6, after which date they will accept U.S. clients for individual and company accounts.

Like LQDFX, PlexyTrade is registered in Saint Lucia. I didn’t think to ask when the company was founded, but it appears to be very new, as its registration number in Saint Lucia is 2023 - 00662 (emphasis added), and there are no reviews on the Web.

The home page is https://plexytrade.com/, and account types are listed at https://plexytrade.com/trading/account-types.


How good of a relationship do you have with them that they called you??

I didn’t even get an email…

Concerning none the less. Changing to a different company that is brand new, then what…

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I don’t think I have a special relationship with them. I have only been trading with them for a few months. They said they were trying to reach all their clients…apparently first by phone. They sent me an email after they were unable to reach me by phone directly and left a voicemail message, which I returned.

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Can you log into mt4?

Tried changing my mt4 password via my LQDfx client hub on the website and it didn’t take…

I should add that I haven’t used the account in while so that might be the issue.

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It sounds like LQDFX got noticed from metaquotes, and are trying to emulate what Hankotrade tried with Fyntura, Not sure if that’s the case, but sounds similar.

BTW, If a broker accept U.S. Traders their metaquotes license is not secure.

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I can log onto LQDFX MT4. I wouldn’t change pw. Honestly, my assumption is that they will send new passwords, but I didn’t ask.

They’re working extra hours today to deal with this. Here are the numbers in my email:

+44 20 8097 2777

+44 20 3668 6988

I called the first # and they answered immediately. Try calling (now—it’s getting late in Europe). Let us know if you can reach anyone.

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-Unless it’s a broker that respects that pay-to-play game with regulators. :moneybag: :dollar: :us: :grinning:

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I don’t know if should withdrawal my money from LQDFX at this point just In case of Something happening :skull_and_crossbones:

METHOS, I don’t know about that, I think Metaquotes is targeting unregulated brokers that accept U.S. traders.

Unless that’s how Hungosway and Coinexx were able to resume using MT4 again, since most offshore brokers either lost their MT4 license and continue to accept U.S. citizens but they had to changed platforms, or kept their MT4 license but stopped accepting U.S. citizens.

LQDFX been around a long time,If there was a pay to play, LQDFX would’ve paid, just my opinion