Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Got to say I’m very smart to have cracked the code smile :blush:

I get my smarts from my father a retired electronics engineer

Good luck may all the pips come to you. Send us a screenshot of entry and exit.

Holy ! Mack real just checked my profit with gold buy

Thanks you

Took profit 500 pips now will be selling gold Monday

I’d wait and see before entering gold sell. The fundamentals have changed. War means strong gold. We might actually see new highs this year and all the gold bugs will say they were right even though it would have continued crashing without this war

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I’m selling you should too it’s coming down Monday

Possibility gold- XAU/USD will hit 1947.35

I wouldn’t be trying to catch the top at the moment.

I’m going for it selling it

Ok, cool, If that’s what your system say. :+1:

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Thanks yes it does

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So excited my strategy working can’t wait till Monday to sell gold :blush:

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You have a entry and stop loss in mind?

My stop loss will be 140 pips that’s my new sl all the time

Entry is when gold opens on Monday I will sell at market

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Gold sell entry 1925.77
Sl 1939.77

Ha ha in profit already I’m a genius lol :moneybag:

Although I don’t suggest selling, you are doing a good job

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Thanks :blush: heaps

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Wow, you’re really the God of forex!