Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Thanks I cracked the code I’m a genius

Bulls have weakened a little, nothing too decisive, I never try to predict the top or bottom of a trend, but let’s see how your GOLD trade goes. :+1:

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Yes thanks still holding sell

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Closed gold sell in profit 31pips

Will sell gbp usd on open

GBP usd sell entry 1.21823
Sl 1.23223

Best of luck with your trades, and if you become the world’s first trillionaire, don’t forget about us little folks here cheering you on!

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I’m in gbp usd sell now

Going to continue to hold gbp usd sell looks like a bearish trend forming

In profit :moneybag::+1:

GOLD was good for long. have you thought about going short again?

No not yet the play is for gbp usd sell trend atm entered yesterday

Gold is all over the place atm

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I think after I close this gbp usd tp
It will be my last signal post
I’m thinking I can’t have to many people following my signals really

I proved myself and proved myself against the bad naysayers that will be that

That’s because you only prove that to yourself. when you give signals people like to see evidence of your claims, do what’s best for you :+1:

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Thanks Paul

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If you stop posting, the idiots naysayers win.

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I was fortunate enough to plot some of your signals on a chart and based on what I saw, I wouldn’t recommend for anyone to take these signals blindly.

Good Luck on your journey to becoming a trillionaire.


not now, anyway: anyone who has tried can’t really have much of their account left, after all

“tactfully understated post of the decade” award, for that :grinning:


Still holding pound sell from Wednesday in profit will continue to hold today too

If i may ask, what’s your strategy @ausguyforex?

Closed pound sell in profit 15.8 pips