Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Please sir, can you guide more? I know you’re a professional trader, but for newbies like us, we need more information.

Gold is currently red already but our entry is 1970 and current price is 1974. When will it start down move and when you mean close red, you mean below 1970? Thank you.

Look at the daily candle that will close red and be in profit tomorrow morning :+1:

Thank you, you’re a professional trader indeed, hope to learn from you.

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Thanks no problem

for sure - i’ve reported it, but nothing has happened yet; i encourage other members to do the same about this obvious, repeated trolling by an obvious sockpuppet account


He says that but at the time I had looked at his account he had only 14 minutes reading time there. So what he is saying is that he took less than 14 minutes to go through all the threads on the site and came to the conclusion that this particular thread was the only one worth his time and effort.
You cant make this stuff up.


You clearly knows that’s a bot for sure.

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exactly right

still, almost everyone (apart from the forum authorities!) can see what’s going on here, and most of us know full well who this is …

alas, no - it’s a bit more serious than that: it’s a malicious troll for sure, and one who has already had accounts closed here under 6 or 7 other usernames, over recent months (the style is - as so often - unmistakable)

this is why the forum has “member retention problems”, as Pipstradamus himself has put it, and the members it loses are respected, longstanding contributors like SovoS, who left recently

other forums avoid these problems but this one apparently can’t/won’t - it’s a great shame, as this forum could and should be a valuable resource and could and should be flourishing, instead of which, so sadly, it has these ever-lasting member-retention problems … :frowning_face: :grimacing:

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He had more then that, Dude is a professional troll, he also talked about doing this over at forex factory where he kept getting ban.

The person who started this thread and the troll are the same

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that’s for sure :neutral_face:

what bothers me about it, and makes it bad for my blood-pressure posting here (and that’s my own problem, of course, not anyone else’s fault) is that the forum staff simply won’t do anything about it even when it’s brought to their attention very repeatedly and very persistently by many members

THAT is the real problem, here: there are plenty of people who want to help, and want the forum to do well, but we’re very persistently ignored

“it was ever thus,” to be honest … :unamused: :roll_eyes:

there are threads a decade old, and many 4-5 years old, complaining about the exact same thing

i will now follow the example of Sovo and so many others and bid you all good luck and good wishes …

… and goodbye :frowning_face:

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I’m not 100% sure he’s breaking any rules.

This is not accurate and a bit unfair.

We’ve actively monitored this topic since it’s inception. We’ve actively monitored this member here and elsewhere. We’ve been aware of the current feedback, which was echoed in the past, and we’ve acted appropriately where we saw fit to do so.

Signal-type topics have their pros and cons. They aren’t all inherently bad. We see the benefit of a signal potentially benefiting a signal user in helping to identity key levels of entry and exit. Of course that depends on whether those signals turn out to be correct or not. And that’s for the user to determine (hopefully on demo). Signals will provide that information rather immediately. The user will decide if the signals are working or not working. And if they don’t work, we hope the user quickly moves on to something else - like developing their own system.

If signals do work, users usually take two paths. They continue to use the signals, until the performance changes. Or they continue to use the signals and attempt to figure out how the signals are generated (usually without help from the author). In our best case scenario, where the world is perfect, new traders WANT to know the origins of the signals, in hopes of being able to pinpoint those same entries and exits in the future. The signals are a reference point to further their learning. If those signals worked in the past, how can I identity similar scenarios where I can enter and exit the market again.

On the other hand, and we’ve seen this ourselves in the past, signal services are an area of forex scams. We’ve discussed this at length in our own School lesson, which you can read below.

It’s a reality we’re well aware of.

Unless a signals author is willing to share with you the details of the signal, you’re left guessing as to the specifics of the strategy/system at hand.

So there is good and bad in our opinion. We’ve let the signals user determine the merits of the signal being provided and whether there is any benefit.

We’ve taken this stance many times in the past with other topics and authors, allowing our readers the benefit of making that decision ON THEIR OWN instead of us making it for them.

But we’ve always taken feedback from the community to help shape our policies and moderation efforts, often times where the community has seen an issue that we might have overlooked or taken a different position on.

So for the time being, we will close this topic and discuss the concerns many of you have presented, as well as contact the OP for his feedback on those concerns.

As always, thanks for your patience.
