Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Just a propos of nothing in particular, there used to be a business tactic back in the days pre-internet. A little operation would send out a stock recommendation in a special one-off mailing to 1000 potential clients, 500 saying buy XYZ and 500 saying sell XYZ. Both superficially well argued.

Depending which way XYZ’s price went in the next 2 weeks, they would then hammer the “winning” database saying look how well we did with our call on XYZ. And of course a percentage of those 500 guys would take out a subscription to the newsletter. After all, they had just seen it deomnstrated how good this firm’s analysis was.

Do the same thing next month. And the next.


You start multiple threads with different titles, except that they are all exactly the same with you giving out signals but never with any supporting analysis.

The attention seeking behavior is corny at this point, and it’s starting to flirt with being spam threads.

Good to think right side of chart.

Buy BTC - well it’s a gambler’s paradise so no comment.

Sell Eur/Aud come Monday - hmmm… yeah the numbers coming out from Germany past week have not been great, add that to the buying in USD right now and the Euro could well be on the back foot.

Buy Aud & Nzd vs the Cad…this is a toughie - oil is on the rise - Yen vs Usd on the sell side so thinking is that risk is on - positive Aud - yet stocks say something different - well in fairness not all the indices but the small caps are trundling along the hr1 bottom.

Brent crude closed above $90 for the 1st time this year - seems a trend on oil is in place - helped by Russia/Saudi announcement past week on production cuts.

Would I sell Cad right now?

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Just buy nzd cad usd cad should continue down too

If you become one, am afraid any broker there will be able to pay you your trillions. And besides the goal is for your trades to hit TP and make your trillions, what’s with the signals ■■■■ posting?! I don’t think that’s necessary, what’s important is make your trillions and come here to tell us how far you’ve gone, right?

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Ausguy is just speaking out loud looking/thinking about whats up ahead - this is a good thing to do.

Imagine looking at AudCad on Friday past - see that spike high hr1 - then look at the most recent high & low - eyeball about half way between those.

Then think Monday - Asian - will guys be eyeballing the most recent low?

Doesn’t matter whether you are right or wrong - it’s the thinking that matters.


Thanks heaps for your post :clap:

And as for the broker I was thinking Saxo bank will accept billion dollar trades if not Goldman Sachs once I get up there

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Good attitude - aim low and you are sure to hit low - aim high and chance you will hit high.

Positive Mental Attitude :slight_smile:

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Thanks and bitcoin should go up today too

In theory gold should be a buy today

I’m in profit already I finally cracked it, can’t believe it
Only took 15 years to crack it

Gold tp 1925

The rest just let run

Gold hit tp 1925
60 pips :+1:

You were buying gold at 1945. That’s a 200 pip loss. Even with cost averaging it’s a loss :-1:

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this is absolutely correct

but if he’s very wrong, very repeatedly, and then claims every time that he was right, that matters!

and that’s exactly what he does, in post after post, and in thread after thread

that’s why 5 or 6 of us are persistently complaining about him

it’s downright dishonest, and no other forum would tolerate it

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I won today Aud cad up eur Aud down

I made plenty of pips today

Take profits from yesterday and today buy Aud usd and buy gbp chf

Gold should go up again today

Gold tp 1928