Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Gold turned into big bull

Anyone that took the sell in gold take profit now because Monday is big bull run

Sell gbp jpy

Just on the road to being a trillion aire :+1: just keep plotting along

Bitcoin cash sell tp 187.79

Actually after further analysis gold could be a sell because eur nzd is going up

Aud cad has very strong down momentum

It looks like you’re now just discussing this stuff with yourself! Might be easier to just look in the mirror and have this discussion directly rather than typing it all here. :yum: :wink:


Watch Aud cad fall Monday :+1: over 300 pips

good luck man

1 Like

Thanks sorry nzd cad is going up 300 pips so Aud cad will go with it

Aud cad and nzd cad both buys Monday

it’s really gone way beyond ridiculous, now …



Aud cad and nzd cad both buys you watch :muscle::+1:

Buy bitcoin cash

So Monday there are 3
Aud cad buy
NZD cad buy
EUR Aud sell

Thanks :pray: :blush:

NZD cad tp 0.82818

Aud cad tp 0.89727

EUR Aud tp 1.63235

Thanks for sharing the signals and the caption shows your confidence level to the peak.

No problem buy Aud cad, buy nzd cad
Sell eur Aud Monday

And buy bitcoin it’s going up for the long haul

NZD cad buy looks the best outta the three