Going to be the worlds first trillionaire

Hahaahahahaha. Who constantly plugs gold when it’s hit the next leg down of an obvious downtrend? Not exactly trillionaire trader stuff.

I got 60 pips outta gold other day

Both a sell today - key word is “both” - they are correlated after all.

Might work out a buy during upcoming Asian if the USD selling continues - if tonight’s Reuters story is not debunked that is.

Aud cad buy today
So gold will be a buy too

Aud cad buy is best of the day it will fly

EUR gbp buy
Aud nzd buy

K close positions

Sell gbp usd and sell gold

Nasdaq 100 buy
GBP usd sell
Usd cad buy
Usd chf buy

GBP cad buy

Usd jpy sell
Usd chf sell
GBP jpy sell

Gold sell
Looks like correlation out the window today

Oh ok usd cad going up
Gold going down

Nope usd cad falling with gold
Gold bring everything down

Gold sell
Usd jpy sell
GBP jpy sell

Becoming boring - have also muted this thread.


Final call
Usd cad buy
Gold sell
Aud usd sell
GBP usd sell

Bitcoin buy

I’m gonna take profit before us opens from now on

Gold buy
GBP usd sell
GBP jpy sell

Sorry gbp usd is a buy

These three

Gold buy
GBP usd buy
GBP jpy sell