Gypsy Pippin (System)

Ok to answer you questions:
I pretty much only take trades that are going with the trend unless it’s a pullback trade and I know I can make at least 2:1 reward to risk.

Yes, price gernerally retraces back to Kijun-sen because when price is at Kijun-sen it is considered “equilibrium” and when price is far away it is “inequilibrium”…so yes, you could definitely wait for a Kijun-sen pullback after the crossover happens. It rearely hits my sl on pullbacks seeing as I havent yet moved my stop to breakeven.

The alert on the QQE is optional. if it sounds, I would still check to see if the crossover has happened AND price is above tenkan-sen/kijun-sen (in an upward crossover) or below both lines (in a downward crossover).

To exit there are a few different ways:
-trailing sl
-crossover in the opposite direction
-profit target of your choice (daily s/r, 100 pips, cross in opposite direction)

the Daily s/r levels usually are relevant the duration of the trade. If the round number isn’t solid there are 2 other ways to exit. The idea is to learn to trust your judgment and let the trade run to your target is hit…or trail, etc.

Thank you for all of your questions. They were VERY good questions and I appreciate you taking the time to do so!! :slight_smile:

thanks for the answers digitalgypsy
so when I check the QQE crossover, what if the blue line is like on the 50 line or really close. do I have to wait for the blue line to make a substantial cross?
Thanks for taking the time to help a newbie

by the way im testing the system today will start trading in about an hour

Well, normally I would enter when the QQE is about 50.5-51 unless the recently closed candle was a strong candle which in that case I would just enter even if it was just 50. I won’t enter long if it’s below 50 though…and won’t enter short if it’s above 50.
And you’re welcome. We all need help at some point :slight_smile: so if I’m able to then I definitely will!

Great!! Let me know how it goes for you.

do you wait for the 1 hour candle to close before making a trade?

watching the 6 pairs now

hmmmm no trades today on all the 6 pairs
tell me when you finish for the day pls

Yes I wait for the candle to close :wink:

This week has been a little odd with all of the big news :-/

Yes and the public holidays

Next week should be better :wink:

Actually I made a trade yesterday on the USDCAD although it wasn’t with the daily trend, but the daily looked like a retrace was due so I took the trade

Not bad at all!! :slight_smile:

I will be trading your system today aswell
do you trade this system on monday and friday? Thanks

Thanks :slight_smile:
I dont think i would take this trade if i was live trading real money though as it was against the daily rules

Sounds good. Friday’s I try not to trade. I usually give back all my gains that day so I dont usually trade it. Monday’s, yes but maybe with a smaller profit target.

Yea I know what you mean, but at least it worked out for you. If I ever trade counter trend I just trade a smaller size.

Alright i dont think i will trade it today then
and how about trading over the weekends?

I dont like to hold trades over the weekends because anything can happen. I always think of the worst case scenario. FOr example if Im long the Aussie and over the weekend and something really bad happens in China then that would be a HUGE gap open against me lol. Probably wouldnt happen, but if it did I wouldnt want a big dent in my account :slight_smile: