Has any of you ever heard about this "strategy" before? Is it real?

Well I hope Jenny bestows more knowledge to us… I’m a newbie and really want to trade and makes lots of money without risk…

I am more curious about how “safe” this strategy is… Maybe she can enlighten us…

Her doll is creepy though…

That is true which is why I mentioned it, but I think this thread is not relevant enough to keep investing my time in.

Everything has follow up support and its not hard for someone to rub your back and say hind sight here’s where you went wrong. The problem is future sight. I cannot believe 0 losers because nobody in this game is flawless, people just get on a week or a month’s winning streak and they declare themselves a master of the universe…

Even my old account my first account encountered 60% DD that’s w/o a stop loss
Second encountered 40% again same problem but I cut it faster this time
Third time I encountered 30%
Fourth Current I’ve encountered maybe 18-20% using a 4% risk, not all the time, from my standard 1%

Plus you’d be a fool to pay someone to learn this game and clearly Jen you know nothing because you fail to understand some of the basic terminology which I would imagine if this was a course either A. Gave you basic knowledge INCLUDING terminology or B. Is an advanced course so you MUST know more than half the terms alone that you did.

So I hear googling sometimes helps your understanding and helps maintain your cover.


Never heard of a 0 stop loss system, margin calls are still considered kicking you out.

Even martingale has a stop LOL and a grid system is not proven to work even hedging has its fallacies since you not only have to make back that loser you had previous and that’s provided the beta of your winner is higher than your loser or your winner has not exhausted it’s move enough to punch back. Long term sometimes is just an excuse not to cut your massive losers and move on and accept you were wrong.

I’m not an expert, but I achieved good results without no losses. And for me this is more than enough!
Lots of money? Not yet!

I answered you. I break the hedge only when trades reach the T/P.

I think my posts are very clear. If you take a look to the historically prices of EURUSD you can find highs and lows…and you can see with your eyes that from 2003 to today only a couple of times price reach those levels.
So If I hedge this range without stop loss. I use only the volatility of EURUSD and I don’t have any losses.

Yes, maybe my account is too young, but other people that use Smalfi have two/three years old account with no losses.

As I wrote, I’m not a PRO. Yes I don’t know some terminology. I don’t know anything about traditional techniques and fundamental analysis too.
For me EAs, indicators, etc are unknown.
My point is: do you know anything else that in a month or so puts you in a position to do profitable trading?

Yes it is the safest I know.

I answered to a question.
I don’t have anything to advertise because I’m not a mentor so I don’t have any earning from any courses.

Sure. What you want to know? In my opinion a strategy that have no losses, and that allow you to go far beyond highs and lows of a cross without margin call, is more than safe.

Isn’t it cute?
p.s.–> my name is Jennifer, not Jenny. But you can call me Jenny if you prefer!

Can you give us a detailed breakdown of your current open positions… And how exactly your last trade made you money… ?

The key point you fail to see is if this system uses no stops and has no losers…

Why is there draw down period?

Also waiting on those results

So you do break your hedges and therefore you run risk of losing a trade unless you claim you get 100% of your trades right which is a lie. I hedge myself and do not use stop loss orders (a lot). I prefer to hedge, but sometimes you will break the hedge and sometimes you will accept a loss.

Smallfi is a system which may work for a while but inevitably at some point, statistically you WILL lose all of your money… I don’t know the in’s and outs of it and to be honest Im not sure that I want to waste my time even thinking any more about it.

but lets us just have a look at the evidence that they themselves us to advertise

WOW!!! LOOK AT THAT NICE RED CIRCLE AROUND THE GAIN MARK!!! great… wonderfull you made 10% … what… huh? hang on? hey… how come you didn’t put a big round circle around the equity level? you know the % amount of your initial deposit… Oh right that is because it is at 90% meaning that actually if you take all the open positions into account you are currently down 10%… EVEN BETTER… WHERE DO IS SIGN UP…?!?

this is another smalfi trader chart that I managed to dig up…

wow 104%! this is amazing!!! oh… wait a minute what happenedc in June 2012? huh… the total equity managed to drop from +85% down to -40% in the space of about a month!

Now if any of you want to get involved in such a system that allows you to drop from +85% to -40% in such a small amount of time then more power to you man…

I’ll just watch by the sidelines and wait for your accounts to blow up… it may not happen today or even this year but eventually it WILL happen and I will have no problem in slapping you around the facewith a big fat I told you so.

Also has anybody else noticed that these kind of posts have popped up over various forums? coincidence? I think not.


I don’t want to go into detail because I’m honestly not the right person to address these issues, and also,
I understand that SOME (not all) of the participants to this thread simply wish to harshly criticize without giving careful consideration to the issue.

I truly feel that unjust criticism, particularly with Dafttrader’s post:
It has already been fully explained in my previous posts and in the sites where these screenshots were taken.

However, for the benefit of all, I’d like to share some key points brought up in Dafttrader’s post:
a) screenshot 1 -> Without trying to advertise the site whereby you took this into account, I’d like to point out that, on the same page, there are TWO accounts.

The screenshot that you took and criticized wasn’t of an account wherein the Smalfi Method was used. The owner of the site clearly stated that:
My Live account, where I use my own personal method Which resulted from customizing the Smalfi method. A methodology That I have personally created to make the Smalfi method best suited to my needs for long-term investment and Accumulating profits over a long period of time, two to the inherent volatility of the markets triggered by unforeseen events.

On the other hand, the second account, which appears on the very same page (so you must have seen it!), says: "The example below shows a Smalfi account managed with the classic methodology.”

In fact, this second account is much stronger than the first, yet you chose to criticize the first account which has little to do with Smalfi! Need I say more?

b) My second point regards the second screenshot that YOU HAVE PUBLISHED here, taken from the Smalfi corporate forum (Global Forex Forum–> Global Forex Forum • View topic - MyFxBook: real account with SMALFI Method).
This account is the corporate account, which is verified and public. It 's an account that has been in operation for more than one year, therefore sufficient time has passed to determine the PURE integrity of the method, without the customization of the single trader (It is a non-discretional trading system if followed strictly).

In one of my previous post I explained that I use Smalfi Method, but that I have customized it based on my personal trading goals.
But we are still here with perfectly healthy accounts.
Anyway, I’d like to reiterate the fact that all of this has been clearly explained. You have to read more carefully to understand.
In the case of both the corporate account and the first you posted, I’d like you to note that the losses have been 0, and yes, in the corporate account the equity was under stress in June, but in June the Euro was at the risk of going belly-up. Despite this, the account is now perfectly healthy without having suffered any losses.
How many people in 2012 went BELLY-UP on the EURUSD cross?
The answer is … a lot!
In fact, several who went belly-up turned to Smalfi in that period for this reason! :slight_smile:

And this is proven by hundreds of traders (professional and novice) who participate daily on the corporate social networks (Il Metodo SMALFI, cos’�, come funziona - Manuale e training gratuito - Smalfi Planet Ltd) and on the corporate website (Global Forex Forum • Index page).
Most of these networks are Italian, but with GOOGLE translator, it is easy to translate and read these posts.
But if you are interested, there are also two testimonials written in English here: ENGLISH TEAM - smalfi

It is not a lie. We “break the hedge” only when trades reach T/P.

[QUOTE = ChristianGrey; 465771] Can you give us a detailed breakdown of your current open positions … And how exactly your last trade made you money … ? [/ QUOTE]
I’d like to give you a detailed breakdown, but as I wrote previously, I’m not able to connect my account to MyFxbook, therefore I do not know my percentage drawdown right now.
But honestly, for us Drawdown isn’t very important.
This point is also explained well here and on the Smalfi website.

When was my last trade? March 1st.
However, you have to understand that as it is a non-discretional strategy (if you applied the Method without any customization), trading under Smalfi means that the entire team makes a profit at the same time because trades are all the same. The same IN and the same OUT.
In 2011, we closed 252 profit trades, in 2012 we closed 118 profit trades.
So far in 2013, we have closed over 26 positions in profit in the first 2 months and wiithout a single pip lost. (These statistics are valid only for who use the Smalfi method 21/1).

That said, I’m not a trainer, so I cannot answer specifically. However, if you research on the Internet, Smalfi offers 2 hours of a free introductory course for those who are beginners. For experts, who do not need introduction to the basics of Forex, the course includes thorough explanation as to why Smalfi is a superior trading strategy.
In addition, for both the experts and beginners, we explain how to get into Smalfi and what the REAL Smalfi mission is, which is not the only sale of the courses (which have a ridiculously low price just to allow anyone to come into our community).
In fact, if you are interested, we are looking for native English speakers who would like to become part of the Smalfi company.
I wish I could become part of the company, but I don’t have time. I have another job and a daughter to care about. But, if I had a little more time, I would do it for sure!
Currently, I use Smalfi only for investing my savings and creating good capital that, in the future, will allow my daughter to have a better life than the one I have built for myself.

If you are really interested, why don’t you take advantage of two hours’ time that Smalfi offers to everyone who wish to learn more?
We have many trainers who speak Italian but a few speak English, Arabic, Portuguese, etc…

Dozens of people contact us every day and are enjoying the time that our trainers dedicate to them for free.
These people are adequately informed to make the right judgments of the method and fully understand what this new REVOLUTIONARY way of trading entails.
Others (for example JohnDrew whom I don’t personally know, but who opened this thread and visited our site to ask our directors a few questions more directly) contacted us through the tools that we have made public to everyone.
Let me also add here that I think curiosity is synonymous with intelligence.
We are at your disposal and happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding our strategy and our method. However, we welcome informed queries only from good-intentioned curious minds. Please be sure you know what we are about before hurling unmerited or ignorant questions at us. We’re here to help not to fight.

I wish you all a lovely day.

So you aren’t going to tell us an actual example of a trade you’ve made…? Why would you defer to a “trainer” if you are an independent trader who is using the system on your own…?

This site is all about open collaboration, and it’s relatively easy to explain a trading method or even the process of your last trade…

I’m confused … You keep referring to “we” when referring to the training course… So you are saying you are a representative of this course here to advertise?

I’m surprised you could even understand what the OP was talking about. :34:

Thanks for putting the time to response… I have a few questions to ask you:

As you may have notice by now, these community are built with people who are willing to share their trading ideas/strategies/method that have or had work for them. Our members here are combine with beginners, traders who are still finding their own strategy, and some are experience trader.

My question to you is what is your main objective by joining the BabyPips community? Are you here to recruit someone to join the company? These is base on one of your statement above that your company is looking for a “Native English” speaker, etc. I am certain that you work for this company even if you say you are not to help market your product and services with some advertising because if you are here to learn or to help educate us , you could have just open up a thread and post all of your strategies and methods for trading and not giving us some “speech” on how this trading is a [B]REVOLUTIONARY, the safest strategy, etc[/B]. without any proof or a valid evidence of what you are claiming.

I will be straight forward with you. Advertising/Marketing is this forum mostly is NOT welcome. We would rather see you to post some charts with explanations of the strategy of your trades than posting comments were there is no clear or straight forward answer of what this strategy is…Besides, most traders here are Male. They are visual creatures. They love to see those pictures…so charts will help to get their attention ;).

By the way, my background is in Sales and Marketing. Right now, I am not impress with what you had laid out here so far… Might need to do some more training about your product and services or maybe do the actual trading with years of proven successful results with the use of your Smalfi strategy.

Reminds me of a political debate where the politician artfully evades a pretty simple and straightforward question… In this case not so artfully


I criticize both accounts for the facts that are shown… In fact the second account is much worse than the first in my opinion as the ‘system’ actually lets you kill 68% of your account off within a month… if you think that is a ‘strong account’ then I take my hat off to you.

Yes… I did. Wasn’t Impressed.

Erm… how about this…

Now read very carefully the statement about “0 losses but equity coming under stress”… Basically this ‘corporate account’ suffered a 68% Drawdown If what ever forces that caused this to happen had continued to happen for (and I’m extrapolating somewhat here) another two weeks then you would have been margin called and taken out of the market. If this can happen within the first year of trading a system then I would kindly suggest that at some point due to some reason from a sheer statistical probability point of view this account along with others that follow this system will end up in the bin.

Not the question he is asking…

Untill you reach 100% Drawdown… then… I can assure you that you will think it is somewhat important then.

And finally the plug.

uhhhh… thought you said you didn’t work for them

You can’t come in here and not expect to get major scrutiny and especially since you walk in here saying your system is the next best thing since sliced bread.

You also can’t see your own flaws in your argument and don’t play the I’m being victimized card, that doesn’t work.

We ask you for your results since you say this particular person who is trading this system has a similar balance and snort equity curve and you evade the answer or you say we don’t seem to understand how “safe” or how “revolutionary” this is. Honey buzz words only work for stupid people like BUY NOW! GOLD GOLD GOLD! BOATS BOATS BOATS!.

The way you worded it you said you do not realize any losses. If that were the particular case your drawdown shown on myfxbook should be that of 0. So that’s the strike alone that is enough to finish you.

My final point is if you say it’s based on math then you guys should be nailing the numbers in your sleep right? I mean you do 2+2 = 4 each day and each trade you arrive at 4 and you know your right because you get the payoff where as the fella who says 2+2=5 consistently gets losses which renders your argument moot.

You can help by answering correctly not by confusing and making claims you cannot back up yourself.

I mean I don’t know why this thread is going on so long. We all know its a pitch man/woman behind that name. Using the classic defer to authority technique to dodge answering questions that may be harmful. I would never trade this system, the system makes no sense what so ever in my book. But at least its entertaining to watch the heckling.

Opens Up Gold Chart

Clicks Buy

Opens Up Boats Chart
Buys a Yacht