Has any of you ever heard about this "strategy" before? Is it real?

YOU don’t understand. In the same page where you took the first screenshot there is another one where the Smalfi Method is used, but…I don’t know why you didn’t see it!!!


I am not a representative and I use “we” because those who apply this method are part of a community in which they receive assistance even after learning the method.

I use “we” because every trader is autonomous but is trading within a community for advice and suggestions.

I can not talk about the strategy in details because it is a strategy subject to copyright and the name “Smalfi” is a registered trademark. All students who attend the course sign a secrecy clause and undertake not to disclose information relating to the method otherwise may be required to pay a penalty for the damage caused to the company that owns the brand.
For this reason I cannot go inside details.

What is the problem? Drawdown for us means nothing. We never lose a pip!

Because you use traditional trading techniques, and therefore use stop loss etc… drawdown is important because it is the percentage of losses.
For us, Drawdown is the floating of negative trades. In June the price reached 1.21 - 1.22 level, and so the account went under stress a little bit, but afterwards, the price came back to average range as usual (From 2003 that EURUSD has had the same average range, so more than one year!) and in fact now it’s ok.

65% Drawdown is because MYFXBOOK doesn’t update that value.

[B]Anyway, my point is, until you give up the topic of drawdown we cannot have good discussion, because for us drawdown has ZERO importance![/B]

So you signed a secrecy clause… So why are you on here talking about it…??? Again just seems like you are here to advertise.

We’re having a discussion, your giving us a “because I said so!” response.

I said before we treat this like a court case its not about what you can claim it’s about what you can prove and daft proved that.

This is my example of you in this since I feel you need visual aid this is what we see what you’ve explained so far about your system.

And this is how you see you and your suckered class see it

Where do I sign up?!?

LOL… that’s hilarious Tansen! Funny!

Finally, I see some colorful charts. And yes, that is what she meant “because she said so” you can’t argue with that… one of the most convincing phrases available out there.

I might start drinking tea on a Friday night!

Wait… if you signed an NDA with the copyright holder of the system(ignoring for a moment that no official record of copyright or of the NDA itself can be found), why are you discussing the aforementioned “unmentionable” system on a website that is neither owned nor operated by the owners of the system, and can therefore never be discussed in detail?

Put another way: why are you talking to us about something that you legally can’t talk to us about?

So Scotch came to the conclusion that none of those people who work for smalfi is a girl and that you must be just pretending to be one and a sockpuppet at the same time

Yet my new question lurks

Which one of you had the sex change?

Since you want to dodge the real questions and go around in circles I ask you which of these ugly guys did you used to be?

Were you the ugly one?

The second account I mentioned is this

You are unbelievable!
I’m not working for Smalfi…How many times do I have to tell you?
Anyway, there are more than 600 traders…
as you can see here at smalfi.com

Good research!

NDA you will not find on the Internet.
You can find copyright here on globalforexforum.com


All materials contained in this instructional manual is, as a product of our work and research, the exclusive property of Smalfi Holding Ltd and is
therefore subject to copyright laws in accordance with the Italian legislation and other countries through treaties international.
The contents of this instructional manual cannot be reproduced, copied, disseminated, distributed, modified or incorporated into other websites
in whole or in part in any manner without permission from Smalfi Holding Ltd.
In order to gain written permission, you must belong to the Commercial Organization of Smalfi Planet Ltd and have had the explicit consent to
use the name and the Smalfi trademark.[/I]

How are we suppose to have a discussion if you can’t explain anything due to the NDA clause?

It’s always amusing to me that as time goes on, improvements are made in robberies/heists, hacks, smuggling… But not the people who try to sell services. you’re doing an absolute awful job. Perhaps you don’t realize it, but a system that has 0 loss, only profits, etc etc, brings skepticism, not joy. If you refuse to acknowledge what can kill your account, you’re full of it. Besides, who cares about having a positive profit if net equity is down? That’s like having a winning lotto ticket worth 10 dollars when you had to spend 20 to get there. Here’s another issue of concern: if you’re always in the market hedging, how will you ever exit the market profitably? You’re always holding a net losing position.

Here’s an observation: 12k pips for a 60% increase in 2012 if I read that right. On a 5000 account that’s “profit” of 3k…12k pips… The average position size is 2500 units. Anyone who trades a 5k account knows how incredibly small that is. So if I’m going to be hedging, playing long term, with a small position size… I think I’ll check out MG’s thread. It has the same 3 attributes, only there’s discussion, pictures of trade setups, and it’s free!

We don’t care about Smalfi Holding’s businesses, organizations, trademark, copyright, and even its representative (like yourself). It is irrelevant into this thread and in this forum. As I have mentioned to you before, Advertising/Marketing are NOT welcome here.

Trading strategies/method that are shared for FREE that everyone can learn from with NO string attached (like selling) are welcome.

When presenting your product and services in a real world to your prospective clients and or customers, you have only a 10-15 mins. top to present your speech otherwise you will lose their interest (Selling 101?). You have been posting here for almost a month and obviously NO one here is buying it. Why wasting your time or OUR TIME? Every second count…moved on…

I’ll show you the exit door… just right behind you. Ohh and don’t forget your “Doll” when you walk out… it is not my taste…

I’m simply answering to questions.
If you don’t like, don’t read!
And for another time, I’m not selling anything!

P.S. for LiquidGenius --> I’ll answer you soon

The only thing your preaching is not your system the thing your preaching is tossing a line out and hoping for the best.

[B][U]These aren’t yes or no questions[/U][/B] which you seem compelled to stick to.

Even regular martin-gale sounds safer than this.

Also I’m surprised the mods haven’t clamped down on your commercial advertising yet. I guess nobody has reported you yet since there’s so much entertainment so far.

First of all, as I wrote before, it’s a long term strategy. Your statement above could be true for the first couple of months, but afterwards, when equity reaches the amount of your initial deposit, you will start earning a profit. In fact, since the drawdown of 68%, the account has hit profit and you can withdraw your profit.

Deposit 5628$
Equity 7097$
Balance 9746$

It is an entirely new and different approach to trading, and accordingly you have to start thinking in a different way.
Smalfi does not try to predict the market, but we use the volatility of the cross.

FYI, here is the account update for the end of the month of February

Why do you have to get out of the market when you can continue to take advantage of any movement in price? The strength of this strategy lies in always being IN THE MARKET and taking advantage of every small movement.

No, I’m sorry but you’re mistaken. In 2011, it was 25k pips and 62.5%. In 2012, it was 12k pips for an average return of 29.5%.
The minimum amount of investment for the Smalfi method to work properly is $4,000. This amount is enough to protect your account even in worst-case scenarios where the price goes beyond the upper and lower limit of the cross.

I am totally aware of this. Yet it is the fact of the matter. It would be dishonest for me to say that we have experience losses simply for the sake of affecting credibility. Truthfully, we have never had losses.

Our trading plan was designed on the drawing board, tested for years, and then simplified so that the trader doesn’t have to ask questions.

Even the inexperienced trader unwittingly applies proper strategy – he/she enters orders at a certain price, with a take profit and certain lot-size and stops at certain stakes.

The concept behind the strategy is explained in the course, but to understand it and make it your own, you need to see your account get “up to speed”, i.e. to generate profit without ever questioning the safety of the initial balance.

Smalfi also took extraordinary new measures in testing the user-friendliness of our method. They recruited a test group who were unaware of the fact that the activities they were preforming were for Forex trading.

The test group was simply given the task of following a preset pattern of activities with specific instructions as to what to do under specific situations. Just a few months after their accounts were in profit, they understood exactly what they were doing…

I now understand the pain that my co-worker says he feels when he expressed about how when people are so dug deep in a foolish concept that doesn’t work ex. Martingale. They are totally blind sided by market shifts or the fact that their on a luck streak and that its only a matter of time before the dagger of fate falls.

I laugh at your 4k requirement. If everyone had $4,000 to blow so easily, why are you needing to trade anyways? Go to Vegas every weekend.

I see what you mean by you use the volatility of the cross on a daily. You seem to need to pray to allah,buddah, flying spaghetti monster, or whatever that it will just be a high range of consolidation and not making a new priced extreme and that your “profitable runners” will be taken to hedge against your massive losers.

Lastly could you sound more like a commercial advert. You obviously work for them geeze, try using some common sense.

[B]Common Sense[/B] you either have it or you don’t.

it is up to your targets.
For me Forex is an investiment not a gambling!