Has anyone bought the Transparent Forex Trading mentorship?

mind to share the web link sir ??

Nik is a great guy and legit trader, no hype and just charts, chances are it’s quite likely that he is one of the only real deals out there not trying to sell you the dream, he does have a proper track record, and as you can see from the disclaimers he has on the website as soon as visit it, he also welcomes people to ask him for proof, and so I did it. He also tells you the truth if you speak to him, he tells you that most traders lose money, and it’s the truth, trading is not for everyone, so the other people on social media that try to make it seem easy flashing their expensive cars, are all scams. I tested both his programs, and area 51 now also has free access to his crypto trading course, and Nik is killing it in the crypto space, so definitely worth it now more than ever, I don’t know about the past, just speaking about it currently. I am finally starting to see good results from my forex and crypto trading, and the education Nik provided me helped a big deal to reach this point, so yes I am grateful and I don’t regret joining at all.

May I know what he replied to you when you asked him for proof of his verified record? He still hasn’t sent me his verified myfxbook, just some screen showing his gains on crypto, where were all details except ROI hidden.

win rate of his swing strategy is not high

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the bigger risk reward the lowest the win rate

ICI?? Im really sorry but i dont understand that.

How to join group? please let me in.

Mind sharing it? @Bibsfx

Are you still keen to exchange Area 51 strategy @AlexSC59 and @bibsfx .

After reading the review of Transparent Forex Trading on Trustpilot. I don’t think so sure anymore.

help a brother. …i have wanted to join his membership programm but am broke…that guy (NICK)is like massi in trading…i only need his video tutorials…if there any mean to help get his learning video tutorials…plz

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Look it up online, It’s available

you’re right but this means you had enough capital and you put in abnormal time to grasp the methodology.

his strategy is not perfect but still good.
if you dont have any rule for trade, learning his course will be better.

  1. he teach you to use 1-2 %, which prevent you to get Margin call easy✓
  2. he have clear rule for buy, sell, stop loss, take profit, and when to go break even ✓
  3. the strategy is trend following strategy (except W & M) ✓
  4. the strategy is not good when market sideway, because you ll find stop loss and break even alot
  5. since the strategy using 1:3 risk reward, dont expect to much about win rate. you will find loss strike and break even alot.
  6. for his day trading strategy, its looks really simillar with his swing strategy. the different is the time frame

im not his student, but i know his strategy from online (thanks to internet power)

i ever trade with his swing trade for 6 month, i dont find it profit, but i dont get margin call on that 6 month (remember i m not his student and dont follow his daily market breakdown)

base on all course available online, i admit that his course is one of the best since you will not be confused wheter to buy or sell
all the other course on internet majority just tell you what is support and resistance but dont give you clear rule for entry.

Can you please share the strategy or the link to the strategy online. Thanks.

Nothing special, double tops and botttoms, trend line and fibonnaci. Basic price action.

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what he said are all correct. his mentorship is not worthed at all since all he teach just basic trading which you can find anywhere online.
babypips also teach it for free in education tab, if you buy it then you have been tricked by his marketing strategy since he also pay people to give positive reviews.

This forum values spammers really highly, though.

If you ignore all the crap bot posts, out of the minority left the proportion of promotional posts here is really enormous!

Look at the one just before this: someone who has only ever read a total of 8 posts here bumps a two year old thread to make his very first post claiming that something is “the greatest option.”

Of course it’s a paid post. In any other forum it would obviously not still be here.

But this forum is absolutely PACKED with this stuff.

From years ago and from today and from every day between. :nauseated_face:

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I bought it a while back.
and let me tell you now.
its all bullS

I have bought the full package which includes all of the videos and backtesting, the ICI strategy the WM sh-ity strategy all of those Sh-it.

Its total CAP, most of these so call trading gurus just want to make money from subscriptions , trust and believe they are not earning thousands and thousands of dollars from trading the market online.

Ill give away his course for free…its crap 20 plus videos on his so call trading genius strategy

Hello, any feedback about this question?
I’m interesting too