Have you ever "forced" yourself to trade?

Thank you Heaven! :blush: Hahaha. Tbh, I didn’t expect it to be this time-consuming. :sweat_smile: I’m starting to think I might be the problem. :stuck_out_tongue: Some of my relatives are convincing me to just get married in a super simple ceremony, but I just want everything to be beautiful. </3 I hate to admit that I’m spending less and less time trading as the wedding date approaches. So many decisions to make! :sweat_smile:

I think that’s great! :blush: It’s pretty cool if you can somehow earn from something that helps you escape the stress and frustrations of the world. :smiley:

Walk around while trading on your phone then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Steve! :blush: That makes sense! :smiley: Still, forex is something I enjoy doing. It’s just that it’s hard for me to find the time to actually open a trade. :confused: I’m always outside and I can’t really trade on my phone.

Thanks dushimes! :smiley: Haha. I’m thinking of sending a zoom link so members of the community can come and watch HAHAHAHAA.

That’s true. :confused: But it’s funny how you compared it to working out HAHAHA i never get to force myself to work out anymore. :sweat_smile:

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I also enjoy doing it. :open_mouth: It’s just that I don’t have a lot of time in front of my laptop to do it as often as I would want to. :frowning:

But forex is something I love and enjoy doing. :frowning: It’s really just a matter of time and availability. :frowning:

Well. :sweat_smile: I think revenge trading is always dangerous. :sweat_smile: What more if it’s forced, right?

I used to do that earlier. But now I only trade when it feels right. It did not go well when I was trying to trade just for the sake of it. We should just wait for the right opportunity and move forward with our original plan.

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No, i have never forced myself to trade as, trading forcefully can never give you success in the forex market. One should trade according to his interest in the market.

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Traders should not force themselves to trade. Your performance will be significantly improved if you focus more on improving yourself than on your indicators. If you work on yourself, the results will far exceed your expectations and will even have a good impact on your personality and trading decisions.

No. At the initial stages, I tried to work only at those moments when I was completely ready for it.

As far as I know, I never forced myself to trade. I trade when I am ready for it not just for the sake of doing it

Yes I used to force myself initially to trade but then I realized that the outcomes are getting worse due to lack of focus. We should trade with a sound and calm mind only then we can assure our complete skill in trading else we will just be driven by the emotions and nothing more.

That’s interesting! :open_mouth: If you don’t mind, with that being said, how often do you trade in a week? :open_mouth:

That makes sense. :blush: But I guess it can also differ per person? :thinking:

I don’t. I always trade when I feel like it and have a proper mindset.

In order to build discipline, you have to sometimes force yourself to trade even if you feel lazy. But this is temporary, and once you build discipline of trading forex, there is no longer need to force it.

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Forcing yourself to trade is never a smart idea, in my opinion. Trading while you’re uneasy and not mentally prepared makes trader loose focus and can place a wrong trading strategy. As a trader I trade when I feel am confident and focused.

I have not, and I wouldn’t suggest anyone to do so. Unless and until you like trading, you cannot be profitable no matter how much you force yourself, and how hard you try. When you like what you do, you are automatically interested in taking up challenges, learning about new things, being focused on trades, being disciplined, etc. But forcing yourself will make you hate trading even more.

Love the username! :sweat_smile: It reminds me of one of the products in my skincare routine. :sweat_smile: I think this makes sense. When I talked about being “forced” to trade sometimes, it’s not really about me not wanting to trade, but about forcing myself to find the time to actually trade. :thinking:

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