Have you ever "forced" yourself to trade?

No, I have never forced myself into trading. I only trade when I feel like trading

Thanks for this interesting information!

I used to do that when I was a beginner. I was really scared and ended up not entering trades even when the setup was perfect as per my strategy. But I decided to force myself to trade despite the fear and anxiety. Now, I don’t have to do that as I am much more confident and relaxed as a trader now. It is more about being consistent. One should not give up on a trading opportunity if they happen to find a good setup.

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Sometimes the market gets tedious and I don’t feel like trading anymore. During such times I have to force myself to trade or else I will be at a loss. Consistency is important while trading and we cannot break that.

I am a supporter of the idea that this leads to negative results. It seems to me that it is clearly not worth forcing yourself.

It’s a beginners mindset! You can’t force yourself to generate a good trading setup! If you do, end of the day you will face a huge loss!

I feel like I wasn’t able to explain “force” as clearly as I would’ve wanted. :sweat_smile: Super sorry about that! :open_mouth: When I say “forced,” it’s not that I don’t want to do it. It’s just that I need to really make time for it and squeeze it in my busy schedule. :open_mouth: Maybe I used the wrong word, no?

But still, thank you soooo much for sharing your opinions on this! :blush: I definitely don’t trade when I don’t feel like it, especially since I do it part-time, alongside my full-time job. :smiley:

It would be stupid of to have forced myself to trade in the forex market when I am not willing. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about forex trading that many people believe. One of the most common is that forex traders have to be forceful or aggressive in order to make successful trades. This couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, if you want to succeed in forex trading, you need to adopt a more passive approach.

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Hi there, congratulations and it’s good to have you back! This is a problem faced by many individuals, they can’t seem to balance trading and their personal lives but I think with a little organising and scheduling, it is achievable. Maybe take a break until your wedding is done and then come back with a fresh mind. Good luck!

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I don’t force myself to trade. I decided to start trading in forex because the risk of taking chances and having them pay off is worth my while.

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I think that for a beginner it will only have negative consequences. It should be understood that a beginner should pay attention to learning rather than haste.

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@ria_rose Its good if you think you don’t want to pause your progress but make sure your risk management is in place. In your beautiful time of wedding make sure you go on positively and happily. With trading and its outcomes, I believe force yourself if you are able to take calculated risk. You will not like to burnout or lose anything , even your positivity around this time. Rest it all depends from person to person. If it helps you stay focused, motivated and in balanced spirits go for it. Else come back for it in full spirits once you are back to work.

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No, I don’t and no one should be force themselves to trade because it can result in a massive loss.


I think we all need a nudge to get things done. But if you are giving divided attention, it is better to take off as trading requires full focus. Btw, @ria_rose congratulations, and when is the wedding?

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Trading is something which I have chosen for myself and I try not to do it under pressure. So, I trade only with a free mind and I never force myself to trade as the results are disastrous if you do so.

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Its not something I have ever done.

However, I always feel a little bit more nervous if I have closed all positions and banked profits as the technicals start to decay, leaving me 100% in cash. At this point, getting back into the market following strategy rules takes a little more will-power than usual, so I have to tell myself to just follow the rules.

I feel less nervous when positions overlap so that I am always in the market.

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Forcing yourself to trade won’t work for a long time, you’ll just end up distracted and unable to make clear decisions. It is okay to take a break but keep at least one or two trades open long term so you don’t feel the pressure of pausing and suffering loss.

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Let me be honest; yes, when I was just starting out, I forced myself to trade, but that was a big mistake. Due to my bad choices, I was unable to trade well and suffered significant losses.

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Agree with a lot of the things you shared! :blush: But this particular sentence got me curious. What do you mean by this? :thinking: Are you referring to strategies or systems? :smiley: