Have you ever "forced" yourself to trade?

I think I really need to work on managing my schedule a lot better. :sweat_smile: I get overwhelmed with so many tasks sometimes I end up not being able to do anything at all. :sweat_smile:

But this might be too long. HAHAHA since I’ll be getting married in 2024!

That makes sense. :blush: Are you a full-time trader by any chance? :smiley: Or is it something you also do on the side? :smiley:

Hmmm. :thinking: I guess it’s a different case for a beginner. I think the more exposure they have to trades on demo, the more they’ll be familiar with forex. :thinking:

Thank youuuu! :smiley: A lot of the things you said spoke to me so thank you. :sweat_smile: I’ll try to manage my time properly, but it’s never really a matter of whether I want to trade or not. Because as much as possible, I’d want to grab all the opportunities to trade. :sweat_smile:

Have you ever experienced massive loss because of forcing yourself? :thinking:

Thank you sooo much! :blush: We have a long time to go before the wedding. It’s on January 2024, so I don’t really want to take such a long break from trading. :sweat_smile:

Good for youuu! :blush: It’s nice that you’re really able to dedicate the necessary time to trade and reflect on your trades too. :smiley:

That’s interesting! :blush: I think it’s the first time I’ve heard you share about this. I guess it really differs for full-time and part-time traders cause I get anxious while I still have running trades. :sweat_smile: Does this apply to leaving trades over the weekend? :thinking:

Thank youuu! :smiley: I’ve been the type to take my much needed breaks from trading when I feel like it. :blush: But I guess for now, it’s a matter of managing my time and priorities properly. :thinking:

Oh no. :frowning: :open_mouth: I can see this happening, and definitely understand especially for beginners. :open_mouth: But did you trade on demo before going live? :open_mouth:

Oh yes, I have no nerves at all about holding over the weekend. Of course, stop-losses are always in place.

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Must be nice to not worry at all! I’ve been trading for a while now, but I hope I eventually get to that level of confidence. :pray:

Trading demands your time and calm mind, any forceful thing doesn’t bring out any productivity. So, I haven’t forced myself to trade.

Yeah understandable! :blush: What do you do during times you just don’t feel like trading? :smiley:

I never force myself to trade. I turn my attention away from trading, and I go outside for a walk or read books in the library. Or maybe I watch my favourite shows too. But I make sure that those things aren’t related to trading in any way possible. When I find myself comfortable after a while, I start to trade with new energy.

Forcing oneself to trade can be detrimental to a trader’s success. Trading should not be approached as a mandatory activity, but rather as an opportunity to make informed decisions based on careful analysis and risk management. When you "force” yourself to make a trade, you can make impulsive or reckless decisions that may not be well thought out and can result in significant losses.

I agree with you completely. Only trade when you’re in the right state of being and feel like it.

The state of mind while trading is crucial. If you feel like you are forcing yourself to trade just because you have to, then it is better not to trade as this could increase the risk.

Initially I forced myself to trade but now I don’t try to do so. Forex offers uncertain situations several times. Carefulness in trading is highly essential for us. Traders are very less careful about it, which is their wrong.
So, we should turn our trading effective.

Forcing yourself to trade is a bad idea as it can lead to impulsive or reckless decision-making, as you may feel pressure to meet certain targets or deadlines. This can increase your risk of making costly mistakes or violating your own risk management rules. You could also feel burned out.