Hedgefund and Investment Bank Trades - Follow what the big boys are doing!

Yes those are the same research notes on efxnews… i am trying to keep things simple cause its the newbie island thread. What good is order flow market chatter and rumours in a thread like this?

I stated i will be posting trades that i agree that banks analysts put out or that hedgefunds are looking for and they are not for 100 pips usually.

Where is the efxnews for this information? Really Sad that i take time out of my day to try and help out new traders and have to deal with Forum politics

You will never get inside information, especially not in a forum. When it becomes public knowledge the big boys already moved.

First of all if this was really insider information, and he was leaking then he would be in a lot of legal and regulatory trouble. I have been under contract before, and no one is going to risk that just to post on BP. Multimillion dollar insider trading schemes OK, for a few posts on BP probably not. 2nd of all this is just public information from news wires and the internet, heck he could be making it all up. Plus bids and offers mean nothing, only real completed trades. I can bid and offer all day long and work the book, trap you and then you filled me in the real direction I wanted to go. Only my real fills would have revealed my intentions. So the whole way round this is bogus.

Totally correct, instead of trying to find some insider information, why not work out a way to trade the markets? That way your not reliant on other people to give you false information!

Just my 2 pips.


I have coached hundreds of retails FX traders, the best way for them to make money is to get on to a trend and keep following it while they learn. We teach good habits at the start then at least they dont blow up his account too early. Anything but Short term scalping and candlesticks (never met a professional technical trader that i would trust with my money)

Medium Trade Ideas i Agree with that are being pushed by Hedgefund and banks (Yes these guys are pushing there own book)

USD/CHF Uptrend to 1.0000
USD/JPY Uptrend to Y105
Stay away from EUR/USD
GBP/USD Short to 1.4800
AUD/USD Short to 0.9300
USD/CAD Long to 1.0400


Long EUR/JPY target Y140
Long EUR/AUD target 1.400

Enter off good levels and even if your wrong you should be 50+ in profit enought to manage stops to entry and manage the psychology of letting trades run.

Cheers TradeAlerter

Next Post i make will come straight from a Hedgefund guy and will be a trade i agree with and a short term trade Idea to keep the Daytraders happy.


keep posting what you are posting…despite of some criticism…it will ultimately help us since we do not have access (or time) to search all news…

He can post news that’s fine, but he should not make false statements.

Yes, he should acknowledge the source of the news and no confusion regarding this.

Guys I have heard of this hedgefunds. What you think a new trader should go for it or what is the procedure. I have realized that forex is profitable only if we trade with big players.

Thanks for the scam alert.

You guys do know that efxnews is summarizes research notes put out by the banks? its not exclusive to efxnews? almost every proper trader gets this to his inbox? I explained this once already, in regards to hedgefund trades i can not give you my sources for obvious reasons…

Anyhow Large USD/JPY Stops under Y102, They likely to be targetted after Bernanke Fails to deliver tonight a significant change on QE outline. Alot of funds are taking profit and looking to buy lower.

So some of you guys really think this is insider info? I see very few here use common sense.

So you really want newbies to believe that you violate laws so you can post them on BB for the benefit of the community?

You guys need to learn to read, big banks will talk their own books. Hedgefunds will talk their own books. Fair bit of tall poppy syndrome going on in this thread. Dont hate me cause i am beautiful :59:

Those funds that took Profit on long USD/JPY will be looking to re-enter now higher than previously, dont try to sell the USD/JPY till closer to Y104 where talk of a China Options barrier true or false will prompt profit taking. The big target for bulls is Y105. The support should be now just below Y103 but be careful we are quite high and any ‘clarification’ from the FED may hurt the technicals. The other major threat to the uptrend is a stock market correction which would lead to major EUR/JPY and AUD/JPY selling and this could overwhelm the USD/JPY demand.

Trade Safely

NIKKEI Down 1100 points from Open, DO NOT BUY USD/JPY untill the selling is over

It shd go to 105…just wait a while, ur right

Well said. Well all need liquidity to come from somewhere and I much don’t feel like paying for my future house on my own. Why should I not have more money and easy money if the idiot who’s too lazy to research on their own to simple hit google and look up forexfactory, bloomberg, reuters, yahoo finance, google finance, to name a few. It’s like information is so difficult to obtain now a days by the time we get it we only snap 2 pips from a 100 pip move! Like ermegerd… it’s almost as if you need to put in some effort or work to make money in this business -.-

I’ll brb need to find rich wife online…

Hop you all did well i bought some USD/JPY at Y101 but i didnt hold for Y102, such wild a wild trading day. I am looking at long EUR/AUD and Short AUD/USD on rallies as the easy trade in the markets. I missed 1.3250 on the EUR/AUD overnight but actually want a pop on AUD/USD to 0.9850 to sell and 1.3100 on the EUR/AUD on the dip.

Ofc it’s gonna be wild when BB, the talking beard, does double talk…