Hi, I am new to the community, and looking for a good mentor

Hi, all

I am new to the community and love give it a go as I recently find trading as a passion and love to learn from the scratch. Hopefully I can find some good friends and mentors here.



I think YouTube is the best source to learn. You can also try the school of pipsology school.

which forex books are very good for beginners.


New traders need a lot of support. New traders need a lot of help on how to select a broker, how to analyze, how to manage risk. Newbie traders are ignorant about trading when they join trading. And to turn this ignorance into experience, a lot of cooperation is needed.

Thanks @OronzoCapon


This book is a must for all traders.

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Thanks for the info,i heard Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets-John J. Murphy is also good.Any cons and pros???

Hi @YUI2021

What’s your knowledge with regards to trading?

Do you know the core metric that runs through speculation?

Try babypips.com/school

First of all, understand that FX trading is speculative, there are no monetary guarantees, ever, and that over 75% of newbies lose their capital.

That’s the reality.

To take FX seriously, construct a written plan detailing where you are now, where you want to be at a future date, and how you’re going to achieve your objectives. Then pin it up on the wall so you can look at it each day, and aim to move forward 1% at a time.

Next, realise that to become proficient and profitable, it will take many months of hard work. You can start your education journey by pressing the green button above.

best of luck.

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Mentor is a very complicated issue in this community , i always support Forex Mentor but right now so many mentor in online and most of them are found to be scams.

yes its difficult to find a right one to ensure good knowledge and experience. as newcomer it is important more and more.

I am also new to trading, i am currently going through the babypips education and its helping out alot . i will suggest you also go through it. All the best

Hi, Richard,

sorry for the late reply, i was working on other stuff these days, and i feel really supportive and warm from the community. I know the basic at the moment and only interested in crypto, and i personally believe the market is growing despite its unpredictable nature. However, I choose to believe it in next 10 years time, there will be massive adoption and the area i am looking for are trading, leaning new technology and future adoption, ICO and IDO. I had so far tried to have a few trades on Binance and up and down in a manageable manner. i had watched as much video, articles and books and find out the useful strategy for myself, and i believe every traders are unique and need to find its own strategy to suit themselves.

thanks kancho, i do watched a lot of youtube videos and filter useful information with my own judgement.

Agree, and I am currently learning from the scratch and to build a solid foundation and understanding.

It is hard to find, need some luck.

Love your mindset with the money risk management and patience which is easy to say but hard to follow. But i believe thats what differentiate the experience and non experience one. Sometimes lose affordable money is a good thing to learn the past mistakes.

Sounds like you are more interested in investing than trading.

Trading bitcoin and any crypto is very very hard because of the volatility.

I personally do not trade them but have a holding in bitcoin for long term.

My advice is find out exactly how you want to interact with the market and then seek to learn about that as much as possible.

Books, videos, articles are great. But no substitute for real experience. However, you need to have a basic and fundamental knowledge of what you are doing before risking real money in a market swimming with sharks waiting for newbies to eat.

I can understand. Finding a perfect mentor for yourself is a task. If they don’t understand your natural trading style, things can go down hill pretty quickly.