How can I get an investor to work TOGETHER

i was thinking something very similar

To cut a long story short…so if an investor or two had decided to take a gamble and invest a decent amount of funds based solely on the original poster’s sincerity could someone please tell me what would have been the outcome?

How many are you committed to show what I have you can invest with?
Do you mental energy?
I never diapered. Am still strong. You’ve to give me the condition

If someone is really serious, come inbox so that we commit each other. Give me your conditions of maximum drawdown. Because Trading is all about controlling DOWNSIDE. The account is still running. But I managed to hold unrealized loss of 10% which isn’t healthy to Trading. I need someone who is real so even myself I take it seriously as a business or my real job.

I joined babypips long time but I don’t post often so I don’t have an experience how can I write the . Message like this and delete it without deleting the whole post only subpost

Your demo account began with a $5,000.00 balance.

You are currently holding:

Total trades=6

Total lots: 5.20 SELL

Instrument: US30

Your current drawdown(p/l) is: -$556.85

That is negative 11.13% drawdown.

PL Update: negative $1,000 (-20%)

PL Update negative $1,500 (-30%)


This position had a drawdown of almost 40% negative, it did almost hit his take profit but now it’s heading back into the negative.

I’m really sad to report that I have Goldman Sachs on the line and they were going to back you up to the tune of a bunch of money but I think we can forget about that now.

I think McDonald’s is hiring.

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You’ve to burn demo accounts not more than 1000s accounts before heading to a profitable and consistent raising equity curve. Love failures and losses none who never ever failed.

Embrace the side that human mind doesn’t love to hear or see like losses, failures, errors, mistakes, go against the crowd. It’s only way that you can succeed.

Iam really loser , I failed the challenge that I gave myself. I think even a 4yr boy/girl could do this challenge better than me. But I’ve to try another demo challenge account. Am ready to fail 10000 times before I stand up.

Well it’s great that you’re being honest with yourself. Now you have something to work on and you can stress less about finding an investor.

If you’re just an investor come on talk. Give me an interview, you’re hiring me. Then make sure you commit yourself

Hello . I dont really seek someone to fund me. I trade only my personal funds…
In my country i need to do alot of paper work before i can get someone’s money. This will take alot of time from me ,wich i dont have . And also i dont want because last time i try to make around 7-10% monthly ,but for many investors 10% monthly is not enough.

To encourage an investor to work together with you, it’s essential to approach the situation professionally and demonstrate the potential mutual benefits of collaboration.