How do you stay motivated?

I’ve been demo trading for a short time. I don’t know if it’s because I’m only trading with a demo account but I feel like I’m slowly losing interest.

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The real money account did it for me. Just like $30 in a bonus my broker was offering. Kept to my 1-2% risk per trade. Felt different since it was real. Got me going.

What’s your trading strategy? How’s that going?

What is making you lose interest?
Let me tell you a story of a Lagos Stranger, if you won’t mind.

This stranger is the Uncertainties that’s in the market; and within this uncertainties lies gains & pains. Accept this uncertainties, embrace and figure out the gains & pains if you wanna be one of the most outstanding man of Lagos.

Maybe you should rest from trading for a while and back to trading after six months or a year.

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It’s always a difficult one, it also depends on what type of trader you want to be/are…

I find when I hit these moments, then use the time to study charts, look over some past and see what correlated, reversals / congestion, and why they happened.

For me, the rule for my style is that you don’t always have to trade, the days you don’t, study and learn!

Also… getting onto real will be much more benificial, you will lose and you will win, but take each one as a learning opportunity, demo’s take away your emotion and risk, not the best way to learn.

Actually, it’s about mindset. But I would suggest you don’t go for live trading until you are making consistent profit on demo account.

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Don’t you think it’s a big gap? I can’t hold myself off from trading for a week. I think investing time in learning can be effective and demo trading shouldn’t be stopped.


you can’t, but everyone is different, maybe @blueskies18 need it.

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Unfortunately, women’s handle better in financial world than man’s.


What can I say , it is what it is.

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Hey there, I understand that demo trading can be a bit dull and make you lose interest. Why don’t you try taking a break or mixing it up a bit by exploring new markets or trading strategies? Setting specific goals can also help keep you motivated and engaged. Remember, trading is a journey, and it’s okay to take breaks or try new things along the way.

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I follow scalping strategy and I can gain profit by following this strategy. But some of my pitfalls make me suffer a lot in the market.

Then you can start live trading with a small capital invested. It will lift up your motivation again.

I take break from trading at times and go on travels to keep my mind fresh and don’t think of previous losses.

If you feel you are losing interest in demo trading, you can start live trading with a small capital. But don’t over trade and revenge trade.

Probably time to go live TBH. That’s exactly how I felt when I first started! Trading with real (but just a tiny amount of) money helped me a TON.

I guess I should try that out.

To me, demo trading is like waiting. Nice story. Thanks for this.

Thanks but I think staying away for 6 months will make me totally lose interest.